#doctor strange multiverse of madness


no one talk to me I’m working out a timeline using the messiness of stephen’s hair—

Loki vs Spiderman No Way Home on tackling the Multiverse

This post will contain spoilers for Spiderman NWH!

I’m gonna need Feige to entrust certain writers on themes that are gonna be touched upon in movies later on to be used in their series. Let me explain.

Spider-Man No Way Home really displayed how BAD and HORRENDOUS the Loki show actually is. Like, plot and writing wise, the Loki show has really, really aged badly. So I’m sitting here wondering, since technically NWH explores the concept of variants (a lot better than a whole ass show was supposed to), why didn’t the writers of NWH dealt with the series instead of giving it to an inexperienced writer/director? Genuine question.

NWH made the concept of the multiverse a lot more digestible than a series was supposed to in a way where if you didn’t watch What if ? or Loki (especially), you could understand it…because in this case Doctor Strange admitted that it’s a concept that he still doesn’t know a lot about. So it makes the audience not only equally curious but entangles them to learn about it at the same time with them. But as someone who DID watch Loki, I can tell the writer(s) has some really odd ideas on handling the concept of multiverses and variants.

What I loved about NWH concept of multiverse is that there was no “sacred timeline”. Loki’s idea of Kang keeping a sacred timeline is very flawed simply because to keep it in one “line”, there shouldn’t have been any variant drastically different from our Loki to the point they posed a risk of tampering with Kang’s desires of keeping a “sacred timeline” (examples like Boastful Loki, Sylvie, Alligator Loki etc). Branches that come from that sacred timeline should be mostly the same except a few environmental changes/decisions where it causes the flow of time to expand. I reiterate this because the Loki show contradicts itself. TVA would go as far as prune someone for being late on their way to work; we’ve seen them arrest normal civilians who you could tell were scared and confused.

NWH concept of the multiverse is very matter of factly and unified; the Peters were variants of each other [which by the way, this concept of the Peters being variants makes a LOT more sense]that are in a way technically not related by DNA but are in essence still the same person, just not the same individual since they come from DIFFERENT universes and NOT a BRANCH of the SAME UNIVERSE like Loki does. Their universal destinies were meant to be as Spidermen/Peter Parker. And it was done in less than three hours. In which I feel like that’s what the Loki series tried to do; to make the Lokis feel like their own person/treat the name as if a title of some sort but they of course failed in that aspect.

When you compared all that said with a lame, fascist organization, that apparently previously captured Thanos and vampires before but was easily defeated by being bitten by an eight year old Asgardian, made by a (black ) dictator pruning branches of the same timeline, but then have said characters contradict the existing ways the multiverse works in your show then… especially when you have a writer and director going back and forth not knowing what to exactly describe Sylvie as…

Oh and speaking of Sylvie, so apparently Marvel CAN do siblings of the same variant relationships but it couldn’t be done with Loki and Sylvie ? I mean they kinda had the same amount of time together. They could have fallen in love (since apparently it can take less than 12 hours). Ah wait ? You say the are MALE? Wait one of them in underage ? No wait pause. Is it because they are loners and never had siblings so they related to each other more easily making the dynamic a lot more wholesome? Huh would you look at that. No self cest. Not even a hint. Interesting….

My expectations on dealing with the multiverse shenanigans are really high now. Especially with the knowledge that it CAN be done well. I don’t know how they’re going to go forward with Multiverse of Madness since Micheal Waldron, yes THE Micheal Waldron from the LOKI show I kept shitting on is the HEADWRITER. I’m also curious on how they are going to handle season two.

What a mess.


hey guys! would anybody be interested in a krasinski!reed richards x reader one shot? i’m hoping to have one out in a few days, comment below for a tag!

while watching multiverse of madness i kept asking myself why the movie felt like a horror fantasy movie from the 90s to early 2000s then the credits rolled and the director was sam raimi anyways i love this for xochitl gomez so much ❤️ wish her all the success !! she rly was the only reason i watched the movie lol

i fucking swear to god if that shit stick michael waldron fucks up multiverse of madness i will riot i will throw fucking potatoes at him or something


People saying Tobey Maguire spiderman could beat scarlet witch is so funny like she’s destined to destroy the universe or something and people are saying the guy that got stabbed by a senior citizen could solo her

Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness spoilers below.

Marvel bringing Patrick Stewart back as Charles Xavier , only to make us watch him die again :(

Two things to remember while watching Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness :

  • There is a mid-credit and a post-credit scene
  • There are jump scares. Literal jump scares.


i really appreciate the sheer amount of fantasy horror elements that sam raimi managed to fit into a 2 hour movie. we got witches, sorcerers, magic spells, rituals by candlelight, gruesome death scenes, prophecies, demons, monsters, spirits, possessions, doppelgangers, zombies, etc etc and i loved every bit of it


Stephen having misplaced father emotions since erasing Peter and immediately latching onto the first child he met? Chefs kiss


one thing I will say multiverse of madness absolutely nailed is the aesthetic. the vibes. the cinematography. whatever I may think about the plot and character arcs, the movie was visually absolutely incredible. so many images from it were so beautiful or haunting or beautifully haunting. absolutely 10/10 aesthetic


-Dr. Strange spoilers-

When America is scared:

Zombie Dr. Strange be like:

Scarlett witch dreamwalking :


Wong as Sorcerer Supreme is literally the best decision they made

he is in contact with the other Sanctums readily, he studies all the extra knowledge which is opened to him, he is pretty great at organising, and he cares

he really cares about every single sorcerer under Kamar Taj’s roof, and he cares about all the innocent people out there, and he shows it with each step he takes, each defensive measure he enforces, each life he refuses to give up

and I believe he deserves more appreciation for it.
