#fanfiction writers



This happens so much to me omg.

I am so sorry I have the right scene in my head and it’s beautiful, I swear! But every time I think I’ve done it the document is blank…. I’m sorry

Ah! That glorious moment when you have been working on something for a week and when you read it back you’re just like NOPE and hit the delete button.

Guess I’ll try again.


saw this on twitter rn, if you ever feel discouraged about writing fanfiction, read this again



Friendly reminder that fan-made content (fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc) are:

  • extremely time consuming. Remember someone actually took time out of their life to create that, time they could’ve used to, idk, sleep, for example
  • entertainment you’re consuming for free. I can’t stress this enough: you’re enjoying someone else’s craft for free. You paid exactly zero money to look at/read/watch it.
  • S H A R E D  with you, not made for you. This is the most important point: someone created that, put it online and you found it. No one forced you to consume that fanwork, you C H O S E  to do it. 

Whenever you feel like leaving a mean comment, anonymous hate or make a ~clever post about how ‘lol look at all of these overused tropes every fic writer crams into their fics’ remember you’re being a dick to someone who shared their work with you. You’re not being funny, you’re not being edgy, you’re not being brave for calling something out - you’re being a dick.

S H A R E D  with you, not made for you.

Read that again.

Also tags.

Me: Okay, I’m gonna knuckle down and finish this fic!

Me, 20 minutes into writing: *gets bored and starts writing a different fic* okay I’m definitely gonna finish this one!

*the cycle continues* 


When you find a fanfic writer you like:


reblog to send your writer friends a pat on the back and to let them know you’re proud of them. a tremendous writer. you got this

my search history ranges from “how much did a mango cost in mumbai in 1919” to “which damaged artery can threaten life” and honestly i feel bad for whichever FBI agent is spying on me


massive shout out to everyone who writes fanfic for classic novels. i’m talkin that good good public-domain required reading. it’s a tough act to follow and with next to no eyeballs on the results but by god yall are out there scratching those inexplicable and dare i say unspeakable itches. gods bless


yes i read my own fanfiction. im Literally the target audience. i wrote this for me, not you

Yeah, this hits in painful places… Yeah, this hits in painful places… Yeah, this hits in painful places… Yeah, this hits in painful places… Yeah, this hits in painful places… Yeah, this hits in painful places…

Yeah, this hits in painful places…

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