#fanfic tropes


college professors make the lectures so boring that sometimes their voices just fade into the back of person a’s thoughts. sometimes theyre tired and wanna do something else but cant because they dont wanna fail. however, this rainy morning, person a notices that a classmate: person b, who is seated right in front of them; is watching a movie. person a watches, too, though, not knowing what the characters are saying and after a few minutes, person b looks back and notices person a is staring at their screen: this amazing person – who is person b – puts the subtitles on and makes person a fall for them.

the older person a gets, the more boring the holidays become. on new years eve, they plan on curling up in their warm blanket, trying not to cry because they just fucking hated the year and it’ll be the same for the upcoming year as well. but little did they know, person b is already knocking on their door: constantly banging on the door, screaming ‘happy almost new year, neighbour!’

that’s when person a is stuck with person b to celebrate new years together. however, person a keeps being a pessimistic asshole and keeps complaining how they should just sleep, or even heck, they’ll rather do work than celebrate. even though, they’re complaining, person b keeps on trying to celebrate new years with their neighbour and eventually, roping person a into a slow dance just before the new year begins.

otagged by @elliewan:)
tagging@alexandra-savoy as well as @quotes-of-r6and@aceupmysleeve13
anyways im gonna retype all this while trying to remember what i put a week ago

  • friends to lovers or enemies to lovers (like hero/villain) is a favorite trope of mine! songs like champagne problems by taylor swift reminds me of that kind of thing in a way? like an old friend, almost. lovely familiarity
  • cliches like jock/nerd or bad guy/smart preppy kid are also a fun one! if youve read one of us is lying, then youll know what i mean when i say bronwyn/nate n their relationship. ALSO CAN I MENTION COOPER AND KRIS- anyways no spoilers.
  • high school aus are also fun! ngl im totally into the cliche of confessing via talent show 
  • common angst tropes (cheating, unrequited love, etc.) the sadder, the better for me. hurt/comfort is nice, but i like sad endings! sad endings are nice, especially if ive needed a good cry. now im not saying these are good things, but theyre good for sad fics if that makes sense
  • magical or fantasy au type stuff are fun things for me. or even kingdom aus! harry potter au? sure! something almost like the lion, the witch and the wardrobe? sure! magic is something i love! mermaids? fairies? sure!
  • crime aus are things im not so into. or prison aus. not my type of thing! however mafia aus are more my style, to an extent. im not so into reading gore much.
  • spy aus sort of go hand in hand with crime aus in a way, but really, these arent my style either. not my personal taste
  • horror aus are also not my thing. ive never been a big horror fan. i can hardly watch thriller movies tbh.i cant sit in the same room or hear it

there are probably more, but this is everything i thought of :’)

feel free to ask about my opinions on other tropes in my ask box :)

nothing 18+ related though please









i made a quiz about which fanfic trope you are

friends to lovers

you’re a classic. simple and elegant and can never be overdone. i would marry you in a heartbeat

Tagging@roppongiperfume@marvtales@cuz-like-why-not@booksweet + anyone else


you are fiercely loyal and secretly a big softie. but also you need therapy.



enemies to lovers

“baddest bitch alive. this never gets old. you’re like the cocaine of people”



you are fiercely loyal and secretly a big softie. but also you need therapy


Enemies to lovers

baddest bitch alive. this never gets old. you’re like the cocaine of people.


Thank you for tagging me @ginki

~ thanks for the tag \o 

angst :D

you are fiercely loyal and secretly a big softie. but also you need therapy.

tagging:@hanawrites404   anyone who wants to :D 


you are so soft. the mom friend for sure. i would give my life for you



Friends to lovers

you’re a classic. simple and elegant and can never be overdone. i would marry you in a heartbeat

Thank you! =D (I love this trope since it nearly happened to me irl, lol)

Thanks for the tag, @hanawrites404!

Tagging:@t3chn1c0l0r,@radiogh0st,@mutsukittylckyouma,@scaramouchecomehome , and anyone else who wants to join! ♥︎


Stolen from Twitter lmao

 Fic Trope Friday → Oh no, the ghost haunting my new apartment is hot.

Fic Trope FridayOh no, the ghost haunting my new apartment is hot.

Post link
 Fic Trope Friday → They smelled of [a delicious food] and [a feature of nature] and something disti

Fic Trope FridayThey smelled of [a delicious food] and [a feature of nature] and something distinctly themself…

Post link
 Fic Trope Friday → Not quite as long, but ever so slightly thicker.

Fic Trope FridayNot quite as long, but ever so slightly thicker.

Post link

I felt like doing this lol

My Fanfic Trope rating list

The romantic tropes dont apply to Iron dad.

Make your own here


About OCC tropes:

I hate all these tropes, they are toxic and so out of character it hurts.



best fanfic tropes:

  • ‘i guess we’ll have to share the bed’
  • 'maybe we should pretend to date’
  • 'oh no….look like we trapped in this closet together….’
  • 'my room mate is kind of hot?????’

You forgot

  • I can’t go alone to my ex’s wedding
  • Omg our car broke down in a snowstorm
  • Hot single dad hires broke babysitter



best fanfic tropes:

  • 'i guess we’ll have to share the bed’
  • 'maybe we should pretend to date’
  • 'oh no….look like we trapped in this closet together….’
  • 'my room mate is kind of hot?????’

You forgot

  • I can’t go alone to my ex’s wedding
  • Omg our car broke down in a snowstorm
  • Hot single dad hires broke babysitter
  • 'Quick, pretend we’re having sex! No, you’re not doing it right!’
  • 'You’ve been injured. I guess I’ll have to do everything for you.’
  • 'You’ve had a bad day. I’ll make you feel better with a brand new sexual relationship!’
  • 'I accidentally texted a stranger. They were very rude. I think it might be love.’


  • lab partners (bonus if it’s a high school bio or chem assignment)
  • nerd and jock
  • detention
  • body switching
  • best friends since childhood
  • just pretending to hate each other
  • new college roommate
  • academic rivalry
  • sports rivalry
  • reincarnation
  • kissing to keep cover in a spy AU
  • enemies to friends to lovers
  • chapped lips
  • high school/college AUs


in his book, Ambrose wrote that after the Battle of the Bulge, Speirs and Lipton spent a night in an old German couple’s house due to Lipton’s pneumonia. The room had only a single bed and Speirs said Lipton should sleep on it. As an enlisted man, Lipton said it wasn’t right but Speirs simply answered, “You’re sick,” which then settled it.


“The First Daughter is for the throne. The Second Daughter is for the Wolf.” - Hannah Whitten

For the Wolf was such an entertaining read. I started reading it for the Read Better Book Club and I found myself finishing the book in a matter of days because I couldn’t put it down. It was just so engaging and had ALL THE TROPES I love. Marriage of convenience, ONLY ONE BED, grumpy/sunshine. Would 10/10 recommend!
