
typhlonectes: Pirri Range Harlequin Frog (Atelopus glyphus) This critically endangered Stub-foot Ttyphlonectes: Pirri Range Harlequin Frog (Atelopus glyphus) This critically endangered Stub-foot T


 Pirri Range Harlequin Frog (Atelopus glyphus)

This critically endangered Stub-foot Toad or Harlequin Toad, family Atelopidae, is native to the cool montane forests of NW Columbia and Southern Panama. The female is larger than the male, with maximum lengths reaching 36 mm - males, females - 48 mm. Like the other frogs in this genus, it lays its eggs in strings beneath rocks in fast moving streams. The species has declined considerably due to climate change, habitat disturbance, and the chytrid fungus. A population has been taken into an assurance colony in Panama for breeding and protection from the frog killing chytrid fungus.

photographs by Brian Gratwicke | Smithsonian Tropical Research

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In discussions about gender and sex, it’s very likely that sooner or later, someone will claim that “biological sex is a spectrum”. Usually, they will point to intersex conditions as a way to argue that male and female aren’t clearly defined categories, or that there are multiple sexes that exist on a continuum. Here’s why this is not true: 

An organism’s biological sex is defined by the type of gamete their reproductive anatomy is organized to produce: sperm or eggs. Males develop towards the production of small gametes, called sperm; and females develop towards the production of large gametes, called ova. 

Since there are no intermediate gametes between sperm and eggs, and since there is no third kind of gamete, there are only two sexes: male or female. There are only two kind of sex cells, therefore, only two kinds of sexes. 

Sex is binary: there are no additional sexes other than male or female, and sex does not fall on a spectrum of infinite possibilities. Your sex corresponds to one of two possible developmental pathways your body went down on to support the production of either sperm or eggs. 

Human sexual dimorphism is so consistent, that more than 99.98% of births are unambiguously male or female. We rely on these clear differences between males and females to sexually reproduce, via the fusion of sperm and ova, in order to perpetuate the species. 

Sex in humans is genetically determined at conception (when the sperm fertilizes the egg), specifically by the presence or absence of a functioning SRY gene, which typicallly finds itself on the Y chromosome provided by the father. 

  • The present (and active) SRY gene differentiates the baby’s gonads into testes, and supports the production of small gametes (sperm). The fetus develops male.
  • The absent (or inactive) SRY gene differentiates the baby’s gonads into ovaries, and supports the production of large gametes (eggs). The fetus develops female. 

Thanks to the SRY gene, sex determination in humans (and mammals in general) is completely dimorphic. This doesn’t mean, however, that variations don’t occur within this binary system. This is where intersex people come in.

Intersex people have rare conditions called Differences in Sex Development (DSDs for short). Intersex conditions are contingent on innate, physical bodily characteristics, not personal identity or expression. What defines intersex people is that their innate sex characteristics differ from medical norms. Intersex is not an identity or a feeling, but a biological reality. 

Intersex people are neither an amorphous mixture of sex characteristics, nor a third sex, nor “hermaphrodites”. People with DSDs are still male or female like every single other human being, they simply have differences in how their bodies developed in anatomy and physiology towards being male or female. 

Differences in Sex Development are congenital medical conditions of the reproductive system which affect males and females differently. DSDs are sex-specific. There are males who have intersex conditions and females who have intersex conditions. 

To illustrate how DSDs are not exceptions to the binary system of sex, I’ll use three examples:

  1. In very rare circumstances, a fetus may develop with a chormosome variation of XXY. Or even rarer, XXXY. Despite the extra X chromosome, these cases develop as male, thanks to the present and active SRY gene on the Y chromosome that triggers the developmental pathway that supports gonadal differentiation into testes and sperm production. These babies are male
  2. Sometimes, a fetus with an XX karyotype has a translocation of the SRY gene that results on the SRY being present on the X chromosome, instead of the Y. Thanks to the present and active SRY gene on the X chromosome, testicular tissue is developed and the baby develops towards the production of sperm. These babies are also male.
  3. In some intersex cases, a fetus with an XY karyotype, but with an inactive, although present, SRY gene, develops as female. With this gene being inactive, the gonadal tissue differentiates into ovaries that support the production of eggs. These babies are female

So, looking at sex determination and the role of the SRY gene in the development of reproductive anatomy, we can clearly see that sex is completely binary. The baby either supports sperm production, or egg production. There is no “in-between” or a third kind of development. In no way is sex a spectrum or an undefinable category. 

There are plenty of sex differences between males and females: chromosomes, hormone levels, gonadal tissue, gene expression, genital anatomy, weight, height, muscle mass and bone density, for example. No matter the type of variation in characteristics, biological sex is and forever will be, defined by the type of gamete your body develops to produce. Males support small gamete production and females support large gamete production. Two gametes = two sexes. 

