#cersei lannister

Michael: Let’s burn this son of a bitch. It’s going to be our best summer ever, buddy.Top Banana - 1

Michael: Let’s burn this son of a bitch. It’s going to be our best summer ever, buddy.

Top Banana - 1x02

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THE RED WEDDING In an imaginary alternative Westeros, where Christmas was celebrated as a real thing

In an imaginary alternative Westeros, where Christmas was celebrated as a real thing and where ~tolerance~ was accepted by all, the young Lannister twins, golden lions of Casterly Rock were getting ready for what would be not only the best Christmas of their lives, but the best day of their lives.

Indeed on Christmas Day of that year, Year of the Lion, Cersei and Jaime Lannister, age 25, were going to get married. The whole realm was impatiently awaiting this event, as it would bring joy and fairy smiles into everybody’s hearts, and mostly because they had been waiting for it for what seemed to be their whole lives. 

As it was, the joyful crowd was screaming and clapping in the streets, some wearing some Santa hats, some simply wearing a huge smile.

Inside, Tywin and Joanna Lannister, Lord and Lady of Casterly Rock, euphoric parents of the happy couple, were giving out Santa Hats to all of their guests (all the Houses of the Seven Kingdoms were there! EVERYONE WAS HAPPY.)

And Cersei and Jaime walked through the great hall. Everyone could, in that unique moment, see for themselves why they were commonly called the most beautiful woman and the most beautiful man of Wasteros. Their Santa hats didn’t seem out of place at all, even if it was wedding, and were actually matching with their golden hair, and their piercing green eyes. They were holding hands, smiling widely, and they waved at their guests.

And the rest is history.

Because of obvious twincest reasons, the ceremony was to be private, so they went back to their room (or Cersei’s room, which would now become their room.) The official ceremony would be outside, without them taking part of it, because that makes total sense. 

They would get married as they entered the world, holding each other tightly and when he is inside me i feel whole aaaaahhhh, and everything was going to be beautiful. First they stared at each other and whispered “I do” together, and then they exchanged their vows.

Jaime was the first to speak, a single tear rolling down his cheek : “I’ve always known, we’ve always known we couldn’t live without each other. One soul in two bodiesand you make me feel complete we’ve been saying this forever why would, we came into this world together and we belong together, and we’ll live together, always together. I need only you. Ever. I love you. Lalala.”

Then it was Cersei’s turn, and joy was literally bursting out of her : “I love you. You’re all I want for Christmas. You’re all i want for the rest of my life. You’re all I ever want. I love you.”

And they kissed and they embraced and outside everyone cried and cheered and it was indeed the best Christmas Westeros had ever known.

The Red Wedding would be remembered forever as one of the most glorious moments in the history of the Seven Kingdoms.

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ASOIAF -> MothersI’dLiketoFavor…

Little gift for @adreamoflemons! Happy holidays, O.

My GOT theory

*contains spoilers of Game of Thrones s8e4*

So as we now know, Arya and Sansa know who Jon really is and even before Bran told them we saw them being against Daenerys as their queen and that they don’t trust her.

Now, this is something I realized at the very end of the episode when Daenerys and a small group of her people were standing infront of Cersei and her little henchmen. I might be wrong but I noticed something in Danys eyes.

Her eyes are green (at least according to Google because it says Emilias eyes are green) and Melisandre told Arya she would close brown, blue and green eyes forever.

As we already know, she killed Walder Frey (brown eyes) and the Night King (blue eyes).

Now, a lot of people think green eyes mean she will kill Cersei but after watching this episode I have a different theory.

We saw many people questioning Daenerys decisions this episode and I myself thought for a moment “Damn, slow down mad queen”.

Of course, Dany has been through A LOT. She lost her best friend and most trusted advisor, Jorah, lost thousands of loyal soldiers and the man she loves has a better claim to the thrones than she does. Most of her actions are justified. She is hurt and deserves justice, especially now that another one of her children is dead AND her best friend, Missandei.

But still, the Stark girls are not very fond of their queen.

Maybe, it won’t be Cersei’s green eyes Arya will shut forever but Daenerys’.

Maybe she (Dany) will turn mad and do something reckless or maybe it’s just an act of treason by Arya.

It may seem a little far fetched but with what happend this episode, people questioning their loyalty, Daenerys showing a darker side, maybe Arya will think it has to be done.

(I still hope Cersei dies too but that’s a job that can be done by Jaime too)

Before giving feedback:

I know it probably won’t happen. It’s just something I thought of while watching and it would be an unexpected twist but the theory is probably full of flaws anyways.

Thanks for reading anyways!


So you really wanna tell me that they aren’t looking at each other with the biggest heart eyes ever?


I just watched the new episode and what the hell HBO?? That was not what I asked for???? Like why??
