#best friend quotes


Good friends.Goodfriends.

Get yourself good friends. Get yourself friends who you adore, friends who call you cute, friends you have something in common with, friends you can dance with, friends who make you laugh, friends who are just as dumb as you, friends who are definitely dumber than you, friends who make fun of you, friends you enjoy with. But perhaps most mundanely importantly, friends who you are comfortablewith.

Comfort is such an integral but overlooked part of any human relationship. It’s the innate warmness of knowing that you can be a smouldering mess and they won’t mind. Such a happy realisation that this stretch of space between you and them is your own, without the mortifying ordeal of being know.

Comfort is a higher level of tuning, a deeper understanding. It’s something that only time and trust can grow. Somebody you can be with without making your brain do laps and push ups. No thoughts, head empty. Just straight up vibes.

It’s the joy of meeting your friend in pjs. The chaotic excitement of a thousand texts you send your best friend when embarrassing shit goes down. The straightforward trust of “I don’t like this, can you stop doing this?” And the sincerity of “I won’t, from now on.”

Get yourself goodfriends. Friends who are on the same page, friends who communicate, friends who you want to support, friends who you connect with, friends who you trust, friends who trust you, friends who understand you, friend who feel like warm blankets, friends who taste like soup, friends who remind you of characters, friends who you can hug. Friends who love you for who you are, friends who you love for who they are. Friends who feel warm and fuzzy and sweet and gentle and real.

Get yourself friends who feel like comfort.

“Do you know how much it hurts to constantly be there for everyone? To keep there secrets comfort them when they’re sad and pick them up from a bad situation. Then the one time you really need someone you’re left alone everyone is too busy or doesn’t care. They choose everyone over you even when you chose them over everybody.”

10:15am 9/29/20 j
