#writing struggles



Write while tired, they said.

It will help your productivity, they said.

The biggest cliches are actually the least cliche since everyone avoids them like the plague.

Have an idea for your story but it’s too cliche? Nothing is too cliche. Things are cliche because people can’t get enough of that shit. Go and make that bitch the hugest cliche anyone has ever fucking seen and I will fully endorse it.

“Finished” isn’t a word count but I’m working on it and improving on the structure of my stories. I plan to have something posted this weekend, most likely the mermaid story, since I had a sudden burst of inspiration.

6,409 words into the second half of the “Mermaid quirk” story. (Izuku x reader)

5,352 words into Chapter 11 of “Torn” (Jojolion)

6,966 words into Chapter 3 of “Underground”                                          (Switching some details around, toying with with the idea of mixing in a certain MHA AU I recently discovered that’s kinda giving me life.)

I have other fictions in the works, but I’ll start with these.

when characters won’t fuggin’ cooperate:

me: hey, yo, brain?

brain: what’s up?

me: you know that waffling between inflated self-confidence and crippling self-doubt? could we maybe, like, not?


fun ways to introduce new characters

  • have your protagonist walk into them
  • have them walk into your protagonist
  • falling from the sky
  • they flirt with your protagonist in a coffee shop
  • your protagonist flirts with them first
  • your protagonist saves them / they save your protagonist
  • they fix your protagonist’s car
  • find them hiding in a closet
  • find them making out with someone in a closet
  • eavesdropping on your protagonist
  • involved in a car chase after your protagonist
  • your protagonist mistakes them for someone else
  • they bond with your mc over how loud the neighbours are
  • OR they move in next door and are annoyingly loud and your protagonist is determined to teach them what good music is
  • they kidnap your protagonist for ransom
  • they accidentally commit vehicular manslaughter and your mc is the only witness
  • the barista mistakes their order for your protagonist’s
  • pizza delivery man
  • walk in on their demon summoning circle
  • they keep trying to sell your mc something on a flyer
  • secretly your mc’s long-lost sister *gasp*
  • online dating site
  • they mistake your mc for a celebrity and try to take pictures with them
  • taxi driver
  • your mc catches them shoplifting and tries to get them to return what they stole
  • or they see your mc shoplifting and get them arrested
  • friend of a friend
  • break into their house because they need a place to hide from the authorities

my search history ranges from “how much did a mango cost in mumbai in 1919” to “which damaged artery can threaten life” and honestly i feel bad for whichever FBI agent is spying on me

Good news is – I am finally making progress on “Truth or drink”. It’s approx. 3333 words as of now.

I had a sudden bolt of inspiration and re-worked Isabela’s segment, after being sure I had it covered. The new version fits her character better, so it’s a good thing. Even if it’s extra work.

I am having some trouble arranging dialogue bits in Agustín’s segment. I really want to include dialogue option A, but dialogue option B flows much more naturally. On the other hand, option B pulls the reader away from the highly emotional plot point I consider vital to this chapter. I am now trying to somehow fit option A after option B, but it doesn’t feel right. Then again, real life dialogue is not always natural. So maybe I am overthinking.

Isabela’s prompt is “Share an inspiring story from your life”. Agustín’s is “Something you enjoy doing with your sibling”.


Uploading a story to another platform for a false sense of productivity be like
