

They used it as a way to add spam, memes, & other things no one said in the video.

Because of these people YouTube has decided to remove the option all together.

Over 130 fans of ‘Spring Awakening’ worked together using Community Captions to caption over 400 Deaf West’s Spring Awakening videos. 

List of captioned DWSA videos: [X]

People all around the world worked together to make the videos accessible for EVERYONE. Not just for Deaf & Hard of Hearing people, but also people with sensory processing disorders, and people who’s language is not the same as the video.

Most the time a video is ONLY captioned because of Community Captions.

With the removal of this feature, billions of videos will not be accessible for ALL people. 

Sign the petition to tell @YouTube not to remove Community Captions.

Link to petition: [X]

(3/18/20) Andy & Michael’s Instagram Live

(3/19/19) Andy Mientus’ Instagram Live #TheBackstagers

The Backstagers: [X]

Where to buy-
- Amazon:  [X]
- Barnes & Noble:  [X]
- Indie Bound:  [X]
- Books A Million:  [X]
- Indigo:  [X
- iTunes:  [X]
- Google Play:  [X]
- Rkobo:  [X

#andy mientus    #the backstagers    #new book    #rian sygh    #theatre    #musical theatre    #theatre kid    #young adult book    #book for young readers    #abrams books    #dwsa cast    #dwsa broadway    #broadway    #spring awakening    #smash nbc    #nbc smash    #amazon    #barnesandnoble    #indie bound    #books a million    #indigo    #itunes    #ibooks    #google play    #google    #instagram live    #instagram    #graphic novel    

[CC] History of ASL Performers at the Super Bowl (compilation)

History of ASL Performers, performing the National Anthem, at the Super Bowl. Starting with Lori Henry in 1992 and ending with Sandra Mae Frank in 2022.

Video credits in YouTube description.

ASL at The Super Bowl

Creating a [cc] video of all the ASL performances of the National Anthem at the Super Bowl, including Deaf West Spring Awakening cast members: Marlee Matlin, Treshelle Edmond, & Alexandria Wailes.

Including this years ASL Performer, Sandra Mae Frank.

Starting in 1992 until 2022.

(not doing halftime because those have copyright songs)

BTW while doing this I’ve found they only seem to televise “famous” Deaf people. The more famous the person the more they are seen and accessibly shown.

**If anyone wants to help me caption video clips, please message me (@13mtm80 on all social media).**


@gallytheatre: Deaf Artists Backstage will return next Friday with an amazing group interview with most of the Deaf cast members (@barbeemiles18 @danielndurant @treshelleedmond @sandy21mae @amelia8hensley @castillejoshua @alexandriawailesofficial) of the acclaimed Broadway musical, Spring Awakening! Join us at Noon EST, Friday September 18th for this unique glimpse into the Broadway experience! Voice interpretation and auto-captions are provided for this incredibly rare group interview. #deafartistsbackstage #deafactor #deaftheatre #springawakening #broadway #purplesummer #notgone

(Image Description: Navy blue bordered image with the GU TaD logo accented by a camera flare at the upper right, and the title, “Deaf Artists Backstage,” both at the upper center. Under that is “The Deaf Cast of Spring Awakening: The Musical.” Below that are seven headshots, a row of five across the center, and a second row with two more headshots underneath. The first row from left to right: Miles Barbee, Daniel Durant, Treshelle Edmond, Sandra Mae Frank, and Amelia Hensley. The second row has Joshua Castille and Alexandria Wailes’ headshots from left to right. At the bottom center are four lines of text, 1: “Friday, September 18th - 12 pm EST” 2/3: “Live-Streamed on the GU Theatre and Dance Program Facebook Page” and 4: “voice interpretation and auto-captioning provided for non-signers”)“

Link to FB page: [X]


@gallytheatre: Deaf Artists Backstage will return next Friday with an amazing group interview with most of the Deaf cast members (@barbeemiles18 @danielndurant @treshelleedmond @sandy21mae @amelia8hensley @castillejoshua @alexandriawailesofficial) of the acclaimed Broadway musical, Spring Awakening! Join us at Noon EST, Friday September 18th for this unique glimpse into the Broadway experience! Voice interpretation and auto-captions are provided for this incredibly rare group interview. #deafartistsbackstage #deafactor #deaftheatre #springawakening #broadway #purplesummer #notgone

(Image Description: Navy blue bordered image with the GU TaD logo accented by a camera flare at the upper right, and the title, "Deaf Artists Backstage,” both at the upper center. Under that is “The Deaf Cast of Spring Awakening: The Musical.” Below that are seven headshots, a row of five across the center, and a second row with two more headshots underneath. The first row from left to right: Miles Barbee, Daniel Durant, Treshelle Edmond, Sandra Mae Frank, and Amelia Hensley. The second row has Joshua Castille and Alexandria Wailes’ headshots from left to right. At the bottom center are four lines of text, 1: “Friday, September 18th - 12 pm EST” 2/3: “Live-Streamed on the GU Theatre and Dance Program Facebook Page” and 4: “voice interpretation and auto-captioning provided for non-signers”)“

Link to FB page: [X]


They used it as a way to add spam, memes, & other things no one said in the video.

Because of these people YouTube has decided to remove the option all together.

Over 130 fans of ‘Spring Awakening’ worked together using Community Captions to caption over 400 Deaf West’s Spring Awakening videos. 

List of captioned DWSA videos: [X]

People all around the world worked together to make the videos accessible for EVERYONE. Not just for Deaf & Hard of Hearing people, but also people with sensory processing disorders, and people who’s language is not the same as the video.

Most the time a video is ONLY captioned because of Community Captions.

With the removal of this feature, billions of videos will not be accessible for ALL people. 

Sign the petition to tell @YouTube not to remove Community Captions.

Link to petition: [X]


Japanese Version

hadestown has reopened on broadway and this is how we feel about it!!!

everyone say thank you to this trend on ig for giving us the hadestown content we crave

literally me whenever i accidentally quote hadestown
