#diagon alley

damebonhamcarter:Helena Bonham Carter attends the opening of the Diagon Alley at the Wizarding Wordamebonhamcarter:Helena Bonham Carter attends the opening of the Diagon Alley at the Wizarding Wor


Helena Bonham Carter attends the opening of the Diagon Alley at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios, June 18th 2014.

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I wanted to meet Mr. Lockhart so much as he’ll be signing his books in Flourish and Blotts after few days but I don’t think I’ll be able to come back then. Some people in the bookshop told me about all the great heroic stuff he’s done. Maybe I’ll get to meet him at Hogwarts if he’s this famous.

-Colin Creevey

July, 1992

Hello fellow wizards and witches!

Today I visited the magical Diagon Alley for the very first time! It was so great and cool. I got so excited I was literally bouncing with happiness and excitement. There were so many witches and wizards there. And other hogwarts students getting their stuff!

-Colin Creevey

The wizard also told us that I’ll have to go to Diagon Alley, a place in London to get my school stuff. I’m so excited to go to a place where they sell wands and cauldrons! I’ve never seen such things in real life. It’ll be so much fun!!

Hey Potterheads!

Change of plans!

I saw a post today about Colin Creevey and how everyone wanted to see the pictures he took and wanted someone to make his blog so I’ve decided to turn this blog into a “Colin Creevey” blog where he will post his polaroids and pictures taken during his time at Hogwarts. He was such an innocent and lovely character and we all love him dearly. Let’s hope it turns out to be good idea.

Garrick OllivanderHarry Potter  and the Philosopher´s Stone  by Vladislav Pantic

Garrick Ollivander

Harry Potter  and the Philosopher´s Stone  by Vladislav Pantic

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Harry Potter  and the Pphilosopher´s stone  by Vladislav PanticHarry Potter  and the Pphilosopher´s stone  by Vladislav Pantic

Harry Potter  and the Pphilosopher´s stone  by Vladislav Pantic

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Chapter six: The Game

It was raining heavily, but they didn’t cancel the Quiddich game. Rose was walking alone towards the Quiddich pitch, a dog following her. A red umbrella in her hands.

“Okay Padfoot, that’s it, you can’t come into the pitch, or the stands.”

The dog whined and barked at her, but Rose shook her head.

“Come on, go somewhere so you didn’t get wet. Come on…” the dog wagged its tail at her and ran towards the other way.

Rose sighed, she knows he is not going to leave and going to find a way inside so he could watch Harry play.

Fred and George joined her from behind, George slung his arm around her shoulder: “Why hello our dear Rose…”

“Wearing our lucky scarf I see…” Fred continued.

Rose wore the scarf they gave them to their games, and almost every time they won, so the twins decided to call it their lucky scarf.

Rose smiled at them: “shouldn’t you two be at the pitch already?” she asked.

“Yeah, but we like to tease Wood a bit.” Said Fred.

They were walking under her umbrella. When they got to the locker room, they both kissed Rose on the cheek, while she wishes them luck.

Rose went and sat at the stands, beside Hermione and Ron.

Gryffindors entered the pitch first, they rounded the pitch and every Gryffindor and some of the Revanclaw’s cheered on them.

They won all the matches before that, but they needed this score against Huffelpuffs because Slytherins won all their matches too and they were ahead of them by points.

Oliver Wood was so nervous in the morning at breakfast but he seemed better now. After the Gryffindors it was the Huffelpuffs turn to round the pitch.

After Wood and Diggory shook hands, the game began.

Both teams took their time out. The Weather was getting worse by second and at the second time out Hermione went to help Harry with his glasses so he could see properly with all the raining.

After the time out, after some minutes suddenly Harry and Cedric Diggory both dived to the sky, both saw the golden snitch.

Suddenly Rose felt so cold and empty; a lightning lightened up the sky and Rose saw the Dementors where Harry and Cedric were heading.

As another lightning laminated the sky, she saw Harry is falling and his broomstick went straight towards the whomping willow.

A scream erupted from Rose’s throat like everyone else who saw Harry falling, luckily Dumbledore ease the speed of his falling.

Cedric Diggory didn’t notice anything so he caught the snitch, and turned to the crowed, and then he saw Harry on the floor and most of the teachers and his friends running to him.

Madam Pomfry levitated Harry and took him to hospital wing, his friends following him there. Rose come down with the crowd.

