

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for having called me to develop a relationship with You through Your precious Son, Jesus, and to serve You heartily. Help me live a life worthy of the calling to which You have called me. Teach me to live a humble life, to be gentle and patient with my neighbors and to bear others in love.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for being such a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. Help us to love others like You. Grant us true love in our hearts: love that doesn’t dishonor others, doesn’t seek to benefit ourselves. Grant us love that is not easily angered and love that keeps no record of wrongs.

In Jesus’ precious Name, Amen.


Our Father in Heaven,

Thank You for being a way maker, a miracle worker and promise keeper. Teach us to fear You, that we may despise evil and everything else all that You despise. Teach us to also walk in love and do only the things that please You.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Heavenly Father,

We thank You and bless You for Your holy Name. We thank You for sending Your One and Only Son, Jesus, and enabling us to receive Him, thereby giving us the right to be Your children. Teach us to be like-minded and sympathetic for one another. Help us to love one another with genuine love, to be compassionate and humble.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for granting me the great privilege to dwell in Your secret place, that I may abide under the shadow of Your strength and power. Teach me to be still in Your presence, to wait for You that my strength may be renewed. That I shall mount up with wings like eagles, I shall run and not be weary and walk but not grow faint.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Mighty Father,

Thank You for Your great faithfulness, loving-kindness and mercy to us, Your children. Enable us to undergo the purpose of godliness, for it has value for all things. Teach us your ways, that we may live according to your truth. Grant us purity of heart, so we may honor You always.

In Jesus’ mighty Name, Amen.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for sending Your precious Son, Jesus, to teach us how to watch and pray. Grant us strength and self-control to discipline ourselves and to keep alert. For our adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Don’t lead us into temptation but deliver us from the devil’s lies, tricks and snares.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for loving us so much that You gave Your one and only Son, Jesus, that whoever believes in Your Son should not perish but have eternal life. Teach us to love as You love us. Help us to love our neighbor as ourselves; to treat others with the same love and respect we wish to be treated with. Give us compassionate hearts of flesh, so we’re compelled to help those in need.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Thank You for delivering grace and truth. Help us to submit ourselves to You and resist the devil, so we may not give in to temptation. For it is by Your blood, Jesus, that we have been freed from sin and death. Strengthen our inner beings with Your power, so we may overcome our flesh. Help us to stand firm in the faith, so we aren’t burdened again by a yoke of slavery to sin.

In Your mighty Name, Amen.


Christianity does notsupport witchcraft/spellcasting/divination/what have you. It goes against God. It’s not a “different way to worship” or harmless; it is a sin that opens you up to ungodly forces. It is terrifying how many believe this is ok and I was one of those people. I have felt the darkness from just being around practitioners. It’s scary. Please don’t go down that route, please don’t “dabble”; it is scary. And please respect God and not use His word or anything associated with Christianity to “practice”.

The Exorcist  1973

The Exorcist 1973

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when the world tries to take you down but you have the Holy Spirit

Catholics are Anti-Semitic.

From the Catholics that I dealt with in the past, I’ve noticed their hatred towards the Jews. They blame the Jews for the death of Jesus and they demand that Jews should apologize for his death.

As a real Christian, I don’t blame the Jews at all for the death of Jesus. I blame Judas. I have nothing but love & respect for the Jewish community. They have nothing to apologize for. Jesus dying on the Cross was supposed to happen.

There’s also weird conspiracy theories that these Catholics beLIEve about the Jews, such as drinking the blood of Christian children and that synagogues have some sort of torture chamber beneath the synagogue.

Neither conspiracy theories have been proven. Yet they are still pushing these lies about the Jewish religion to this very day. Catholics are very hateful against the Jews and it doesn’t help that some movies about Jesus portrays Jews in a negative light.

There’s even a Catholic who hates The Ten Commandments movie. A movie loved by the Jewish community. I too love that movie and I’m not even Jewish. I think Catholics need to stop hating the Jewish community.

Hate is evil, hate is a sin. Instead of hate, we should love. Instead of being evil, we should be good to each other. Peace be with you.

I rode that hamster wheel for ten years before finally FINALLY coming to trust that yes, you can be gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer and a Christian, that being LGBTQ is a normal, natural part of the diversity of God’s creation.
But how do I know?

Read the full article here.

The Bible isn’t a rulebook (though some books in it have some rules meant for certain people in specific contexts). And the Bible doesn’t speak in a unified voice. It’s a collection of books written and compiled by countless authors, many of whom were drawing upon other oral and written traditions that came before them. In places, the Bible even contradicts itself.

Read the full article here.

But when the Bible talks about Pride the Bible is talking about people who lord their station over others. People who are oppressors and tyrants. People who think they speak for God. The Bible is talking about people who are cruel to others, who sow dissension, who don’t act in the best interest of the community.

Read the full article here.