Biologists do not support the claim that variation of chromosomes, gonads or hormones is equivalent to “new sexes”. Sex is the developmental pathway your body went on to produce sperm or eggs. Variation in development does not mean one becomes a different sex. Intersex conditions are anatomical variations within males and females, not “new sexes”. XXY males are still males, and XO females are still females. 

Intersex people are tired of being used as pawns in anti-scientific arguments made by activists who use the complexity of DSD conditions as a way to muddle and confuse the discussion about biological sex. Sex is still binary, even when you consider intersex conditions.

Don’t let activists confuse you and convince you that your scientific knowledge is “outdated” or “bigoted”. Don’t let social justice activists persuade you by taking advantage of your likely unfamiliarity with intersex conditions and fool you into thinking science supports the existence of more than two sexes. Gender theorists are not scientists, and they lack severe understanding of biology and DSD conditions. 

In these arguments, don’t let it slip your mind that sex is, always has been and always will be universally defined by the kind of gamete production your body supports; not by anatomical variations in sex development. When the definition of biological sex is clear to you, it will become much less likely that these con artists manage to confuse you into thinking “sex is a spectrum”, that there are “more than two sexes” or that “it’s impossible to clearly define male and female categories”. 

Using intersex conditions as a “gotcha” in arguments about gender and sex serves trans activists and gender theorists no purpose: the fact that people with DSDs exist does not mean that human beings can switch sex, that sex is a spectrum or that unambiguously male and female people (99.98%+ of births) can become the opposite sex. 

Social justice activists do not need to lie about science and erase the reality of the sex binary in order to advocate for acceptance and inclusion of people who express themselves in different ways in society. SexIS still a binary.


OK I dont normally reblog this kinds of stuff but as a geneticist (AKA a Biologist) this post has me livid. OP makes throws in a lot of biology facts to “support” the argument that sex is binary. They present an argument that biological sex is binary, then makes a blanket statement about ALL biologists believing that sex is binary. BOTH of these statements are untrue BUT the main argument presented is fundamentally wrong.

They argue that sex is defined by the gonads you can make. The entire argument and all the supporting facts HINGE on this assumption. But this is wrong for 2 very big resons.

Reason 1: Sex cannot binary if defined by Gonad production because doing so would would result in either 4 sexes or an incomplete definition of sex. Firstly OP is correct that in humans two types of gonads are possible. However there are at least 4 distinct sexes possible based on biological outcomes that have been observed in humans. 1) Those that make sperm, 2) those that make eggs, 3) those that make both (i.e. True hermaphroditism), and 4) those that make none. Thus there are at least 4 sexes (by this definition sex is not binary). You could argue that cases 3 and 4 dont count as sexes, BUT if you do that you are excluding a proportion of the population and thus the definition itself is inadequate and that’s why many IF NOT MOST biologists DON’T use gonad production do define sex. A definition that only sometimes works is not a good definition, and that way most biologists actually moved away from using phenotypes to define sex and actually is standard NOW to use genotypes (chromosomes present) to define sex.

Reason 2: Sex is NOT defined by developmental pathway and has not been for quite sometime. OP makes the argument that genotype (chromosome number) is not used to define sex but it actually is. And it has been done so for quite sometime in most of biology. This is because whereas genotypes are concrete/defined, phenotypes ( example developmental pathways) are not. Phenotypes can come about through complex combinations of genetics and environment and in the Biology they have been shown time and time again to be inadequate for defining biological categories conclusively. My favorite example is the tumblr joke about coconuts. You look at a coconut and say this “This coconut has hair and it makes milk, it must be a mammal” but obviously its not. This is an extreme example but the point it makes is actually that using phenotypic characteristics to place biological organisms into categories is shaky at best and can be outright wrong. That’s why Evolutionary Biologists EXCLUSIVELY look at DNA sequence to infer evolutionary histories. Thats also why SEX cannot be defined by phenotype and must be defined by genotype, and thats why most biologists dont actually use gonad production OR developmental pathway to define sex. Because genotype is just a MUCH better definition of sex. THUS if sex is defined by genotype then that means that it cannot be binary. This is because many different combinations of chromosomes and genes exist!

NOW one last thing I want to add is that OP throws in a lot of biological examples but that breaks down because the fundamental argument is flawed. HOWEVER, I notice that OP also adds some non-biology based rhetoric to try to discredit/cover their argument, that i think is worth addressing.

1- OP presents a FALSE statistic that states that 99.98% of people are born either Male or Female. This places .02% of births as sexually non-dimorphic ie NOT male or female. This statistic flat out wrong and it is estimated that 1.7% of births are actually sexually non-dimorphic (source).

2- OP uses blanket statements to make it seem that EVERONE in a particular group is of a similar mindset as them. for example : “Intersex people are tired of being used as pawns in anti-scientific arguments made by activists…”, “Biologists do not support the claim that…” This is untrue as variation in opinions is a thing that just exists. I cannot speak for intersex peoples BUT as a biologists I very clearly support the claim SEX IS NOT BINARY.

