

A WIP of Thrawn X Sabine Wren. From the Tudors. It’s not the correct uniform, but Sabine Wren was face swapped with Natasha Liu Bordizzo’s face and then worked by FaceApp, Photoshop Fix, and Express. Sabine’s hair has color and is long. It is how these programs operate.

This is the ship SWAG77 does for fanfiction; to learn more, visit our blog.

People can choose whatever they want to ship. I’m a pro shopper. Knock yourselves out. But I’m just doing my ship for fun and without expectations. I’ll still do it despite what someone says about it. And while Thrawn’s uniform is an early canon version from Star Wars Thrawn Ascendancy, it was used for position, NOT a story statement.

When Thrawn meets Sabine, they are both adults, and both consented. If that’s your foul defamatory as slander judgy accusation, there is no pedo here. This fanfic is about consent.

If you don’t want to “get” it, that’s on you. Not me.

SW Natasha Liu Bordizzo Deepfake as Sabine Wren

Natasha Liu Bordizzo Deepfake as Sabine Wren

There are hardly any new pictures of Natasha Liu Bordizzo as Sabine Wren. Someday there will be. But to get an idea, deepfake technology can be used to create images.

This image was create Reface, FaceApp, Photoshop Express all on a mobile phone (iPhone11Pro).

Several iterations were created for the final image. It is not perfect and a WIP as there were walls hit. This image might be…

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SABINE WREN - Mandalorian Royalty played by Natasha Liu Bordizzo. FaceApp FaceSwap Photoshop Rendition

Natasha Liu Bordizzo as Sabine Wren by FaceApp and Photoshop

Life Day attire. I had to participate. They made me wear this dress.

FaceSwap of Natasha Liu Bordizzo onto adult model’s face to show her as adult Sabine Wren in a lace blouse than in Mandalorian armor.

My publicist said I need more commercial portraits. Here they are. What do you think?

“I want nothing of his foolishness within my boudoir. He knows better than–” Door opens wide as she see him entering carrying his cap. She glares and yells. “OSIK! Go away!” But he ignores her with a huge grin as his eyes gleam.

SWAG77 Patreon Adult Sabine Wren Deepfake Process 5 Watch how and why we create ADULT SABINE WREN by

SWAG77 Patreon Adult Sabine Wren Deepfake Process 5

Watch how and why we create ADULT SABINE WREN by FaceApp

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Ner'Manda! That KRIFFIN ID10 Seeker Droid caught me again.

Ner’Manda! That KRIFFIN ID10 Seeker Droid caught me again.

Look, lek, I cut my hair and standardized the hair color.

I got this formal dress. It was to meet them… Burgundy. But you know I had to add plum, purple, and pink with some gold appliques.

He just took me there and I sat in their grand hall as they spoke. I got some of what they were saying. But not everything.

Then that twerp of a probedroid, ID10 started hologramming me. Di’kut.

I always…

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I do not know why. Okay, I do know why. But these formal dresses…

I do not know why. Okay, I do know why. But these formal dresses…

(written in character)

These dresses. So many dresses. So many looks. AIE. *whines* Can’t I just wear my armor? *hears admonishment* Dang FERRIK! Why doesn’t Lady Bo-Katan Kryze have to go through this much? She should know. She’s Satine Kryze’s sister!

Okay, this is how it happened, this time. I wore this dress. I’m not a forest-green fan, but you know, family picked this one out and I did not…

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