#black academia


sat oct 23 // Scholaring has not come easy lately. I haven’t been able to give as much time to my readings (or self) and it’s really impacting my confidence in my research. I got good feedback and direction on my lit review though so that’s a good sign. I’ve been super tired and stretched thin but also finally able to launch a passion project so boyfriend surprised me with all my favorite breakfast bits and we got to have a quiet Saturday morning. Can’t wait to marry that guy.

mon. oct.4 // reclaiming my time has been top priority this week. wfh has been making it really difficult to block off time for school because I’m exhausted by the end of the day. slowly training myself to wake up earlier so I can have my mornings back.

haven’t done an annotated bib in years but I think it’ll be really helpful to organize my thoughts while I work on my lit review.

picked up these beauts for my oct reads. farah jasmine griffin did a beautiful talk at the schomburg center a few months ago so I’m excited to dive in to her book. i read a bit of in search of our mother’s gardens this morning and found some annotations I forgot I made. It was a sweet find.

fri. sept. 24 // this week was a lot but worth it. I taught my first guest lecture on gov’t pr in my grad program on wednesday. it felt so full circle lecturing to an intro course while I’m at the tail end of the program. the prof I’ve known for way too long and we had a great chat afterwards about life, my growth, and my future PhD plans.

this morning I got the intro to my thesis approved by my advisor. def wrote it in 30 minutes before our meeting but he praised my writing style and gave great guidance for how in formulating my research questions.


“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.”

- Neil Gaiman,

The Kindly Ones (The Sandman, #9)


“Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

typing an essay on the importance of handwritten letters was the most ironic thing i have ever done