3- OP per-emptively tries to discredit facts or opinions that discredit thier own view by appealing to the emotional side of the reader. example : “Don’t let activists confuse you and convince you that your scientific knowledge is “outdated” or “bigoted” .” “Social justice activists do not need to lie about science” This makes it pretty clear that OP’s logic is not sound enough to hold the argument together by itself. OP knows the holes in their argument and while the may superficially sound correct because of the use scientific terminology OP knows the flaws of their argument and so has to rely on appealing to the emotional side of the reader to make up for lack soundness in logic.

4- OP has disabled comments preventing discussion DESPITE providing a supposedly “evidence-based” argument for the support of their view.

OK sorry for the long post but I simply could not let this slide past my dash and keep getting notes. Ive been doing studying genetics/gene expression for the the better part of a decade and I will not stand for this. MOST biologists agree Sex is not binary no matter the definition you use.

TLDR: Sex is not binary no matter the definition you use, its that simple.

The only reason you’re “livid” is because you literally didn’t understand the post. This reblog is just you misinterpreting my argument at every corner. 

Sex is defined by the kind of gamete production your reproductive anatomy develops to support. That definition works 100% of the time. Males support sperm production, females support egg production. I literally never said sex is defined solely by gonads, but by reproductive organization. That was just your personal interpretation getting in the way. 


Alright, adressing your “points”: 

1. What you’re referring to is called “ovotesticular disorder” (OT-DSD), formerly referred to as “true hermaphroditism” (the name you used is very outdated) which is an intersex condition where an individual develops both ovarian and testicular tissue. That is so absurdly rare, that only about 500 cases of this disorder were seen in medical literature. Like ever. Less than 500 cases in the history of Medicine. I’ll adress it regardless.

But still, even fetuses that develop both ovarian and testicular tissue are still male or female. Because one tissue predominates over the other, and based on that, a team of doctors and medical specialists will determine the individual’s sex. They fit within the sex binary. 

How are you a biologist if you deadass think human beings can be hermaphrodites? Did you seriously claim there are human beings who produce both gametes? People with OT-DSD will not have both tissues functioning on the same body, at the same time. There are no cases of people having both fully functioning ovaries and fully functioning testes on the same body. They cannot produce both gametes at the same time. Where did you get the informtion that they produce both gametes? One reproductive organization will always predominate over the other. People with ovotesticular disorder do not possess both sets of reproductive anatomy. 

That is why people with OT-DSD are not hermaphrodites: they cannot fulfill both reproductive roles at the same time. They are always male or female. 

Using peopple with OT-DSD as a way to argue that because some babies are born with tissues of both sexes, then sex isn’t a binary is the same thing as to use people who -because of a genetic malformation- are born with only one leg as a way to argue that humans aren’t bipedal. That logic you used is profoundly unsound. 

There are only three kinds of human beings: A) Those who functionally produce sperm (males), B) those who functionally produce eggs (females), and C) those who produce neither gamete (still male or female, depending on their reproductive organization). There are NO human beings who functionally produce both sperm AND eggs on the same body, at the same time. That’s a lie. Seriously can’t believe you just tried to argue otherwise. 

2. Also, where did you get the information that “karyotype alone defines biological sex exclusively”? Here’s why karyotype variations are not sexes.

If sex isn’t defined by your reproductive organization to support gamete production, then what is it defined by? Let me ask you this: what other reproductive organizations are there other than male and female in humans? What other reproductive sex cells are there? What other developmental pathways to gamete production are there? I really wanna hear your answers to that. 

Again, I literally never said “someone’s phenotypic characteristics define their biological sex”. You just can’t read. You inferred that on your own. 

Where did you get the information that chromosomes exclusively define biological sex? In your social studies class?

You seem to be extremely confused by my argument: I do not think sex is defined by phenotype, nor by gonads, nor by sex characteristics, nor by karyotype, nor by anything else you individually interpreted from my very clear post. Sex is defined based on the gamete production your body supports. If you’re a male, your body develops to support sperm production. If you’re a female, your body develops to support egg production. If you wrote an entire text because you didn’t understand that from the original post, that’s on you.

Here’s what evolutionary biologist Colin Wright has to say about that: sex is not a spectrum

This means that even individuals who have variations in their anatomy, karyotype, sex development, genital morphology, hormone levels and secondary sex characteristics are NOT “new sexes”, but variations within males and within females. Human beings either develop to support egg production or sperm production. That’s it. 

Intersex people produce atypical chromosomal, hormonal and genital variations, but these variations do not create “new sexes”. Sex is your type of reproductive organization to support either sperm or egg production. Even if intersex people have atypical combinations of hormones, genitals and chromosomes, their biology is still organized around either sperm or ova. Sex related traits may vary, but the ultimate distinction between the sexes is found in gametes. DSDs do not form new sexes, but rather show the variation within males and within females.

