#dying to be thin


I’m doing omad this week. I’m trying to eat more fruit and fiber because constipation is not fun. I’ve been trying to not take laxatives so I took two weeks off of taking them.I bought this thing which isn’t a laxative but it helps. A downside of that is if I drink it on an empty stomach I literally projectile vomit.

Ps: I’m restricting. Also I don’t binge for both Friday and Saturday. I realized in the past if I don’t work my way down after my Friday binge I binge for the rest of the weekend .

I lost two pounds the other day because of my binge/ purge sessions but I’ve been the same weight a little too long for my liking so I’m going to do a 36 hour fast to try and break my plateau .

I wear a cardigan to work ever day since I started and the one time I took it off my boss literally said “you look bulky without your cardigan” :))) tell me why I wanted to cry right then
