#colin photography


The wizard also told us that I’ll have to go to Diagon Alley, a place in London to get my school stuff. I’m so excited to go to a place where they sell wands and cauldrons! I’ve never seen such things in real life. It’ll be so much fun!!

July, 1992

Hello fellow witches and wizards! I’m a muggle-born (or that’s what the wizard who came to give me my letter told me I was). Today I received my Hogwarts letter telling me that I was a wizard and now I will be going to the best school of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the whole Britain, that is Hogwarts. I’m so excited! It’ll be such an adventure. I’ll be keeping my camera with me all the time and taking as many pictures there as I can. I’ll post them here.

-Colin Creevey