As to the non-scientific aspect of the post (not that the first aspect was particularly scientific in the first place, but okay):

1. The “1.7% prevelance of intersex conditions” presented by Dr Anne Fausto Sterling was completely debunked in this scientific article

99.98% of births are unambiguously male or female. The remaining 0.02% can be a little harder to classify, but they are still male or female. The “1.7% of births being ambiguous” statistic you cited is absurd. It included babies with Klinefelter Syndrome, for example, which most clinicians do not even consider “intersex”, because only males develop that condition. Saying that would mean that intersex conditions are as common as red hair. Think things through, maybe.

2. This is simply tone policing. Ridiculous. Ask real intersex people on this app to find out just how thrilled they are to be used as pawns by transgender activists. And yes, some biologists (like yourself) like to twist around definitions and purposely ignore the universal definition of biological sex being the kind gamete production your body supportsjust so they can twist around, be politically correct and claim “sex is a spectrum”. You purposely ignored that specific definition of biological sex because there’s no way you could argue that there are infinite sexes with that one, lmao

3. Genuiney: what? I presented my argument of biological sex being a binary with facts and logic. Again, this is just more tone policing from you: I am completely against pseudoscientific gender activists using DSD conditions they literally don’t understand to argue “sex is a spectrum”. Of course I am going to criticize that deplorable behavior on MY post about this specific phenomena, and just because it bothers you specifically, doesn’t mean it shows any “holes in my logic”, as you arrogantly pointed out. Not all of us feel the need to be politically correct all the time, so that’s why it bothers you to see others not doing that

4. Comments are literally enabled. And everything I presented IS fact-based. Unlike you, who failed to present a single peer reviewed, scientific article describing the other reproductive organizations other than male and female there are in humans. 

So,@plant-with-a-penis, how about you actually read my argument through before you started implying I defined biological sex according to gonads only? How about you actually understood the argument thoroughly before claiming I thought phenotypes and genitals define sex? How about you didn’t invent that humans can be hermaphrodites? How about you didn’t use tone policing as a way to pretend my arguments “have holes” in them? How about you didn’t use debunked statistics on the prevalence of intersex conditions in your politically correct arguments? 

Everything you did in this reblog was exactly what gender activists attempt to do in their arguments about gender and sex. Do you not realize that? Here’s what you did, in this reblog alone:

  • Attempted to use intersex conditions as a way to argue sex is a spectrum
  • Complete disinformation about DSDs (see what you said about OT-DSD)
  • Minsinterpretation of scientific arguments and biological facts
  • Attempted to confuse others to muddle the conversation
  • Used debunked statistics and outdated medical terms

I guess it couldn’t be more stereotypical if you tried. Sex IS still a binary even when you consider chromosome variations, genital morphology variations and differences in sex development. Are you still “livid”? Nice try though

SEX IS NOT BINARY (response)

Oof there was a lot to parse through here but for the sake of true and accurate information and taking into account time restrictions, Ipulled out to be the key points of OPs logic that are the most important:

Arguement: “Sex is defined by the kind of gamete production your reproductive anatomy develops to support

Again, this definition does not take into account individuals that are able to support production BOTH gametes or who cannot support production of either gametes. By OPs own definition there are again at least 4 sexes. OP does not seem to understand that reproductive anatomy/organization is infact phenotype.

Argument: OP argues that individuals that are unable to produce gametes will be considered male or female based on reproductive organization.

Unfortunatley this is not true as individuals unable to produce Gametes can have a mixture of reproductive organization/structure this again breaks down the main point of OPs logic.

Arguement: OP argues that true hermaphroditism is rare enough to constitute NOT being classified as its own sex. As evidence OP uses Ovotesticular disorder (OP-DSD).

This is where we get into semantics. Individuals with OP-DSD is not true hermaphrodites as by definition ( see the video OP linked) these individuals cannot fulfill both reproductive roles. OP is choosing an arbitrary threshold to discredited cases of true hermaphroditism. The truth is that rare or not the cases exist. Their very existence discredits the argument that sex is binary no matter how rare.

Arguement: Variations in the number and combination of sex chromosomes do not constitute a different sexes. OP cites post by the non-peer reviewed group “paradox institute”.

This one is actually really easy! More and more biologists are moving away from using larger phenotypes (reproductive structures included ) for categorizing biological organisms. This is because as I mentioned before using phenotypic categories to classify organisms is shaky at best and flat out wrong at worst. The article cited by OP does not actually provide reasoning beyond WHY reproductive role is a better definition of sex over sex chromosome number or combination. Instead, the writer chooses to state that reproductive role is a “better definition” but no concrete biological evidence is given above the “this is how it was done in the past” self-affirming argument.

Last remarks!

Beyond that I would like to point out that OP again chooses to appeal to the readers emotional response RATHER than relying on sound logic. Insults and false equivalences are very prominent throughout their response. In particular OP attempts to bait, distract and also flood the readers in order to distract readers from picking up on the flawed logic.

That being said I would like to reiterate that even by OPs own definition sex is not Binary.

