#bts reactions


BTS as relationship sex

RATING 18+. mature
SUMMARY exploring sex with each of the members while being in a committed relationship.

You’ve never wanted someone to be possessive of you, but for some reason you want him to mark you up and make you his. Leading up there’s a perfect balance of pouty and lovey Jin, his fingers skating up your sides, teasing touches, half-assed jokes.

And then something switches. Something in his gaze changes and you end up fucking in the kitchen whle dinner burns, his hand pressing down on your neck to hold you down as he thrusts into you. Think: dirty and domestic. And you better believe he’s into sensation play. 

There’s a strange contradiction to this man. There’s a rush, an urgency to wanting him where you’ll let him have you wherever, whenever. But then once you begin, he takes his time. He’s there for a good time and a long time. Sometimes he lets his mouth run, spilling the dirtiest obscenities. And sometimes he’s quiet, fucking you in the bathroom at the party, hushing you when you whine, biting down on his lower lip. He prefers to fuck at home though, where he’s not rushed, but still will take you in a broom closet if he wants to. 

Half of the game is the foreplay. Days of foreplay. He buys you a dress with your exact measurements, and surprises you by renting out the entire gallery at your favorite museum. He’ll talk sweetly in your ear, hands roving over your body, murmuring about the artist, the technique, the impact. You’re half-blind to it all, and he loves seeing you swoon for him. He loves what he can do to you. It’s a little bit of a game for him, seeing how far he can push you before you break with need. And then in the car ride home, he’ll roll up the partition and fuck you, telling you over and over again, you’re mine, you’re mine. 

He surprises you when you learn about his jealous streak. He doesn’t like to let it show, but you know it’s there, swimming beneath the surface. And rather than asking him to push it down, you turn it into a game. The two of you are partners in crime, in business, in life, and one day when you’re out working together you meet his eye. Your hand falls on the arm of the photographer running the shoot for the day. You laugh a little too loud. Pay him too many compliments. This is exactly what you and Hoseok talked about, and you know his eyes are glued to you. It doesn’t take long for Hoseok to snap. Excuse me, Hoseok will say, butting in gracefully in the middle of the conversation, his hand tightening around yours. He leads you to his dressing room where he fucks you and makes you look in the mirror as he does. He wants you to see where your bodies meet, where your bodies are joined. When he kisses along your neck, he won’t leave a hickey, because he doesn’t have to. The whole world already knows that you’re his. He’s into showing off the most wild positions during sex, and would definitely fuck you on a balcony. 

The man is obsessed with pleasure. His pleasure. Your pleasure. He wants to lay back and feel it all. He’s also determined to be the one who will make you feel better than anyone else in your whole life. He wants to talk about sex until it’s not talking anymore, he wants to be the perfect boyfriend. But there’s a dark side to him too. In his search for pleasure, he’ll run alongside his own and your own boundaries, teasing the line with a graceful toe. You never know what to expect from him, other than he’s aiming for multiple orgasms. He will probably tell you he loves you for the first time while fucking into you, even though he had the statement planned out for weeks with flowers and champagne. It’s an accident, but he doesn’t regret it, because you’re whining out his name soon after and saying it back. 

Brush your fingers through his hair. He loves when you take your time with him, when you lavish him in delicate attention, treating his body with the same love that you treat him with. He likes to tell you what to do, loves the creativity with which you play around his rules and expectations. Like that one time he directed you to undress, and you took ten minutes to do so. He’s delighted by your loopholes, he loves your brain, and even more than that, he loves pushing you over the brink as he fucks into you hard, and you pant out, I love you, I love you, I love you. 

Pain and release, in his mind, are inherently intertwined. He wants to push the boundaries of what you expect from him, going above and beyond in and out of the bedroom. He’s used to being the best, and it’s no different with you. “Accidentally fucking” is the norm with the two of you. Leaving parties early to fuck. Grinding against you in the club like he’s making love, the only thing in the way those pesky clothes. But he also likes to plan his accidents. Likes to play a part. Like that one time you started watching a movie and his cock “accidentally” slipped inside you. You had planned that, sure, but you hadn’t planned to come on his cock three times that night, as he grinned and pleaded, Come for me, just one more time, please.

©wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.


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PERMANENT TAG LIST@spicykoreantatertots@usuallynervoussheep@myimaginationsrunningwild@lucedelsole97@yoong-i @kookieskiwi @ries-universe @minyoongiboongi @shameless-army@frisianqueen@emmmui@rm4lyf@kelly-luvya@baby-g@madseok@elyte@twobirdsinabox@peonymoonchild@sweetmustardleduc@rkivian@boubourella@sugalaritae@herecomesjoon@hopelesslylivv@parkdatjimin

I’m currently discombobulated from just waking up..but HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIN!!