Fred and George and the rest of the team were walking towards the hospital wing to see Harry.

“Hey, where do you think you are going…?” asked Angelina Johnson bitterly.

“I…I was…” Rose was shocked; she couldn’t form words.

“Hey cut it out Ang, Harry is her friend. She has every right to be there and see him.” George defended her.

Angelina mumbled ‘whatever’ and went to walk beside Alicia and talk to her.

Fred and George stood at either side of her but Rose kept her head down all the way to the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfry smiled at her as she entered and Rose smiled at her too, she was one of her favourite people in school and when Rose didn’t have anything to do she always went to help her in the hospital.

“How is he…?” she asked madam Pomfry as she went to her office with her.

“He is going to be fine. He needed some potion and rest, if his friends let him.”

Madam Pomfry sighed.

Rose smiled: “They are just worried, as soon as he opens his eyes they are going. Do you have any blankets? The guys just came from a heavy rain.” Rose asked.

“Yes, yes in the closet.” She said while trying to arrange the potions on her desk.

Rose took the five blankets and went out, she handed two to the twins and on to Ron and Hermione. She turned around to hand the other two to the other member of the team when she saw Neville Longbottom with Harry’s broken broom.

He handed the broken broom to Ron, who gasped, he was so sad because he knows how much Harry liked his broom.

Neville was all wet,

Rose handed the two other blankets to Alicia and Neville and went to sit near the window.

The others started to talk and Rose was just looking out of the window and sometimes at the others.

When Harry opened his eyes and they made sure he was okay, they went back to the common room.

It was still raining heavily and Rose was worried for Sirius out there.

She took a blanket and a tent and went outside, hoping not to get caught.

She made it safely to where Sirius stayed in his dog form, he was under a tree.

He was shivering and trying to protect himself by pressing his body to the tree more and cringe under the tree.

He turned around and noticed Rose there, setting a small tent and using a spell on it. He changed to his human form and shook his head to get rid of some of the water and entered the tent which was bigger inside.

Rose used a spell to dry him and handed him a blanket.

“How’s Harry?” he asked when he was dry and a little warmer.

“He’s good… in need of some rest. He is in good hands. His broom shattered though.”

Sirius nodded sadly and sighed.

“He will be okay tomorrow. You were there, I saw you following us near the castle.”

Sirius nodded: “Why do you let them talk to you like that?”

Rose was confused; she didn’t know what Sirius is talking about. Sirius looked up at her: “I saw that girl being mean to you.”

“It’s because I am a Lestrange… They don’t know me; they just assume I am a bad person because of my name.” Rose said like it’s not a big deal. It’s been 3 years but the words still hurt her, she tried so many times to block them but it was impossible.

Chapter Four: Sirius Black

Hagrid was the new care of Magical creatures’ professor and it was his first class with third years, and his first class were Gryffindors and Slytherins.

He greeted Rose with a smile like usual, and Rose returned it. She gave him the book she bought him, it was about all kinds of magical creatures, she bought it from one of the shops in the knockturn alley when Lucius dragged her there with him to buy something.

When all the students arrived at his hut, Hagrid greeted them all: “C'mon now, get a move on! Got a real treat for yeh. Great lesson comin’ up. Follow me.”

He said and started to walk towards a paddock near the forbidden forest.

“Gather ‘round. Find yerself a spot. That’s it. Now, firs’ thing yeh’ll want ter do is open yer books…”

“And exactly how do we do that?” Draco asked rudely.

“Crikey. Didn’ yeh know? All yeh’ve got ter do is stroke 'em. Look…”

He took Rose’s book and strokes its spine. Hagrid looked at the class suddenly unsure and handed Rose’s book back: “Righ’ then. So… so… yeh’ve got yer books an’ now yeh need the Magical Creatures. Right. So… I’ll… I’ll go an’ get 'em.”

He turned and disappeared between the trees.

Draco rolled his eyes and shook his head: “God, this place is going to the dogs. Wait until my father hears Dumbledore’s got this oaf teaching classes.”

Rose rolled her eyes at him and shook her head.

Harry turned to him in anger: “Listen, you, stupid prat…”

Suddenly Draco’s eyes widened and he took a step back: “Dementor…Dementor….”

Harry turned around in fear and saw nothing, his cheeks getting red from embarrassment.

