#autumn academia


-host a party dinner where the dress code is Gothic Victorian and the guest have to read poems in turn ;

-go to a seasonal art gallery, take a notebook with you and pretend to be an art critic ;

-enjoy a foggy morning walk ;

-do an autumn deep clean ;

-learn to make a mug cake ;

-learn to make your own scented candle ️;

-sit near the fireplace and write short stories and poems set in the fall ;

-write some letters for your imaginary pen pal friend abroad ;

-go to an apple orchard and pick all the reddest apples ;

-read “The Hobbit”, “Macbeth”, “Dr Faustus” or “Harry Potter saga” ;

-watch the “Harry Potter saga” ‍♀️

-collect colorful fall leaves ;

-listen to the sound of leaves crunching under your feet ;

-spend a day antiquing ️;

-buy a new aesthetic notebook ;

-bake an apple pie ;

-learn to knit .

A little Autumn unseasonably on the timeline…..

In October when autumn leaves fall,
When folks pass down by the market.
I see you in everyone’s eyes,
Even though you are living within the soil beneath my feet.

A Life Lost by Merve (aka me)

I suck at self-promoting but this photo and poem are always the perfect combos when I yearn for the spooky season. I’d love to sit outside watching the auburn coloured leaves flying in the air.

the sounds of crunchy autumn leaves on cobblestonesthe smell of rain after a thunderstorm Some photothe sounds of crunchy autumn leaves on cobblestonesthe smell of rain after a thunderstorm Some photothe sounds of crunchy autumn leaves on cobblestonesthe smell of rain after a thunderstorm Some photothe sounds of crunchy autumn leaves on cobblestonesthe smell of rain after a thunderstorm Some photo

the sounds of crunchy autumn leaves on cobblestones
the smell of rain after a thunderstorm 

Some photos I took in Autumn years ago and i think I just want Autumn back and breathe the sharp air with earthy tones while reading a book outside on a bench watching the leaves dance all around me. 


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good old vibes of something warm and calm

I don’t know what to tell you about my study or what’s new… this is not dark academia and I think for some time I will be so chaotic at posting different things here. but still it’s a study blog and I simply wish you to have rest after your classes and don’t forget about your health. go outside, watch your favorite cartoon, drink wonderful coffee or tee and enjoy every moment of this autumn. we will be alright. the good is yet to come. I love you