It’s so shocking that I’ve celebrated his birthday for 5 years now and I’m still a little speechless. He’s such an amazing person and I can’t say that enough. I hope he has a wonderful day!!


Sadly I didn’t get to see this live because once again i was sleep


You’re telling me that they went live and I MISSED IT??!




“Babe come look at this!” Namjoon call you over to show the sim he has have been working on for over an hour now.

You walk over and look at the screen before slightly tilting your head. “Namjoon, what is it?”

“It? It’s supposed to be you. You see the eyes, the nose, the body. Come on, how could you not see it?”

You stare at the sim for a little bit longer before nodding your head. “Ah I see but why am I built like a troll?”

“Because that’s what I see everyday.” Namjoon says before continuing on working.


“Now I know damn well you didn’t make his ass that flat.” Jin comments, looking over at your progress. He takes the mouse from your hand and drags his ass all the way out until it can’t go anymore. “That’s more like it.”

He walks off to the room, but not before yelling out, “I will dump you next time my ass look like a ironing board on the sims.”


“And finished !” You crack your back and look at the sim in front of you, proud of what you made. It was like a replica of yoongi in your game and you couldn’t wait to start making yourself but you had to use the bathroom. You scurry off to the bathroom, and when you finish washing your hands you walk out to see the masterpiece is gone.

You run over to see that the computer was turned off and you almost wanted to cry. You run into the bedroom that you and yoongi shared.

He was sitting on the bed with his arms crossed.

“My sim is gone.“ you say sadly walking over to the bed next to him and sit down.

“I know.” Yoongi said before getting up. “Did you really think I was going to let you make a replica of me so that you can torture it? You got the game all wrong you demon.”


“And open !” Hoseok says to you and you open it to see the sim look like the grinch. You frown and look at him who was smiling widely.

“That’s not me. That’s the grinch’s little brother. I’m not the grinch’s little brother.”

Hoseok nods. “I know but this bootleg grinch stole my happiness and my money.”


“That has to be a hate crime against me.” Jimin comments looking at the very small sim jimin.

“I only create what I see.” You say teasingly before continuing playing the game.

“I can’t wait to make you! Because what I see right now is the ogre from shrek and the side of your face is giving me very much that stone face emoji.”

You frown. “I was only joking, I just wanted to see how you would react.”

Jimin laughs. “Oh, okay my bad. But I wasn’t joking about you flat head.”


You walk into the study room to see taehyung playing the sims and you almost smile because at first he didn’t really care about it but now he’s all over it. So with the lightest steps you go over to him to see what he was doing, but the screen caught you off guard. It was sims that look like you and they were getting murdered by sim taehyung.

You gasp loud enough for him to hear it but he continues on, killing you a bunch of different ways.

After a bit he finally turns to you with a smile. “Who knew that this game would be so much fun!”


“Why does my sim look like that?” You ask looking at the badly done sim on the screen.

He turns his head and smiles at you. “Because think about it. You told me to make you based on my memory and at first I was like how am I supposed to do that but it was easy. Just close my eyes!” He looks over at the sim and looks back at you. “I think the funny part is that my sim looks better than you!”



Bloom bloom pow


(Not edited)


BTS TEXTS: Idk what this is but I missed doing texts

After doing this for the first time in a while… it was definitely odd. I don’t even know what this is but I tried‍♀️


hopefully when I do this again it’s going to be more funny


Also if you see that edit…you didn’t

BTS Reaction: Your hair


Enjoy my masterpiece



“I’m so stressed out.” You say, falling backwards on the bed, closing your eyes. You hear namjoon walk over to you as he sits next to you, pulling your hands away.

“Babe I could help you if you want. I’m really good at these types of subjects.” He smiles as he bends down to kiss your forehead.

You could sense that he froze and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “What happened?” He moves away, his face frowns. “Babe what you got going on? Why does your hair smell like no?”

You now frown and lay up from the position and namjoon almost gags. “Why do you have to torture me like this? Our house already smell like the city dump and now your hair? You’re wrong for that.”



“Y/n why the hell do your hair smell like that? It smells like your house and you know I don’t like that.”

You scoff at him and start to shake your hair so he could smell it again and all you felt was a tug.

“Try it again. I dare you”



“I’ve said this countless times y/n. You have that serial killer mentality and I respect that.” You stare at him in confusion.

“Serial killer mentality? I don’t get it. Why?”

“Because you’re bold enough to walk around this whole country with your hair that smells like ass. I like that confidence.”



Hoseok came to the dance studio to grab something but instead he sees you and starts smiling brightly, watching you dance freely whipping you hair like you don’t care.

He moves closer to join but his smile slowly started to fade. “Wow babe you’ve been dancing that long to smell like that? I respect it. “

You stop to look at him with a puzzling expression. “I’ve only been dancing for about 2 minutes now.”