The Slytherins all oohed and get their hoods on. Hermione rolled her eyes and grabbed Harry’s arm and turned him around.

Hagrid came back with a creature that was half eagle and half like a horse. Rose knows the creature it was a Hippogriff.

Ron looked scared a bit: “Hagrid… What is it exactly?”

“A Hippogriff, o’ course. Now, firs’ thing yeh gotta know is they’re proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don’t never insult one, 'cause it migh’ be the las’ thing yeh do. Right then…who wants ter come an’ say hello?”

Every student took a step back except for Harry and Rose, who were fascinated by the beauty of the Hippogriff.

“Good…very good Rose you go first…” Rose’s eyes widened and looked around; she puts her bag aside and walks closer.

“Tha’s it. Easy now… stop! This here’s Buckbeak, Rose. Yeh want ter let 'im make the firs’ move. It’s polite, see? Jus’ take step forward, give 'im a bow, and if Buckbeak bows back, yeh’re allowed ter touch him. Ready?”

Rose nodded and looked and its eyes and slowly bowed, Buckbeak looked at her with curious eyes and then bowed.

Hagrid gave her a big smile and clapped for her: “Well done Rose, well done, now go an’ give ‘im a pet…”

Rose smile and walked a bit closer and started to stroke its fair.

“Now Harry it’s your turn.” Rose went back to her place and watched Harry.

After Buckbeak let Harry stroke him too Hagrid turned to Harry: “Look at that! I reckon he migh’ let yeh ride 'im!”

Harry’s smile dropped: “What…?”

But before he could protest Hagrid hugged him and put him on Buckbeak: “We’ll jus’ set yeh behind the wing joint. Mind yeh don’ pull any feathers out. He won’ like that.”

He then slaps Buckbeak and yelled: “Off yeh go!”

Buckbeak fly off with Harry, and you could hear him yell.

“Great job Rose… I didn’t think you would do that…” Hermione said as she approached Rose and stand beside her.

“Oh…I didn’t see myself doing it too…” Rose said quietly with a smile.

After some moment Harry lands with Buckbeak, he was grinning ear to ear, he was talking to Hagrid when Draco pushed past the students roughly and walked towards Buckbeak: “Give me a go at that thing. If Potter can do it, it must be easy. You’re not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute…”

In a flash Buckbeak’s talons slashes them down on Draco’s arm.

Hagrid and Rose both ran towards Draco, Buckbeak turns around and raise its talons again but seeing Harry he lowers them.

“It’s killed me! It’s killed me!”  Draco started to whine and Rose kneeled beside him.

“Calm yourself, you are fine… It’s just a scratch…” she whispered to him but Draco didn’t stop whining.

“Hagrid. He’s got to be taken to a hospital. I’ll go with you, if you like…”

Hermione said a bit panicked.

Hagrid picked Draco up and said: “No. I’m the teacher. You all… you all just… Class dismissed!”

Hagrid took Draco to the hospital wing and the students all went on their ways.

Rose went towards the lake but the dog didn’t come, when she was sure the dog isn’t coming she puts the meat she brought him under the tree and went back to the castle.

The next day Rose woke up from her three hours sleep, and after taking a shower she went down to eat breakfast.

After the classes at lunch time she saw Draco sitting at Slytherin table talking to his friends, his arm in bondage and in a sling.

“Does it hurt terribly Draco…?” Pansy Parkinson said with a fake sad and sweet voice making Rose roll her eyes.

Ron, Hermione and Harry were talking among themselves when Seamus Finnegan entered the Great hall with a newspaper in his hands: “He’s been sighted!”

Most of the Gryffindors huddled around him. The newspaper has Sirius Black’s face in front of it and the article said he had been sighted near Achintee.

Rose stood up from the table, and walked to the class early. After the classes it was lunch time and Rose took something and went out. The dog came to her as soon as it saw her.

“Hi Doggy…” she said as the dog sat beside her and she started to rub its fur.

Rose puts the food she took for him in front of the dog and it immediately started to eat.

“They said they saw Sirius Black… in all honesty I don’t believe he is guilty…You know I think they framed him. Once when I was at the Nobel house of Black I read some of his letters to his friends and I don’t think the man could do any harm more than breaking some poor girl’s heart. I know it was rude to read someone’s letter but I was bored and I got a good beating after they found me in the traitor’s room.”

The dog barked at her and licked her hand.

