
It is good to lead by example at this moment. Therefore my mascot and alter ego Angi the ratto is going to have this mouth mask as long as coronavirus is around.
Jokes about this pandemia were funny and still kinda are funny and also it is a way to release some stress and fear, BUT it does NOT mean we should be like “Oh, its a joke, im not going to wash my hands nor wear any mask.”
No. Be aware of this, anyone can catch it. But also do NOT panic. I did start to panic and break once it got into my country but thanks to my friends i was able to calm down and think straight about it again.

The best way we all can contribute to stopping this from spreading is:
-to wash your hands properly and often with antibacterial soap and desinfection
-don’t touch your face before washing hands
-wear mask when you go outside (best is with FFP3 filter)
-minimalise your time spent outside
-avoid being in bigger groups of people
-cover your mouth with your arm (not palm) if you yawn or sneeze
-if you wear mask that can be reused, don’t forget to wash and clean it. You can desinfect your mask by washing it in washing machine minimaly on 60°C and then iron it.

This is all that i do to keep myself safe. Sadly, i know that these homemade mask or medical paper masks are useless as it blocks only bacterias, not viruses, but still something is better than nothing. Good luck to everyone.

This avatar is going to have small edits for every bigger events like Easter, Christmas and so on! Check all versions of this avatar under the hashtag #AngiTheRattoAvatar

As if all the newly evicted folks didnt have enough to worry about, how are they now going to get their ballots for the november election?

For anyone confused by so-called pro-life republicans who seem to not give a shit about human lives during this pandemic, remember the wise words that George Carlin said: 
“They want live babies so they can have dead soldiers.”

Or in this case, they want live babies so they can have dead workers.

Just because people wear masks*IN* the car, doesn’t mean they’re wearing them *FOR* the car.

#covid-19    #coronavirus    

It doesn’t matter how few people are dying because of COVID, people are still dying!!!

Stay at home if you can!

Stay as safe as you can!

Stay clean, stay healthy, and thank you if you’re out there on the front lines!

Do your part, everybody. The goal here isn’t to stop something that’s already taken over. It’s to keep it from taking over in the first place.

You’re doing amazing.





Pete Evans takes down post telling Victorians not to wear face masksPete Evans has removed a social

Pete Evans takes down post telling Victorians not to wear face masks

Pete Evans has removed a social media post that suggested Victorians shouldn’t wear masks and challenge associated fines in court because the government “won’t fight you”.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews this week ordered all residents in the Melbourne CBD and neighbouring Mitchell Shire to wear face masks from midnight tomorrow to quash the state’s recent massive spike in coronavirus cases.

But the celebrity chef, who lives in rural New South Wales, today shared “free legal advice” that was “passed on to him” surrounding the legalities of the public health order with his followers.


The deleted post from Pete Evans’ Facebook page, Credit: Chef Pete Evans, Facebook

“Free legal advice to all Victorians,” Evans wrote in the now-deleted Facebook post. “Don’t wear a mask. Get a $200 fine then elect to have it determined in court.

“Every single one of you 6.359 million Victorians can challenge the fines in court.

“The Victorian Government won’t fight you in court. It’s far too expensive for them to do so,” he added.


A meme shared by Evans appearing to poke fun at wearing masks, Credit: Pete Evans, Instagram

Evans also shared a string of memes to his Instagram Stories appearing to poke fun at the use of masks in the fight against COVID-19.

“Can you still get regular sick or is everything corona?” one of the memes shared by the former My Kitchen Rules judge said.

Social media users criticised the star’s posts, calling the controversial messages “reckless” and “stupid”.


Evans has previously described the coronavirus pandemic as a hoax, Credit: Pete Evans, Instagram

The Facebook post comes less than a month after the celebrity chef was slammed on Instagram for suggesting the global health pandemic was a hoax.

It also comes after he was fined $25,000 by the Therapeutic Goods Administration in April over the promotion of a BioCharger device he allegedly claimed could be used in relation to the coronavirus.

Photo Credit: Pete Evans, Instagram

Post link

Tribes Were Supposed To Get $8 Billion In COVID-19 Aid. They’ve Gotten $0.

The delay in disbursing the money “is unnecessary and works against the federal government’s trust responsibility,” House Democrats told Treasury.

Tribal governments were supposed to get $8 billion in direct emergency relief from the CARES Act, the $2 trillion COVID-19 stimulus bill that became law on March 27.

More than a month later, they haven’t gotten any of it.

Part of the reason is that the Treasury Department, which is charged with distributing that money, has been flailing in its dealings with tribes.

Another reason stems from a lawsuit over whether Alaska Native Corporations are entitled to the money. A federal court on Monday agreed to stop funds from going to those corporations for now, which means Treasury has no reason to not funnel money immediately to the 574 federally recognized tribal governments struggling with the public health and economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.

Read more here!

Pandemics will be worse and more frequent unless we stop exploiting Earth and animals, top scientists warn

Future pandemics are likely to be more frequent, spread more rapidly, kill more people and inflict even worse economic damage if humanity fails to fundamentally change how it is damaging the environment and exploiting wildlife, some of the world’s leading scientists have warned.