His eyes becomes wide. “Say you swear.”


“Wow. Jimin was right.” Was all he said and he walks out, his head shaking in disappointment.



You had a nightmare and jimin being his cute self came to your house to comfort you.

You already was in bed and jimin walks out the bathroom, going over to the bed so he could cuddle you to sleep but when he goes to lay on the bed, his arms became stiff.

“You smell that?” He asks smelling the air that has graced his presence.

“No? What does it smell like?”

“Smells like must and mildew.” He sniffs your hair and almost died. “I know damn well you didn’t call me because you had a nightmare knowing good and well why your were having them. You probably got a whiff of your hair and your brain thought it was a monster and ran with it.”

He gets up, grabbing his keys from the nightstand. “Call me when you look like you’re going to the military.”



“Tannie do you smell that?” His dog was in his hand, as taehyung walked around your place for the first time. You laugh and lightly hit him, “what, does my house stink?”

He turns around and stares at you before answering. “Surprisingly no. So…” he let the dog get closer to you and Yeontan starts smelling you before barking. Taehyung quickly start to hug him, his eyes never leaving yours. “Why do I ever do this to myself? Learn your worth Taehyung.”

He nods to himself and walks out not before looking at you one more time and frowning.



“See I need a “study” buddy tonight and the main isn’t available right now so..?” He says getting closer, wrapping his arms around your waist.

You nod and jungkook smiles, pulling you in for a hug.

After a second he immediately let’s go, pushing you away. “On second thought I’m sick and need to go home.”

Your head tilts in confusion but Jungkooks facial expression scared you as it was like he saw a ghost. You turn around quickly to see no one there and once you turned back, you see that jungkook already left. Your phone buzzes, and you check to see that jungkook texted you.

Ride or die

Jungkook: sorry I left abruptly. My stomach felt queasy.

Y/n: You have nothing to apologize for babe! Get well soon

Jungkook: yeah no. In order for me to get well I need to break up with you.

Y/n: why what did I do

Jungkook: I know you didn’t ask that while your hair smell like the actual trash. until you fix it, I’m done with you

Yesterday was a drag but hopefully today will be better

Oh if you were expecting something cute…my bad homie


(Also this is a repost)

BTS Reaction: Food

You’ve always wanted to cook for your man so you thought today was a good day to do it.



“What the hell is that?” He says while staring at the food in front of him.

“It’s my own specialty! It’s jello with hot dogs inside. My family loves them.” You say excitedly, grabbing a knife to cut a piece.

He stops you and stares at you. “Why in the world do you think you can torture me today? You’ve done it all year but today? I got to meet up with my attorneys and if I get sick, I’m suing you and your parents.”


His eyes go wide as he looks at the meal in front of him. You look at him in concern, wondering why he’s acting like that.

“You said you liked seafood and chicken jin, so I decided to mix them.” You say, grabbing a knife to cut a piece off.

“If you even try to give me a piece I will put a restraining order on you so fast.” He choked out in horror before getting up and fleeing your house.


“Now Y/N I’m all about trying new things but mustard on a pumpkin pie? Are you insa-“ he stops mid sentence before looking around and nodding once. “You are.”


“Jin told me to stop seeing you after you let roaches in my house but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Now you’re trying to feed me this so I know you don’t care about my well-being.” He gets up and stares at you in disgust.

“Hoseok those roaches came because you left food around the house.” You say, trying to defend yourself.

He stares at you incredulously before walking towards the door. “I saw the roach on you like it was your child y/n. Don’t do that.”


He tries the breakfast that you gave him because he didn’t want to be rude, but turns out he should’ve. His stomach was on 10 that whole day, and he kept muttering to himself how he’s going to strangle you once he get out the bathroom.


“Oranges in noodles?” He looks up at you in disappointment. “Even my dog can make better food than you y/n. Step it up.”

You scoff in disbelief, “you always compare me to that damn dog.”

He gets up calmly. “You know why? Because he doesn’t try to kill me on a daily basis.”

“Then we should break up then.” You say, grabbing your disgrace of food and going over to the door.

“Okay, see you never y/n.” He says while happily smiling at you.


Now jungkook likes a challenge but even this he couldn’t conquer. He spits it out immediately before looking at you. “Get out.” He says, getting up and pointing to the door.

“You didn’t like it?”

He stares at you before pulling out a wad of cash. “Here’s some money. I know you were here only for my money y/n. You didn’t have to kill me to get it.”

“But I actually like you though!”

“Get out.”

Made this masterpiece in 10 minutes


I hope everyone has a good day today !!


Now what possessed me back in 2019 to say this

Damn I hate my sleep schedule !! Sleep had me missing the main courses


I’m very very proud of them though !!! Yes to BTS