TLDR: Sex is still not binary

There are many different reasons why biologists do not classify humans by karyotype alone, including the fact chromosomal aneuploidy and monosomy are already diagnosable conditions within the male and female sexes and apply to the forty-four other chromosomes (autosomes) as well. “[Extra chromosomes] arising through chromosome mis-segregation during meiosis is a major cause of infertility and inherited birth defects… Nevertheless, most aneuploid mammalian embryos do not develop properly and it is well documented that monosomies and most trisomies fail embryonic development. This represents the major cause for reduced fecundity in humans, and demonstrates that when aneuploidy arises at the time of fertilization that it severely compromises embryonic development.” Designating someone a different sex over chromosomal irregularities makes no sense when an active SRY gene determines more than the Y chromosome’s presence in general. I can’t tell if the refusal to refute anything within her links was not reading them or not being able to. But I do highly recommend biologist Zach Elliott’s animated work for anyone who wants to learn more about intersex conditions through short and informative animations:

A credentialed biologist would know better. No DSD supports sperm and ova within one person, which is also why intersex rights organizations campaigned to move away from the inaccurate ‘hermaphrodite’ label because humans never have fully formed and functional sets of both sex organs, the ability to swap reproductive role, or the ability to impregnate themselves, as hermaphroditic species do. Although grouped under the same diagnosis, people with ovotesticular disorder will only have features of both ovarian and testicular tissue in common with one another. They would not make up a discrete new sex anymore than arbitrarily grouping males and females with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia together under a new sex.

  • The gonads may present any combination of ovary, testes, or combined ovary and testes (ovotestes). An ovotestis is present in about two-thirds of the affected individuals. The gonad may also appear as a streak gonad which is characterized by a non-functional dysgenetic tissue with increased fibrous component. Being reported to occur in only 1.2% of all cases of ovotesticular DSD, the combination of ovotestis-streak gonad is extremely rare.
  • Most commonly detected chromosomal makeup among patients with ovotesticular DSD is a 46, XX karyotype. In approximately 10% of patients with a 46, XX karyotype, the presence of the testicular tissue is the result of the SRY gene being translocated to the X chromosome or another chromosome. Genetic variations of other genes, such as duplication of SOX9, mutations in RSPO1, or NR5A1 genes, can also be present in cases with a 46, XX karyotype.

As of 2008, there have been only 11 reported cases of fertility in a true hermaphrodite (sic) which makes this contention of having both even dumber since most don’t produce any gamete. Ovotestis and streak gonads never contain viable haploid cells. This is an obvious confusion of gonadal tissue with gametes. Nothing the Op argued supports four sexes enough to raise twice in counterpoint. A credentialed biologist would also know sterility does not negate anyone’s sex, and we’re no different than those without DSDs.

Biological sex is determined by our role in reproduction because…this is the entire purpose behind sexual dimorphism in any species! Please go back to biology class when sex determination and sex differentiation were introduced, or ask a real biologist for clarification.

Our blog can receive messages through @notyourintersexpawn​ if further information on the science behind human sexual development is required, or if you’re open to a conversation how ostracizing us over variations of sex development follows a cruel legacy.

Thank you so much for elaborating on this so clearly and being so evidence based! @not-your-intersex-pawn

Sex isn’t strictly a matter of potential for gamete production either, which explains why intersex births with true ambiguity necessitate a multidisciplinary team to interpret the results of comprehensive medical testing. (More on whyandhow.)


Both the original argument and Plant-with-a-penis had one element correct. His contradiction would’ve made more sense if, instead of ignoring how extra or missing chromosomes are already grouped into the two sexes, he emphasized how chromosomal makeup is noted on medical charts and in literature as something like “45,X/46,XX” “49,XXXXY” “47,XYY” “48,XXXX” to distinguish the pathophysiology within their sex. He’d still be wrong, of course, since we don’t have a credible scientific-based justification for the arbitrary expulsion of intersex males with x-inactivation systems neutralizing their extra chromosome. 


This also reflects back on previous conversations about the failure of so-called inclusive language isolating body parts or functions excluding intersex people, and how we need laypeople to understand external intersex traits directly reflect on dysfunctional internal systems. Nothing about the human body can be regarded in isolation. We belong to a whole and need to be regarded as such. Intersex conditions actually prove we’re not interchangeable parts. 

Quoll Returns to the Australian Mainland After 50 YearsOn March 1st, Fourteen eastern quolls were re

Quoll Returns to the Australian Mainland After 50 Years

On March 1st, Fourteen eastern quolls were released into Australia’s mainland to rebuild their population because of a team’s effort from Australian National University. Since the 1770′s, quoll numbers have been declining due to many dangers such as habitat loss and predators that include foxes, wild dogs, and cats.

The quoll is carnivorous and feeds on smaller mammals, small birds, lizards, and insects. Until now, it has inhabited inland parts of Australia. There are six current species(pictured is the tiger quoll). The larger of which live longer than the smaller, with an average life span of two to five years.