“Okay…the next time I saw Sirius Black I will apologies to him…” she said with a smile and the dog barked again and put its head back on her lap and she started to stroke its fur again as she laughed.

Harry Potter wasn’t allowed to go to Hogsmade and Ron and Hermione promised him to bring him chocolates from Honeydukes.

Rose decided to go and buy something and then come back.

The twins were with her at the beginning of the trip and they went to Honeydukes together and Rose bought them some chocolate, but when they saw Zonko’s joke shop they instantly says their goodbyes and rushed towards the joke shop.

Rose went back to Hogwarts after getting two bottle of butterbeer.

Harry was on the couch playing with his wand and looking at the fire sadly.

His hair messy as always and his green eyes weren’t as excited as always.

“I brought you butterbeer…” said Rose slowly and quietly.

Harry turned around shocked as he saw Rose Lestrange with two bottles of butterbeer.

“Um…Uh…thanks, really.” Harry stuttered out.

Rose smiled and handed him the bottle, she went to go up the stairs when Harry stopped her.

“I…Um…why don’t you stay and drink with me…? It would be better to have someone…”

Rose smiled and sat beside Harry, they talked and laughed and it was the first time Harry talked to Rose and got to know her without thinking about her last name.

After talking to Harry she went to the lake to meet the dog like she always did.

The dog was near the entrance of the forbidden forest and he was looking at her and barked.

“If you think I’ll come to the forest you are very very wrong Doggy…”

The dog barked again and started to pull at her robes.

“Okay…No I am not coming…” but it just made the dog to pull harder, and made Rose to follow him.

“Okay but not so far…I don’t even know why I am following you…”

In the middle of the forest suddenly the dog ran away and left Rose alone.

“Okay doggy it’s not funny…”

Suddenly someone came from behind the trees. It was a man in his early forty

And so similar to his photos from the daily prophet. Rose’ scream got stuck in her throat along with her breath. It was Sirius Black.

I absolutely love reading so the shop in Diagon Alley I would most like to visit is Flourish and Blotts I placed in some small references from the books. 20 points to your Hogwarts House if you can spot them all!

I’m starting a new series drawing the little shops in Diagon Alley. First up is the Apothecary where you can buy potion ingredients and magical cures. Besides Hogwarts, Diagon Alley is the place I would most want to visit Which shop is your favourite?

questions and answers /// g.w.

questions and answers /// g.w.

george weasley x reader

summary:when time passes, many thoughts remained unexplained. however, when george weasley’s questions are on the brink of being answered; who’s to tell him to leave all his hopes a mystery.


Diagon Alley was more magical than it led on to be. Not only was it the most popular place to buy magical goods in the U.K., but it contained a bit of magic for those with a lonely heart, as well.

Y/n y/l/n dated George Weasley for what seemed like forever in Hogwarts. However, as most good things, it had come to an end by the time they graduated. Something about the twin’s business and y/n wanting to achieve her goals as well. Words were spoken that could not have been taken back and as quickly as the two’s relationship began: it had come to an end.

After their years at Hogwarts they were happy for some time. Life had changed. Brought blessings for each. George: a flourishing business. y/n: her dream job at the ministry and a beautiful baby girl.

Though, things changed for both of them, they remained the same at heart. And, luckily for them both, Diagon Alley was just small enough for them to reunite at last.

y/n walked down a rather busy street in Diagon Alley, clutched hand in hand with her little girl who walked by her side. Fate, was the last thing on her mind. She tightened her grip while navigating through the pavement, making a beeline for the shop she was headed. Absorbed completely in making sure her daughter didn’t leave her sight, she paid little attention to the world around her. It wasn’t until she crashed into George Weasley that she knew the hands of fate held onto her tightly. Their eyes met, both slightly disheveled from the bumpy meeting. It was as if no time, really, between Hogwarts and the present had passed.

George intently took her in. She hadn’t changed at all. Still beautiful in every way, still the perfect fit for George. Y/n stared back, George was just as she remembered and more. They stayed in silence for a moment, both stunned at the sudden arrival. George was the first to disturb the silence.

Y/n,” George piped. “What- I mean- How are you, how are you doing?”

She smiled kindly, slightly amused at his nervousness. “Suppose I’m well, George. Haven’t much to complain about anway.”

