#energy witch


Anyone else feeling really bad energy this full moon? Something feels very wrong…

It’s nice to know I still have it with connecting my energy to that of a gemstones, and to know it’s always been a rather ‘painful’ process for me, especially when I’m first allowing myself to feel a gemstones energy.

I think what changes recently, as in last night, was that it was a gentler process, and rather than letting the crystal energy into my energy, i let my energy into it, and cleansed it. 

It was a nice exercise, and a reminder that new gemstones and their energy may hurt.

Energy Spell (for my lovely spoonie witches)

Type: knot magic

Purpose: to provide an individual with energy.

Materials: -black thread

-red thread

- white thread

*black is for banishing bad or negative energy.

*red is for balance and grounding the individual.

*white is for inviting good energies.

⛤This will be made like a friendship bracelet


tie all strings together in a knot near the top. Set the red string aside for now.

Knot the black and white strings together until you reach your desired length.

While tying each knot, say “I will have the energy I need”.

Once the black and white strings have been knotted long enough to wear, wind the red string around the new b&w chord while saying “This energy is mine and mine alone!”

▶Charge the bracelet using your preferred method. Give the bracelet as a gift, or use it yourself. Wearing it will provide you with more energy.

☽Happy witching!!☾


yes the anxiety you get from being in a group of people is because you are energetically sensitive and overly aware of other people’s energies. yes you are probably some sort of empath. yes you should learn grounding/energy shielding techniques and develop a daily energy management routine. yes you should carry a black obsidian wherever you go.