So, whats the point of this translocation? Well, quolls are important to the functioning of the mainland ecosystem where they regulate the prey species. The released quolls will have radio tracking collars to be monitored.

Fact about the quoll: Male and female quolls only meet for mating, and male den territories often overlap female territories. However, they have communal toilets where they may have up to 100 droppings in them.

Photo by:  joshua cunningham via Flickr

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Only Three Northern White Rhinos leftThe northern white rhinoceros is one of the two sub-species of

Only Three Northern White Rhinos left

The northern white rhinoceros is one of the two sub-species of the white rhinoceros. They are extinct in the wild, but live in zoos.

Nola, a 41 year-old rhino who lived in the San Diego zoo, had to be euthanized yesterday, because of a severe bacterial infection. The other three rhinos live in a zoo in Kenya where they are constantly watched due to poaching concerns. The other three are two males and one female who are too old to reproduce naturally, however, sex-cells have been harvested in attempt to save the sub-species.

The northern white rhino population used to thrive, however, due to habitat loss and poaching, this is the tragic end result. Rhinos are poached for their horns that are used in “traditional Asian medicines” that have been proven not to work. Within years, this will be the result of many species on our earth. It is truly heart breaking. 

Too see what you can do to save the rhinos visit: hereandhere

Photo by:  Heather Paul via Flickr

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Happy World Elephant Day!To help the conservation of elephants, visit these sites.  Born Free, Save

Happy World Elephant Day!

To help the conservation of elephants, visit these sites.  Born Free,Save the Elephants,Space for Giants, and Tsavo Trust.

For some quick, awesome facts visit here.

Elephant poaching has gotten out of hand because of the demand for their ivory tusks. The elephant is so ancient and majestic and what is happening to the species is heartbreaking. I believe if people knew more about these amazing creatures, people would, maybe, think twice about what they’re doing.

The elephant is the biggest land mammal on earth. Their massive size also carries a massive brain making them one of the most intelligent mammals on earth and have amazing learning abilities. Their brain also has a more complex and bigger hippo campus than any other mammal. This section of the brain is responsible for emotion. Yup, this means the elephant has more feelings and emotions than even us humans do.

When baby elephants are young, they can be blind for a short time. During this time, they have been seen to suck their trunks for comfort as like human babies do with their thumbs.

Female elephants have tight bonds and don’t leave their groups for life unless one dies or is captured by humans. Males, however, are more solitary and move between different herds. Elephants are very social. They are always touching one another, communicating in certain fashions, and intertwining trunks.

Elephants show much respect. They grieve for their loved ones who have died and even if an elephant passes another elephant they didn’t know who has passed, they still pay respect. There have also been reports of elephants burying dead humans.

The elephant’s only predator is human. However, lions will prey on elephants if they’re hungry enough.

The elephant is such an amazing, intelligent creature. These animals have rights.Saving them starts with you, so please, speak up.

Photo by: Oliver via Flickr

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Red PandaThe red panda is the only of its genus. It is related to the common Giant panda, however, v

Red Panda

The red panda is the only of its genus. It is related to the common Giant panda, however, very distantly. The red panda is more closely related to the genus, Musteloidea, but because of its many differences, it belongs in its own family called, Ailurus.

The red panda, like the giant panda, eats bamboo. However, with the red panda being a omnivorous, it also eats insects, eggs, and small mammals. The red panda also differs from the giant panda in size where it is about the size of a house cat.

These animals are not only solitary within their species, they also have a very independent personality and behavior. Red pandas rarely interact with each other red pandas with the exception of mating season. 

These solitary little guys spend most of their time in tree tops within Central Asia and the Himalayan mountains. Their 18 inch tails wrap around their bodies to keep warm in the cold temperature. 

With deforestation being the animal’s biggest threat, only about 10,000 of them are left in the wild. In china the panda’s biggest threat is hunting and poaching because of the high demand for the fur on their tails.

To find out how you can help by donating or adopting a red panda visit here.

Photo by: Molly via Flickr.

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A pair of ring-faced striders are on the move through a colony of bubble grass to find new feeding g

A pair of ring-faced striders are on the move through a colony of bubble grass to find new feeding grounds.

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Some people have asked how my newest alien’s mouth works. So I made this sketch of one yawning

Some people have asked how my newest alien’s mouth works. So I made this sketch of one yawning to give an idea of what’s going on in there.

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A portrait of a blue headed canyon rasp on the look out for its next meal preferably carrion.

A portrait of a blue headed canyon rasp on the look out for its next meal preferably carrion.

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As the tide recedes denizens of the nearby jungle come out to scour the sand for food.

As the tide recedes denizens of the nearby jungle come out to scour the sand for food.

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Saddleback caterpillar. (Acharia stimulea) Look at this little dude. Just look. Isn’t he just

Saddleback caterpillar. (Acharia stimulea)

Look at this little dude. Just look.

