#dark academia


Browsing the Dark Academia tag for outfit inspo and instead ended up wanting to draw magic academia gals. I think I’ll do a few more later on.

I will be starting uni next week in another city, 9h car ride away, I don’t know anyone there…………

So I’m panicking

Does someone have any tips for first year uni students?



I’m sad

I just ordered The seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (while I read Six of Crows)

Any more book recommendations?????

what I like the most of all is to scroll through your silly cutie blogz instead of listening to the professor sounds not so dark academia as you might notice

good old vibes of something warm and calm

I don’t know what to tell you about my study or what’s new… this is not dark academia and I think for some time I will be so chaotic at posting different things here. but still it’s a study blog and I simply wish you to have rest after your classes and don’t forget about your health. go outside, watch your favorite cartoon, drink wonderful coffee or tee and enjoy every moment of this autumn. we will be alright. the good is yet to come. I love you

september days

In joy and sadness flowers are our constant friends

– Okakura Kakuzō

But shame burned hot on my face and neck as I followed Meredith out into the deep December darkness. The first flurries of snow danced against a black sky, and I found myself hoping they would tumble down in millions, stick fast, and bury everything.

– if we were villains


ok my semester started a couple of days ago so now I have less time for the blog. sorry? honestly, I feel exhausted and broken. I have new English teacher and it’s a nightmare. I caught a cold and my head is aching. I just feel so lonely and tired :((( we will keep in touch but not so often. I have to pull myself together. I will survive.

and I give the stuff that is currently on my mind:

《 but we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever 》

- Haruki Murakami

“… she always looks so sad and I don’t know why…”

the summer is on its edge

I wish I could ignore all the sorrow and anxiety inside of me. I want to concentrate on writing a song, on reading the novel, on having fun with my friends. but even beside them I crawl for love.


summer study 30/30


it was amazing challenge. I started from “if I have no friends I want knowledge” to “I guess I have friends and knowledge”. sure I lost my motivation in the middle but then it became like habit, like easy-to-follow rule (learn some things, read at least 3 pages and so on).

  1. I started reading “Courrier Sud” by Exupèry. I just adore the thing with flights and airplanes.
  2. I studied German for university.

my semester will start on the first of September. I have some time to rest and to prepare. I’ll be here, continuing to post dark (chaotic mostly) academia’s shit.

keep in touch!

summer study 29/30

Carpe diem, my friends, carpe diem. yes, I have rewatched dead poets society. yes, I’m crying.

well today I got the message from my german teacher. she gave the homework (the first in the semester (which is not even started cmon)) and now I have to prepare for the first day. it’s like.. it’s motivating but kinda fuck man I have to do what she said?? I am a wild bird, I study when I want to, not when someone tells me.

ok I’m kidding, I’m just feeling low.

  • wow I made this homework. How unexpected.
  • I made a guitar cover! on the Yungblud’s new song!! in the next post I’ll share with you the link, so if you want you can support me with like, comment or subscription. it seems to me that youtube’s algorithms are working AGAINST me.
  • bonus: I pierced my ear. it’s new experience and it was like learning but in another way haha.

see you tomorrow

dark academia

It is the kind of love that transcends boundaries,

That adds a Rainbow to a forlorn sky, eclipsing its contraries;

The one that isn’t scared to jump a little further, swim a little deeper, and soar a little higher,

The one to always rise like a phoenix from her pyre.


In bleak Winter evenings when my hands turn cold

And the wood that framed our picture becomes old;

Will you forgive me for losing a diamond, when I was looking for gold?

Or will you hate yourself for the times you spent, now that our love is sold?


Your love

For me is as vast as

The sea. Then jumping into it

Would make me


Your words curled around my fingers,

Like an icy branch of ivy craving for love

And like a tree trunk, bent with age

I listened to your elegy

Marked with sudden epiphany and lingering grievances;

Wouldn’t look me in the eyes, you spoke of your weaknesses

Often pressing the finger that held your garnet

While I smiled inwardly, thinking you’re the bravest man I’d ever met.
