#dont eat


I dropped out of college

I feel like such a waste of life. I owe money to so many people and now I have little to no time to be happy and relax. To top all of this off, i’ve gained 3 pounds back :)))). Ima starve so I can have something to at least be happy about

I wear a cardigan to work ever day since I started and the one time I took it off my boss literally said “you look bulky without your cardigan” :))) tell me why I wanted to cry right then





youre reading plato?? i thought he was problematic????

plato is fine for kids ages 3+ but eading it is the one thing you’re not supposed to do

i thought it was non-toxic??

my bad I was thinking of socrates that’s the one with the poison in it

Toxic!The toxic reef crab (also known as the devil reef crab) is aptly named. This crab’s musc


The toxic reef crab (also known as the devil reef crab) is aptly named. This crab’s muscles store two of the most lethal toxins— tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin. These gorgeous crabs are easy on the eyes but be sure to avoid them on the dinner plate. Eating a crab will kill the diner in a matter of hours.

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Ariana Grande as thin inspo

Working long ass hours has helped my depression but fueled my eating disorder in ways no one could imagine. I’m not complaining though, my life is changing for the better ❤❤❤