Isn’t he just the most adorable little guy ever? It’s like someone put a sweater vest on a swiss roll. I bet you just want to pick him up and give him a pat on the back for being such a cutie pie, right? …Right?



Do not let the sweater vest fool you, this guy does NOT MESS AROUND. You see all those spines? They are jam PACKED with venom and will break off and lodge into whatever was daft enough to touch it. It will even arch is back around to get as many spines into you as possible.

The venom in the spines can cause migraines, nausea and a painful, swollen rash. Which is never something you want.

Native to the eastern USA, the saddleback caterpillar also secretes a semi-fluid silk, providing a super-adhesive bond to what it’s standing on.

So,a) It won’t budge from whatever it’s on, and b) It will literally turn around and stab you with venomous spines if you try.

These caterpillars are pretty intense. Do not touch them, because nobody wants to explain to their friends that the reason their hand has blown up like a balloon is because a caterpillar(wearing knitwear) stabbed them.

Image:Mary Keim

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Bearded Vulture. (Gypaetus barbatus) Look at the majesticness that is this bird. IT’S SO GRANDBearded Vulture. (Gypaetus barbatus) Look at the majesticness that is this bird. IT’S SO GRAND

Bearded Vulture.(Gypaetus barbatus)

Look at the majesticness that is this bird. IT’S SO GRAND.

Let’s talk about how kick-ass the bearded vulture is.First up, the natural diet of these birds is BONES. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Yeah, bones, but small ones right?”


Secondly, you see that beautiful red colouring in the second picture?Makeup.


According to biologist Antoni Margalida of Spain’s Bearded Vulture Study and Protection Group, “It is the only bird that utilizes cosmetics to dye its plumage.” At about age 7 (the vulture equivalent of a teenager), the birds begin to use red, iron-rich mud pits to dye their naturally white breast, neck, and head feathers. 

It’s believed that the colour is used as a status symbol. Females, the dominant sex, are brighter than males. Colour intensity also grows with age. They will also handle conflict by struttin’ their stuff and displaying their snazzy new feather do in the process.

So this is a bird with a 2.5m wide wingspan, a diet that is 85-90% bones and LIKES TO WEAR MAKE UP.

If you don’t think they are the greatest thing ever then get out of my face.

Also known as: Lammergeier.

Images;Tony Heald,Volker Wurst.

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Frilled shark. (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) THIS GUY IS SO RAD. SO. RAD. LOOK AT ITS MOUTH. LOOK AT Frilled shark. (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) THIS GUY IS SO RAD. SO. RAD. LOOK AT ITS MOUTH. LOOK AT

Frilled shark.(Chlamydoselachus anguineus)



LOOK AT ITS MOUTH. LOOK AT IT. Those impressive jaws are armed to the teeth(ba dum tshh) with multiple rows of super sharp, kickass, three-pronged porcelain plaques of bright and glorious wonder. Even though the teeth are kind of small, there are more than 300 of them, making that just under one thousand sharp hooks for any unfortunate prey to get past. Yikes.

Because of its deepwater habitat, very few observations of the frilled shark have been made in its natural environment. Looking at it’s stomach contents however, indicates that it mostly preys on deep water squid and a variety of fish, including other sharks. While it is unclear exactly how the frilled shark feeds, the fact that its jaws can open extremely wide suggests that it may actively take prey over one and a half times its own length.




Images;National Geographic - Getty images

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Ladybird spider. (Eresus sandaliatus) Just look at this fabulous little fellow. The ladybird spider Ladybird spider. (Eresus sandaliatus) Just look at this fabulous little fellow. The ladybird spider 

Ladybird spider.(Eresus sandaliatus)

Justlook at this fabulous little fellow.

The ladybird spider is one of the rarest spiders found in the UK, but are also found scattered across the rest of northern and central Europe. 

The males are just unbelievably snazzy (he looks like he’s got a teeny tiny apron on). They have a bright orangey-red back with four large black spots just above two smaller ones - hence where they get their adorablename.

Females and juvenile males are all black and quite a bit larger. Although the females may not be as flashy as the adult males, they deserve an award for mum of the year without a doubt. 

The female will rarely leave her burrow and the male only emerges for two weeks in May to breed. After mating, the female lays up to 80 eggs in an adorable little cocoon and guards them until the spiderlings (cutest name for a baby animal EVER) hatch in July or August. She feeds them entirely on her regurgitated food, until finally the spiderlings eat their own mother.

So, just to clarify, she sits and guards her eggs for two/three months in a dusty burrow, then gives them all of her food,


Female ladybird spiders - taking one for the team.