“So, I’m assuming you got that got that job you always wanted. The one at the ministry, I mean,” inquired George.

y/n stood slightly surprised at his recollection. “I must admit my surprise, George. I hadn’t thought you’d remember something like that.”

“Merlin, y/n,” he shook his head in laughter. “Just because you haven’t been in my life for some time, doesn’t mean you weren’t once my world.

He seemed to have caught his words, shuffling his feet and clearing his throat. George’s awkwardness becoming quite apparent. The woman before him only stifled a laugh and murmured, “I guess I can say the same for you.”

Before another could utter a word, a very hungry little girl pulled on her mother’s coat asking for some ice cream. Both sets of eyes casted their way towards the child.

“Mummy,” she pleaded with large eyes. “Can we get ice cream from Florean. You promised.”

y/n stroked her daughter’s cheek, “I did promise that, didn’t I? And ice cream we shall get, my dear.”

She smiled lovingly at the girl, still holding her hand. George’s longing looks became more apparent as he brought himself to speak, “Is she yours’s?”

“Yes,” y/n returned with a rather large smile. “This is my little girl.”

“You’ve raised her all on your own?” he inquired. Quickly judging the soon-to-be sour expression on y/n’s face he quickly caught himself, “Not that I don’t think you can! Because you most definitely can! You’re probably a better parent than anyone could ever be, but–oh merlin!– I just was wondering.”

“What? About the father?” y/n answered him, head cocked and smiling. George only nodded as a response, “Not sure to be honest. He was gone before I even found out. But its better this way. I got her all on my own, no strings, just us.”

She sighed, looking out at the busy street next to them. George fawned over he beauty, surely it was impossible to be that perfect? He thought about them. What he said that night to make her leave. How she took what was hers and left moments later without a single word.

Do you regret it?” George spoke weakly, very suddenly.

Y/n looked perplexed at his unforeseen question, “Regret what?”

“You and I,” He affirmed unsurely. “Do you regret: you and I?”

She stared blankly for a moment. A response was unable to come naturally from her lips. y/n swallowed, “I don’t. I don’t regret anything at all really.”

She smiled, trying her hardest to ease the Weasley twin in front of her, “Not you, what we did, the time shared. In fact, I would give anything to do it all over again.” y/n looked down blushingly, before dropping her smile. “But, what I do regret was letting you go. Or rather you making me let go so easily. I think I would have fought a bit harder or maybe said some things differently in the end to make you stay.”

George stared into her beautiful eyes intently, soaking in every word.

“But that’s over. There’s nothing to be done. What has passed, has passed. We can’t go back and change things.”

Her eyes darted downwards to her feet, unable to bring them back up to meet the man who stood in front of her. George shifted and offered his hand out to y/n. She looked up, surprised at his gesture, only to see him staring down as well.

“y/n,” he started. “I know I can’t change the past or change what we did, but I would love nothing more than a chance to start again.”

He paused for a moment, his head swam with what to say and how to say it. “Look, I’m not asking for a second chance. If I’m being honest I don’t deserve that for how I left things off, but I love you too much to leave without a final word. And if you want me out of your life forever, just say the word. Because I will make sure that the moment I turn down the corner, I will never come back on it again. You will never see my face.”

Y/n hesitated with gaping breaths. She inhaled sharply, “George, I don’t know what to say. I-“

“Then don’t say anything.” George interrupted, taking her hand.

She shook her head vigorously, “George, look at me. I have a child and a life and I’m as good as a burden. I’m not same girl I was at Hogwarts when we were young. You deserve adventure, excitement. And I don’t have any of that.”

George stared at her, almost confused at her words. “Y/n,” he spoke slowly. “My adventure is you, it always has been. I can’t think of anything else I’d rather have then you. I don’t care if you had a hundred children or none, a life with you and your daughter is one that I’m ready for.” He laughed gently, as tears streamed down the woman’s face.

“Who am I kidding,” he continued. “I would kill to be a part of your little family and make it ours,” George swallowed. “That’s if you’d let me, of course.”

“Oh, George,” y/n swallowed her tears. “Oh, George, of course I want you to be a part of our family. I love you.”

George lifted her up, spinning her in the road. He pressed a soft kiss against her cheek and a blush crawled up their faces. For a single moment their life was peace.

“Come, Georgie,” y/n beamed. “Come meet my other love.”

And from those words, they blossomed into the happy family they both wanted to be.
