#cat facts

Cats Itchy Ears
Q: My cat is scratching her ears raw? What do I do? A: You really do need to take her to the vet. If she’s scratching that much, this isn’t going to clear up on its own. However, the solution is likely going to be fairly cheap (at least it is in the U.S. for most things that cause itchy ears in cats). And your poor kitty will get relief from what is clearly a very uncomfortable situation. I don’t…

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Q&A How to Pet a Cat

Q: Okay, I know this is a stupid question, but can you tell me the best way to pet a cat? A: This is not a stupid question at all. It might seem like an absurdly easy question to answer, but I see people pet their cats the wrong way for decades. Every cat is different on physical interaction, and each should be treated as an individual. To learn how to bond with a kitten who isn’t interested in…

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litter habits
Q: My cat stopped using the litter box. What do I do? A:  This is a problem I’m thoroughly familiar with, so this is going to be as detailed as possible because anyone who owns a cat, or is thinking of owning a cat, needs to learn how to think like a cat. Too many cats are euthanized every day in this country because people don’t want to take the time to work with the animal and gain a deeper…

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We appreciate all of you who have helped us grow, sent us your stories and questions, and shared this journey with us so far. We want to make sure that you don’t miss any of it. Little Cat Diary is all over the web. We often post tidbits like memes, articles, inspirational stories, and much more on social media that we don’t post here on the blog. To get all the latest fun stuff, follow us by…

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WW Q&A: Are Cats Plotting Against Us?

It’s another Wacky Wednesday, so here’s our wacky question of the week: Q: Do cats plot to overthrow their human masters? A: This is a fun question, and I do appreciate the fun/silly factor. However, I’m going to answer this one factually, since that’s what I do. Cats generally see as as equals, not superior (like dogs see us) or inferior (like 80% of cat memes would have you believe). Cats are…

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Q: How do I get my cat to fall asleep at night? A: What time are you wanting the cat to sleep? Is it waking you up in the early hours, not sleeping when you go to bed, or something else? How old is the cat? How long has this been going on? The details really matter here. Without them, I can only cover generalities. Cats sleep (usually a light doze) most of the day and night, and are active at…

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Wacky Wednesday #1: Kitty Kisses

Stiles says, "No kisses!"
As I mentioned last week, I decided that I would start using Wednesdays as the day I answer questions that are a little more off the wall, or stories that seem a little nutty, and to discuss studies that come out that are weird. For our first installment of wackiness, I thought this would be fun:: Q: How can it be safe to kiss a cat if they use their mouths to carry mice and other animals? A: Who…

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Q&A Does Catnip Have Health Benefits?

Q: Does catnip do anything for a cats’ health or is it just a recreational drug for them? A: It depends on the kitty. If your cat has the gene that makes it sensitive to catnip, it can have some health effects. If your cat consumes it rather than just smelling and rolling in it, it can have a calming effect. Our little guy, Stiles, has feline insomnia. He gets enough REM sleep, but not enough…

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RCRS: Stiles, Part 1

Today is Stiles’s 2nd birthday. I’ve tried so many different times to figure out how to tell Stiles’s story, and how much he has come to mean to me. I touched on his story a bit when I wrote about his mother, Freya, and also when I wrote about Kagetora. But those mentions barely scratch the surface.  I’m going to break this up into several parts since it would make a blog post that is way too…

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Fighting cats
Q: Why do cats scream at night? A: There are only 3 common reasons you might hear cats scream at any time. Mating Females will yowl and make a lot of crazy-sounding noises when they are in heat. This is so that all the intact males in the area will know that this is their chance. Fighting Whether it’s a fight over territory, access to a mate, a female or male guarding kittens (yes, males do this…

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Q&A What’s Wrong With My Cat?

Q: I have been a cat owner a long time. They are extremely curious and stick their nose in every drawer or hole. But this one sits still and has no interest in his surroundings. He is 2 years old now. He is also anxious and does not like us petting him. The vet examined him and run some blood tests when he fell down from 7th floor. All was good. He survived from this incident with little…

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Q&A How do cats see themselves and us?

Q: Do Cats Think They’re Humans? A: I’m not exactly sure where you got this idea, but it’s a rather simple answer: No. So why bring it up? Because there’s this ridiculous related notion that cats think that we are strange-looking cats. By that logic, they would have to think that their dog friends, bunny friends, and other animal friends are also strange-looking cats, but we know they don’t. Cats…

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We here at Little Cat Diaries want you and your pets to have a great holiday season. There are special hazards that the holidays bring, and some that are always present. It’s important to know them all. This video from Cole & Marmalade’s human, Chris, is a great one that touches most of the bases. Remember that some darn fools…

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Where Do Domestic Cats Come From?

SciShow delved into some very interesting cat topics in the past few weeks, and I thought they were worth sharing.

Q&A: Are Cats Usually Afraid of Water?

Q: My sister’s cat takes showers with her. I think this is weird. Aren’t cats afraid of water?

A:  Nope. In fact, a lot of cats are fascinated by water and like to play with water. The number of times people have asked me what to do about their cat’s fascination with toppling water bowls, drinking out of their bedside water glass, playing in the bathtub, etc. is too numerous for me to even put a number on.

Many cats don’t like getting wet unexpectedly, and some are very sensitive about water getting on their fur. They just don’t like the feel of it, but it doesn’t mean they are afraid of it.