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I haven’t watched the film documentary for ‘What is a Woman’ because I don’t need to(note; I may watch the film since I do love Matt lol) since I already know like rest of the healthy minded females(note; including males) out there, know what we are, but after curiously going through the tag on here; it didn’t surprise me that a bunch of tumblr users who are leftist unhealthy minded folks got upset and started to either insult the film, Matt and everyone who thinks normally like Matt. Instead of making a critique to try to make your opinion stand on its own two feet - no just raw insults by throwing a fit online about it existing - like that one film behind a membership will murder people irl lol utterly ridiculous, the rest tried to construct their own opinions on the movie but I 100% disagree with them because it’s pure madness of how you all want to change the definition of what a female is to your own likings instead of going based off the real definition a simple one. Now, the opinions we’re fine, glad other folks decided to do that, instead of the other ones that mixed it in and just bash in insults to wanting to kill people’s lives over this..

Now for the sake of this topic let’s give out the…definition of what a female is to a male:

A woman has XX chromosomes while the male has X and Y that is important because it defines what a humans sex is, biologically everything about us as a female or a male :D pretty uncomfortable that i needed to lay out common sense, but I am making a post discussing about a documentary that shouldn’t exist to begin with, however, since we’re living in a disaster satanic age of madness that is gonna get worse as the latter continues on as the children of the devil continue to rage out like wild creatures; not even a compliment if you want to try to twist is as something edgy cool- its what it is that you are striving to become even more.

It doesn’t sadly, sadly, surprise me that *this* needs to be restated after so many years of people knowing what a woman is and that you can never transition to be a man or woman it is biologically, scientifically (note; pointing at the none athiest scientist but then again even they admit it too so eh) impossible for a male to become female you cannot do it. If you have a problem with what i just stated then simply block me.

Nonetheless if I needed to be rough, blunt and serious about it, fair warning grossume explanation away;

a woman has a vagina, and boobs which get hurt like heck when you slap those things against a wall lmao or by accident get hurt xD..I had to okay. A man gas a penis, which are the most sensitive area ever just like a woman’s boobs if a man gets his penis slapped it will hurt like heck - see how it is the same pain? Instead of it being downstairs for us females that’s for the men while us females have to suffer the top part; either or same equal pains different ways just like a man has to ahem in the words of every feminist out there man spread us females has to do it as well since males have to spread their legs for comfort on their penis, females have to wear bras to protect those sweater puppies from getting hit towards anything. Unless you got iron boobs then okay lol.

I am not gonna stop, to continue on; the reason us females have a vagina is to pee, have our bloody mascar awful stinking mood swings that we cannot control cause it’s just how it is unless you want to fabricate something that it’s possible - yeah factually speaking you cannot control your emotions while on your period ladies because it is part of the harmon going wild while you are having the bloody rivers of doom coming in. We also get this disgusting yellow icky sticky stuff forgot what it was called but it’s the reason we wear pads unless you have 0 problem changing your underwear 24/7 then be my guest, now, I do know that some females get that contrast a bit less then others I feel awful for the ones that need like boxes of panty liners like that ugh, what also makes it wonderful - we can give birth because we got vaginas that can have the seeds that men release from their private area, which then gets us pregnant to allow new lives that isn’t your body anymore rather a new life’s body :“). That is precious no matter what, so get reckt if you find that offensive.

So now that i went through the grossume adult short explanation of what females have that males can never obtain at all and what male have that they can never obtain from trying to be a transvestite, takijg hormone pills to even giving it your own children to yourself doing it as a teenager to child, adult on tumblr, now we, understand right? Welp there goes the post, pretty sure I am now I am terf, transphobe, etc whatever but I don’t mind it :D for those who enjoyed this post thank you ♡.

I advise you all to please seek God, if you find this to be an awfully wrong, grotesque, etc post..because that toxic positive, alarming mindset is just gonna lead you to a rabbit hole of complete destruction of pure misery instead of being happy…

….God bless you all, remember that you aren’t alone on this mad place or world, they’re people out there that believe normal things like you do.

Illustration for the task “Mainz, Stadt der Wissenschaft 2011”I’ve choosen biologyIllustration for the task “Mainz, Stadt der Wissenschaft 2011”I’ve choosen biologyIllustration for the task “Mainz, Stadt der Wissenschaft 2011”I’ve choosen biologyIllustration for the task “Mainz, Stadt der Wissenschaft 2011”I’ve choosen biology

Illustration for the task “Mainz, Stadt der Wissenschaft 2011”

I’ve choosen biology as my topic

- chloroplast trees
- livingroom of a scientist
- nerve cells map MZ-Kastel/Mainz
- telephone mast mitochondria

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Birth of a yeast cell | ZEISS Microscopy Yeast make bread, beer and wine. And like us, yeast can rep
Birth of a yeast cell|ZEISS Microscopy

Yeast make bread, beer and wine. And like us, yeast can reproduce sexually. A mother and father cell fuse and create one large cell that contains four offspring. When environmental conditions are favorable, the offspring are released, as shown here.

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3D PALM Superresolution microscopy of alpha-tubulin | ZEISS Microscopy 

3D PALM Superresolution microscopy of alpha-tubulin | ZEISS Microscopy 

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