“As many as 1.7 million unidentified viruses of the type known to infect people are believed to still exist in mammals and water birds. Any one of these could be the next ‘disease X’ – potentially even more disruptive and lethal than Covid-19,” say the global experts in biodiversity.

In a strongly worded article, they caution that the potential for future pandemics is vast, and that the suffering already caused by the coronavirus “may be only the beginning”.

Heya folks, Happy New Year!

Let’s start with the positive: the laundry mod finally got released! Almost 1.5 years in the making and now it’s finally there. I’m so happy people seem to be enjoying it. A few bugs that didn’t get squashed during beta have popped up, but I’m on it. A new update addressing those bugs should be released today.

Unfortunately there’s also bad news: my parents tested positive for covid and I, well, stayed over at their place, not really keeping distance during NYE. I also have a headache and tiredness again which matches my bout with covid in November, so chances are I have covid. Again. For goodness’ sake it hasn’t even been two months! I’ll make a test appointment tomorrow. Fingers crossed it’s just my brains playing tricks on me , but I am rather pessimistic about the odds of that being the case. At least I stocked up on nasal spray and got enough groceries to last me through quarantine.

Stay safe people


Covid symptoms and how they developed + recovery (pt 1)

Heya folks, so…. After I caught the resident plague, I really haven’t posted any updates about my health to tumblr yet, so let’s resolve that.

The thing I’d like to start with is just how my symptoms progressed, as this might be useful to people experiencing similar things.

For background: I’ve been vaccinated fully with Pfizer. First shot in July, second in August. I have no underlying health issues.

It started on Tuesday evening, the ninth of November. I had just spent the evening at my folks watching a show and my throat was feeling kinda rough. So, I thought to myself “I must have eaten too many salty snacks. I should take the day off to hydrate tomorrow”. So, I did just that. I alerted my boss that I wasn’t feeling well and would stay home that day, practicing self care. However, at the end of the day, the roughness hadn’t gone away yet.

Then Thursday came. It hadn’t gone away yet and my eyes felt like how they feel when I’m anywhere near daffodils. You see, I’m allergic to those flowers and my typical reaction to that is burning eyes. I felt like I was constantly being exposed to daffodils. Indoor, outdoor, didn’t matter. Just the constant feel of daffodils. By this time I had also started sneezing. That evening I went to the store for some groceries and bought some soothing thyme syrup while I was at it, since my throat was still acting up.

I don’t know 100% when, but around this time, I remember being in the town center, holding a yummy drink, mouth mask on and sneezing. I thought to myself “geez, I’m glad I’m wearing a mask or those germs would’ve gone much farther”

On Friday I made a test appointment for the next day as the symptoms weren’t going away.

I’m not 100% sure when I developed headaches, but I did. They were manageable with 500mg paracetamol.

Saturday I got swabbed. As my previous two experiences with the nose swab have been… Nasty in the past, I asked the guy at the test site to swab my left nostril instead of the right one which had been subjected to swab violence twice already. This turned out to be a great idea, as the discomfort went away much faster.

The next day, I saw I had received an email from the health services: my test results were in. I didn’t log in to see the results, so imagine my surprise when a few hours later I got a phone call from an unknown number. “Hello, this is GGD Gelderland Midden, are you [real name]?”. Immediate dread.

I had covid.

This got a lot longer than I thought, so I’ll continue in pt 2 which wil probably be a reblog of this post.

Covid symptoms and how they developed + recovery (pt 2)

Sooo, truth be told, I probably spent too much time modding Skyrim SE than, ya know, resting, when my covid was at its peak. But hey, let’s talk about symptoms and how I managed them.

So, one thing I forgot to mention, was that that Friday I had asked my mom to get me some nasal spray. Good thing I asked, because I’d make heavy use of it throughout the week. I got regular brine solution and xylometazoline. The latter can only be used for a week, but clears out the nostrils like crazy.

Okay, so my symptoms were as follows:

  • A rough, scratchy throat
  • Headaches
  • (occasional) fever
  • Sneezing
  • Burning eyes
  • Tiredness
  • Stuffy nose

Basically, a nasty cold. The thing that differentiated it from the flu for me, was the lack of dizziness or nausea. If I get the flu, I get dizzy and will probably throw up at least once. I never got those symptoms with covid. Honestly, I’ve had nastier flus*

*this does not mean that covid is the flu. I am vaccinated against the ‘rona which gave me an advantage and covid still majorly sucked. Get vaccinated, yo. Covid ain’t a flu. (Also, the flu I’m referring to hit me so hard I lost most of my strength thanks to being bedbound for a solid three days at least, so don’t underestimate the flu either.)

But, let’s talk symptom management. For my rough throat I drank TONS of hot tea. This helped keep my throat from getting rough. Also, staying hydrated is of the utmost importance, especially if you have covid. I also took the occasional spoon of medicinal thyme syrup to coat my throat. Whenever I’d get a headache, I would typically try to ignore it, but when it got too rough, I took a single 500mg paracetamol pill. For my nasal passages I would use xylometazoline for when it was feeling really stuffed and regular brine solution nasal spray when it wasn’t. I also made sure to get enough sleep.

