#english langblr



y’all ever just watch polyglot videos for motivation, but then spend all your time doing that so you don’t actually study any actual languages??? because same. 

forever angry that in the United States I wasn’t taught a second language in school at a young age

I mean seriously, how are we not at LEAST mandatorily learning Spanish?? nearly 13% of the US population speaks Spanish predominately at home!!!

that’s presumably not even counting people who speak Spanish as a second language outside their home

so weird how in english some words are really just used in expressions and not otherwise… like has anyone said “havoc” when not using it in the phrase “wreaking havoc”? same goes for “wreaking” actually…

reply with more, i’m fascinated

I’ve decided to take part in the most popular challenge of studyblr/langblr community. It’s my last week of summer holidays and after my unproductive summer time, I just want to get back on track with learning languages daily. 

100 days scares me, I’m really afraid to fail but well… Let’s give it a try.

Who’s with me? 


English - italiano-español

health - (la) salute-(la) salud

illness - (la) malattia - (la) enfermedad

healthy - sano-sano

ill - malato-enfermo,malo

to fall ill, to become ill - ammalarsi-enfermarse,ponerse malo

to heal, to recover - guarire,rimettersi-recuperarse,reponerse
