#lgbt prompts


admittedly,person a has extremely dry chapped lips. it’s awful to even think about. person a claims it to be a defence mechanism to whoever wants to even try to kiss them. person b doesn’t give a single fuck.

person a jokingly flirts with person b and always ends it with: “fell for me yet?” and every single time person b would roll their eyes and ignore person a.

however, on an uneventful afternoon, person a goes for their usual act of a pick up line and a wink, ending it with their always unanswered question. expecting an eye roll or a sassy remark as usual from person b: instead, person a got an unbothered “yes” from them. now, person a has their jaw agape as they watch person b walk away, not noticing a faint smile on their face.

person a can’t smile. well, they can but it’s more like a straight line whenever they smile. that’s why no one gets to see a ‘proper’ smile from person a because it isn’t really present. so, smiling at strangers who did something nice or catched their eye is an experience person a doesn’t want to relive. however, person ahelpedperson b carry their groceries and person b flashed them a smile: thanking them for helping them. this is when person a tries to smile awkwardly for 20 seconds while person b thinks their smile is charming.

summer comes in with bright smiles, person a had just moved into a small town and they have been enjoying it so far. today, however, they were minding their business on a bench when they notice person b by the balcony: singing while hanging up wet clothes. entranced by person b’s beauty and voice, person a sets a mission to capture the attention of person b.

from now on everyday, person a would play songs on their guitar to try to get person b’s attention. they have been gathering many tips, too, but person a really just wants person b to notice them. so, person a continues this new routine until they catch person b staring at them.

college professors make the lectures so boring that sometimes their voices just fade into the back of person a’s thoughts. sometimes theyre tired and wanna do something else but cant because they dont wanna fail. however, this rainy morning, person a notices that a classmate: person b, who is seated right in front of them; is watching a movie. person a watches, too, though, not knowing what the characters are saying and after a few minutes, person b looks back and notices person a is staring at their screen: this amazing person – who is person b – puts the subtitles on and makes person a fall for them.

mental illness sucks and the only way for person a to calm it down is to listen to music: on the highest volume; to drown deep inside the soft hums and well-thought lyrics. whats weird is that person a is also clumsy and theyre very surprised that they never bump into anything whenever theyre lost in the music. well, until they bumped into a street lamp. a visible, throbbing bump on their head and then, they meet their soulmate: person b, who rushes over to person a asking if they want to come over so they can treat it. of course, stunned by person b’s beauty and kindness: person a delightfully nods until they remember how much pain it did to move it because of the bump; and yet, it doesnt really hurt due to the soft giggles from person b.

person a does a lot of weird shit: some find it kinda funny and some find it quite endearing. for example: person a confessed to person b by airdropping them a meme.

the whole being gay and liking the same gender thing is a lot to take in, person a has been straight most of their life but now it’s changing: because of person b’s welcoming smile. it really surprised them that: they actually like person b, who’s their friend since forever ago. it does make sense because the only thing person a was thinking about is how to make person b happy, all the time; or how they always smile at the thought of person b’s mere presence.

of course, with the new changes in their preference: person a tries to avoid person b, saying that they hate them; when really, they really like them. they thought if they push person b away, the guilt anchor would be raised but really it just sunk deeper into the deep, black ocean of emotions. not only did they hurt themself, they hurt person b, too: and person a wanted to change that, for the better.

the older person a gets, the more boring the holidays become. on new years eve, they plan on curling up in their warm blanket, trying not to cry because they just fucking hated the year and it’ll be the same for the upcoming year as well. but little did they know, person b is already knocking on their door: constantly banging on the door, screaming ‘happy almost new year, neighbour!’

that’s when person a is stuck with person b to celebrate new years together. however, person a keeps being a pessimistic asshole and keeps complaining how they should just sleep, or even heck, they’ll rather do work than celebrate. even though, they’re complaining, person b keeps on trying to celebrate new years with their neighbour and eventually, roping person a into a slow dance just before the new year begins.

person awas always single when they celebrated christmas; always curled up with in a warm fluffy blanket, sipping a warm hot chocolate while reading their favourite book. however, they’re not single no more:now,person aandperson bcurl up against each other with light kisses on their necks from time to time and it feels so comfortable and safe inside; and they both love it.

it’s raining heavily outside, the darkness paints the night sky as everything and everyone is blessed with the rain. person aandperson b is stuck inside their car with the low jazz music and the dim atmosphere. the cramp space in the car feels suffocating, how awful, really. it’s not like person a could potentially confess their undying love for person b right now!

person a keeps questioning to themselves: is it gay to admire a friend? like seriously, it’s just admiring a certain someone (person b) about how they smile, that’s all. it’s not like it’s a crush because person a is 100% straight, heterosexual, no ounce of gay in them. but why does it hurt when person b is laughing with someone else? it could be jealousy: for a friend of course! yeah, just jealous that someone else took person b’s attention away from them and that person b seems to be always in a good mood after they spoke to this ‘someone else.’ though, person a isn’t jealous in 'that’ way, right?

you know, person a just doesn’t get love. every love story they’ve read was all about: how the protagonist couldn’t get his love interest out of his head and how much he loves her; the way any little thing would make his heart skip a beat or beat rapidly; and the way her smile would lighten his mood any time of the day.

they never experienced this and thought maybe they’ll never get anyone because eh, who knows? being single is way more fun than being tied down to a relationship. yet everything changed when person b waltzed in person a’s life with their stunning smile. then suddenly, they’re searching up ‘why is my heart beating when i’m around this really cute person who i can’t get off my head it’s annoying but at the same time whY DO I WANT TO SPEND MY EVERY SINGLE MOMENT WITH THEM?!?!’