What was nastier than symptom management however, was minimizing the chances of infecting my roommates. For that, I was instructed to clean the kitchen and toilet after using it and to wipe down anything (door knobs, switches, etc) that I had touched. I also had to keep my trash separateandwash my hands often. I also kept my room ventilated. Going to the toilet involved washing my hands before going, then washing my hands after I did my business, then wiping down the toilet, wiping down the doorknobs, then throwing away the trash and washing my hands again in my own room. Cooking meant wearing a face mask and of course: much cleaning.

After about a week or so after I had developed my initial symptoms, I was finally symptom free! However, unfortunately shortly after that, I lost my sense of smell. Fortunately my taste remained and still is intact. But it was not fun. However, it has been steadily getting better again.

The first week after covid, I was definitely still busy “uitzieken” as we’d say in Dutch; riding out the sickness, taking it easy to recover. I was definitely feeling physically weak(er). And the laundry… Damn, everything had to be washed for a long time at 40C…

At the moment of writing, I have been covid free for a while and quite happy about it!

However, as it is, I currently sleep quite a bit more than I used to. I’m not sure if it’s because of covid or the short days though. Physically, I can still function at about the same level as I was able to pre-covid, though it just tires me out a bit faster. And as I said; though I lost my sense of smell after covid had passed, I am now regaining it rapidly.

Gosh, you wouldn’t believe how happy I was to smell a cup of coffee. It was heavenly to smell that black gold.

I don’t believe I have long covid. If I still sleep and tire at this rate after the days start lengthening again, I’ll start to worry. But for now, I’m happy to be allowed out again and blessed to have survived this with my sense of taste intact. Not all have that privilege. Another blessing was that to my knowledge, I did not infect anyone I was in contact with.

So, that was my covid experience. Not fun to experience, but perhaps illuminating to others. And definitely a story to tell.

Covid symptoms and how they developed + recovery (pt 1)

Heya folks, so…. After I caught the resident plague, I really haven’t posted any updates about my health to tumblr yet, so let’s resolve that.

The thing I’d like to start with is just how my symptoms progressed, as this might be useful to people experiencing similar things.

For background: I’ve been vaccinated fully with Pfizer. First shot in July, second in August. I have no underlying health issues.

It started on Tuesday evening, the ninth of November. I had just spent the evening at my folks watching a show and my throat was feeling kinda rough. So, I thought to myself “I must have eaten too many salty snacks. I should take the day off to hydrate tomorrow”. So, I did just that. I alerted my boss that I wasn’t feeling well and would stay home that day, practicing self care. However, at the end of the day, the roughness hadn’t gone away yet.

Then Thursday came. It hadn’t gone away yet and my eyes felt like how they feel when I’m anywhere near daffodils. You see, I’m allergic to those flowers and my typical reaction to that is burning eyes. I felt like I was constantly being exposed to daffodils. Indoor, outdoor, didn’t matter. Just the constant feel of daffodils. By this time I had also started sneezing. That evening I went to the store for some groceries and bought some soothing thyme syrup while I was at it, since my throat was still acting up.

I don’t know 100% when, but around this time, I remember being in the town center, holding a yummy drink, mouth mask on and sneezing. I thought to myself “geez, I’m glad I’m wearing a mask or those germs would’ve gone much farther”

On Friday I made a test appointment for the next day as the symptoms weren’t going away.

I’m not 100% sure when I developed headaches, but I did. They were manageable with 500mg paracetamol.

Saturday I got swabbed. As my previous two experiences with the nose swab have been… Nasty in the past, I asked the guy at the test site to swab my left nostril instead of the right one which had been subjected to swab violence twice already. This turned out to be a great idea, as the discomfort went away much faster.

The next day, I saw I had received an email from the health services: my test results were in. I didn’t log in to see the results, so imagine my surprise when a few hours later I got a phone call from an unknown number. “Hello, this is GGD Gelderland Midden, are you [real name]?”. Immediate dread.

I had covid.

This got a lot longer than I thought, so I’ll continue in pt 2 which wil probably be a reblog of this post.

Well, I have covid.

I have been vaxxed, but I still caught it. Still, I’m thankful, because so far I’ve only experienced the symptoms of a nasty cold/hayfever combo. It could have been much, much worse. I have no trouble breathing and I can still taste my food. I have many things to be thankful about.

I’m not very thankful for this headache that keeps bothering me though.

My friend Eric told me (years ago!) that I should stop photographing for a couple months to catch up on my huge backlog of pictures. I guess now’s the time! (I hope I live long enough to get some of these images out!) … Love & wellness to us all!

Please stop with this 5G conspiracy BS…the Virus is not a distraction from 5G networks lmao ‍♂️

As soon as the shelter in place order was issued in Illinois I immediately got to work on collecting all the right elements of a plague doctor uniform.

Hello Darkness my old friend …

Hello Darkness my old friend …

Post link

Receiving his vaccination, the grad student shudders at the thought of having flimsier excuses to avoid social interaction.