Our little guy (Stiles, 21 months old) likes to knock over any container of fluid that he can. We have water fountains in every room so he can’t knock them over. We give him play time in the bath tub where he can perform his experiments in fluid dynamics to his little heart’s content. He used to do it every day. Now he asks to play about every 2 or 3 days, and the play sessions last about 20–30 minutes each.

Our Norwegian Forest Cat (Kagome) likes to dip her huge furry paw in the water and lick it off rather than drinking directly from the bowl. Maine Coons often do this as well.

Some cats love water so much that they enjoy swimming. Breeds that tend to enjoy a dip in the pool, bath, or even hop in the shower with their humans—just like your sister’s cat—include, but are not limited to:

  • Abyssinian
  • Manx
  • Japanese Bobtail
  • Turkish Van
  • Turkish Angora
  • Savannah
  • Bengal
  • American Bobtail

Here are some of my favorite videos of cats enjoying water:

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Q&A: What are the healthiest breeds of cat?

Q:What are the healthiest breeds of cats? I’ve heard some breeds inherently have more health problems than others. I do understand all breeds can develop problems also.

A: First, I want to be very upfront about the fact that I do not condone cat breeding. I don’t think most people who breed cats are bad people, but there are enough unethical and uneducated breeders, and so many cats waiting to…

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Fireworks Safety for Pets!

It’s that time of year again! There are a lot of dangers for pets around holidays, and July 4th in the U.S. is one of the worst.

More pets go missing during the 4th of July than any other day of the year.

Make sure your pets are microchipped and wearing tags with up-to-date information. If your cat is indoor-only, it’s a good idea to get them a bright orange collar like this oneso that people…

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Q&A: Why Does My Cat Insist on Tripping Me?

Cat tripping hazard
Q: My cat is always tripping me up, especially if I’m carrying something big. Why does he do this? A: Ah, yes. Tripping over cats. It’s quite a conundrum if you aren’t thinking like a cat. So why do they do this? The answers are fairly simple. If you watch cats interact, then you will notice that when they pass close to each other, they stop and sniff each other a bit. It’s a kind of “Hi! Whatcha…

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RCRS: The World’s Only Feline Astronaut

Félicette, the world's only spacecat
Real Cats, Real Stories is back with a blast from the past. Did you know that a cat went to space? Félicette, a beautiful black and white stray, underwent training along with 13 other cats in France. In the late 50s and early 60s, the space race was starting to heat up. And although we often think of this as a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, there were other players in…

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QQ: Night Vision and Kitty Winks

This week we have a few questions about cats’ eyes and vision! Q: How can cats see so well without much light? A: Cats can see in 6x less light than we can. Cats have a wider field of view of 200 degrees, and they have a greater range of peripheral vision, which helps with hunting and avoiding threats. Cats are crepuscular, meaning they are active at dawn and dusk. There are many creatures, not…

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Q&A: Low Maintenance Cats? Q: I’m finally able to get my own cat! What should I look out f

Q&A: Low Maintenance Cats?

Q: I’m finally able to get my own cat! What should I look out for when I want a low maintenance cat?

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WW Q&A: Cat Farts Q: My cat farts really loudly. Is this normal? A: You need to take your cat to

WW Q&A: Cat Farts

Q: My cat farts really loudly. Is this normal? A: You need to take your cat to the vet.

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Q&A: Why Do Cats Leave a Hole in the Middle of the Bowl?

Marm says, "Time for more food, human!"
Q: Why do cats leave a hole in the middle of the food in the bowl and act like it’s empty? A: Ah, the age old question. And look at Marmalade’s sweet kitty face as he wonders why the humans just don’t understand. (See more of that sweet kitty face in the video Cat Logic, which I feel like we can all relate to.) Speculation has, for decades, been spiraling around a few things: Maybe it’s because…

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Q&A: Kneading Q: Do cats understand that kneading people hurts them? Why do they do it? A…

Q&A: Kneading

Q: Do cats understand that kneading people hurts them? Why do they do it? A…

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Q&A: Can Cats Become Affectionate? Q: I adopted a stray cat a couple months ago. The only thing

Q&A: Can Cats Become Affectionate?

Q: I adopted a stray cat a couple months ago. The only thing is that he doesn’t seem to like me at all: he doesn’t like it when I pet him (he attacks me most of the time), he completely ignores me (except when he’s hungry, then he will rub against my legs), and he won’t sit on my lap.

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Why You Should Never Punish a Cat

I’ve seen so many people talk about punishing their cats, and I am shocked every time. Even yelling at a cat is detrimental—they will think you are insane, and they will lose some trust in you—they don’t understand it, it means nothing to them, so you’re making your cat feel less safe without doing anything to change the behavior. Every time you yell at or punish a cat, you are putting your…

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Wacky Wednesday! If My Cat Were Bigger, Would He Kill Me?

Q: If my cat, who is a gentle house cat, suddenly became as big as a lion, would he kill me? A: That depends on a lot of factors like age, activity level, if he’s neutered, how he plays with you, his personality, and your bond. If he’s young, and very exuberant about play, and is serious about his aggression toward toys, then it’s a possibility. If he was taught (or not corrected—gently and…

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Q&A: Are Cats Underrated or Misunderstood?

Kitten Facepalm
Q: Are cats the most underrated pet? A: I don’t think they are underrated per se, but they are the most misunderstood pets. When you regularly hear veterinarians and other animal experts repeating myths about cats, it is a sign that those of us who have dedicated our lives studying the little floofy predators have our work cut out for us. I’ve had to correct my cats’ veterinarians on several…

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