#composer memes


Ladies, if he:

- never texts you back

- is always sleeping too much

- is generally unhealthy

- had a spiritual experience in Vienna

- dreams of uniting serious and light music

He’s not your man. He’s Soviet/German composer Alfred Schnittke.

cancelling plans is ok. having a married girlfriend is ok. going on dates with her while her husband is there is ok. eating only white foods is ok. owning 100 umbrellas is ok. do what you need to cope :)

it’s the 25th my dudes

y'all know what it means



What your favorite composer says about you

Mozart: You love the “uh oh stinky” meme, youtube pranks, and/or fart jokes

Bach: You seem detached and emotionless but you’re actually super sensitive

Beethoven: Your diet consists of only coffee and your own tears

Brahms: You love the dark academia aesthetic

Pachelbel: You’re the kind of person to say you like all kinds of music, but only listen to pop

J F Rebel: You look for people who say that they like all kinds of music and show them mongolian throat singing

Bartok: Your biggest desire is to go absolutely feral and live in the woods

Kodaly: Your biggest desire is to live in a cozy cottage with like 10 kids

Dvorak: Your biggest desire is to be a bog witch and/or goblin

Berlioz: Yandere animes are your guilty pleasure

Paganini: You love showing off

Liszt: You’re probably a huge simp for him ngl

Smetana: You get attached to places more than to people

Rachmaninoff: You love suffering

Chopin: You have a huge playlist of sad sounding pieces for you to cry to

Scriabin: You used to have a Welcome to my Twisted Mind tumblr blog

Shostakovich: You probably think he’s cute and refer to him as “shosty” or “the shost”

Saint-Saens: You were always told that you’re smart as a kid, and it messed you up

Debussy: You cried during every single disney movie

Ravel: Well, you’re not a percussionist, that’s for sure (alternatively: you love water)

Satie: You used to consider yourself “not like other girls” unironically

Schoenberg: You’re either very chill or horribly elitist. No in betweens

Cage: You listen to those relaxing recordings of rain sounds

Xenakis: You are ready to fight anyone who says math is boring

Schnittke: You listened to the most unwanted song and you think it’s a bop

*Schubert’s Piano Trio No. 2 in E-Flat 2nd movement on airplay*

Yooooo this is dope gotta bust a move!

Also Me:

Bach: testing the camera and mic

Beethoven: with a big ass headset

Mozart: doing some fart sounds using his underarm

Schubert: with his camera off

Chopin: only his dog in front of the camera

Liszt: greeting everyone up

Schumann: persuading Schubert to turn on his camera

Mendelssohn: unknowingly with his face being zoomed in the camera
