

Honestly the only thing ed tw1tter is good for is th1nspo

Some of my favs (I do not identify as a male but I do appreciate male th1nspo)

Day two 425 cals that were two cupcakes and some seaweed…….but at least I didn’t go over….Also I don’t eat after 6 and normally start f@sting before then. Anyways my mom asked me about three times if I wanted a burger or anything from the store , which I said no to because I would go waaaaay over my calories. She then proceeded to say I’m on a “diet diet”………ooooonly if she knew

Oh I also did exercise and shit at school but I messed up my F1tb1t and have to get a new one

Thinking of doing a 5 day fast from Monday to Friday to celebrate the first week of school ☺️. My first time in a year and a half going back to school and I’m going back with a different ED. From borderline binge eating disorder to b/p and An0rexia. Im going to be on my grind this year so that I can lose all this weight and recover. I want to recover already but Ik that would be bad for me in the future. I don’t want to have to struggle through this for the rest of my teenage years so I’m going to work hard. Wish me luck ☺️<3

Hello?????? Worth all 40 cals!! It’s tastes good the only thing is I almost broke my arm trying to open it.

Second day complete Today went well i wasn’t hungry but I did have to drink some green tea because I was really faint eventho I took my vitamins. I might have to buy some electrolytes for my next fast.

W3ibo skinny challenges are overflowing with th1nspo also it might take a while to find but there is also kinda like a w3ibo proana community. You can also find diet and work out tips.

I cant wait till school starts to get so busy I forget to eat while simultaneously getting my steps up all the while not making any friends ☺️

I’m honestly really tired of this. I just want to reach my ugw and recover. I want to be normal and be able to enjoy things that people my age should be enjoying. Going to the movies with friends and actually being able to eat there. Eating dinner with my family. Going shopping and actually finding nice clothes. When I reach my ugw I’ll be able to do all the things I long for. It’s never really been about looking pretty or getting a s/o for me. I just want to love my body and wear all the clothes I want without having to worry about getting unwanted attention or looking fat. I’ve never been really sad or depressed while having my ED and I’ve been able to overcome my sh. I just want to enjoy my high school life and hopefully within a year I’ll reach my ugw and overcome this part of my life that is holding me back from really enjoying my life.

Whyyy Do I Do This

Person: Are you ok? Like, I know you like to lose weight n stuff but your cheek bones are becoming really prominent again

Me: Yes~ I’m fine, it’s just the way the suns hitting at this angle, trust me, I’m fine.

Person: Ohhh alright

Also me, lower weight than ever:

heyy so my main account is @cherry-flavoured-poison<3

cause I just realised that all my mutuals probably don’t realise I followed them back :(

GUYS I DID IT, I actually fucking did it, I wanted to reach my goal weight by Christmas and I did it!!!!<<<<33333

Aaaahhhhh I just needed to tell someone <3

I just had a panic attack (and was literally sobbing uncontrollably on the kitchen floor til my parents found me) cause I had planned to have soup and boiled eggs for dinner and I couldn’t find the right spoon and the eggshells didn’t peel off smoothly enough…. Like…Umm wtf…..it’s not that deep babes xo

I went to the doctor last week and was prescribed ✨anti anxiety meds✨


I started them on Tuesday and I’ve lost 7 pounds bc I feel so violently ill after taking them ☺️
