#fandom edit


ᎻꮜꮇꭺꮑᏟꮋꭺꮢꮮꭵꭼ ᎷꭺꮆꮑꭼᎬꭰꭵт

I originally made this edit to feature in my charlastor fanfiction: Soul Switched: Ch. 10 but I began the story long before Charlie’s official name & design change so this is what I worked with (*^_^*)

I’ve stared at this edit for over four hours so I can’t remember how sore it is on the eyes therefore my apologies in advance (ー ー;)

You can read it on Ao3 here ^^ —>


pro-tip for existing in fandoms:

if there is a fan art/fic/edit of a ship you don’t like SHUT THE FUCK UPandMOVE ON

im tired of seeing shit like “i hate the ship/bad ship/terrible ship/ the worst ship ever but nice art/fic/edit” THAT IS NOT A COMPLIMENT. it’s simple really, you either actually compliment the fanwork or the ship or you zip it because your negative opinion on someone’s hard work is annoying and unwanted and rude especially to the creator.
