#binge and purge


unpopular opinion:

binge eating and food addiction are ed just as valid as anorexia or bulimia

well I’m fucked.

I lost 4 kg and I’m officially at my lowest weight, but now I have 7 days of a trekking camp where not only I can’t count kcals (I don’t prepare meals) but I can’t even fast/restrict/purge because I’ll be constantly with people and checked during the meals

I feel horrible and I don’t wanna gain weight again after all that I went through to reach the point where I’m now.

my only hope is to burn most of the stuff I eat. I’m so anxious

not sure if this will help anyone, but a small little trick that i use to help me go to sleep faster when i’m hungry: i drink so much water til the point that my stomach hurts and then i fall asleep faster cause u sleep faster on a full stomach.

idrk is that made any sense but ya

day 3: had a peanut butter sandwich, an apple and apple sauce and a granola bar

weighed myself and i’m 165 about 2-3 pounds to go before monday

day two: not so bad but don’t feel as great about it as i did yesterday. and it’s only day two fml. gotta keep going.

two months of work will be so rewarding at the end

I dropped out of college

I feel like such a waste of life. I owe money to so many people and now I have little to no time to be happy and relax. To top all of this off, i’ve gained 3 pounds back :)))). Ima starve so I can have something to at least be happy about

I wear a cardigan to work ever day since I started and the one time I took it off my boss literally said “you look bulky without your cardigan” :))) tell me why I wanted to cry right then

goals for october 14th - november 1st

  • get caught up in school and work all of my classes up to at least a D
  • stick to my current calorie limit of 1000 (coming off of a 4 month binge and i don’t want to go too hard too early and end up in another binge. breaking the cycle hoes)
  • start my savings account
  • call my grandma once a week
  • not buy a bunch of candy and then binge on it like a fatass
  • go on at least one aesthetic fall date with my girlfriend

things to remember:

  • you can do this
  • you are not alone
  • people care about you and your problems
  • this isn’t the end of the world
  • you’ll be ok
  • you are loved
  • you are important

i hope all of tou have a wonderful october :) not sure how often i’ll be posting but i’ll try to make my page more aesthetic djsjskals
