#garrus vakarian


Thanks to everyone who’s tagged me recently! Today I bring you Garrus and Shepard blowing off steam in the Armax Arsenal Arena. ;)

Some suggestiveness, but nothing too spicy.

“Come on.” Garrus took her hand and pulled her across the arena determinedly, heading for one of the corners.

“What are you doing?” Shepard hissed, glancing up at the dozens of cameras still trained on them. Her boyfriend didn’t answer. Instead, he tugged her behind a large barricade programmed to look like a natural rock formation near the outer edge of the arena, crowding her up against it.

“Okay,” he said, checking his omni-tool. “None of the cameras should be able to see us here.”

“See us doing what?” she asked.

“This,” he said and seized her face with both hands, kissing her roughly. At first Shepard was too surprised to respond, but she quickly recovered and returned the gesture eagerly. Her fingers curled around the edge of his breastplate, pulling him closer as his long, dexterous tongue twined with hers. With a needy growl, he grabbed the back of her thigh and lifted up her leg, grinding his hips impatiently against hers through their armour.

Tagging@starsandskies,@sidhelives,@ashalle-art,@hobo-apostate,@charlatron,@a-shakespearean-in-paris,@perhapsrampancy & anyone else who wants to do it! <3


Some more human Thane Krios and Garrus Vakarian since I was doing some color practice and bc I’m horn knee for them pls have


Commission I got from the lovely @/Square2theRoot on twitter of my Shakarios ship I love them sm!! They’re in love

A random personal headcanon:

Garrus has spent his life being very pretty, but in a forgettable way. He’s the upper-middle-class Cipritine equivalent of one more tall, handsome white bloke with shiny brown hair.

He does not react well to getting half his face burned off. Apart from the circumstances - those are *not* honourable scars - he’s used to being conventionally attractive. Now he has to put his head on one side to eat because that mandible doesn’t work right and food keeps falling out of his mouth, and AAAA

…he copes. He gets used to it. His best friend (girlfriend if you ship that) is nearly as messed up looking after all, and they can support each other.

And eventually… at least he’s not forgettable looking any more?

So if I play with F!Shepard and M!Shepard simultaneously does it mean they both exist at the same time? And why is “yes” the only acceptable answer?


Anyway here’s my take on human!Thane and human!Garrus :’)

I jus think they…

been replaying mass effect 3 and i can’t believe i never made the connection before

Shepard: I have a plan.

Garrus: Does it involve us not getting into trouble?

Shepard: I said I have a plan, not a miracle.

Shepard: does anyone know how to curse a REAL sword?

Tali: urrghhh… a real sword?


Tali: a real, like… with an edge, and metal, and what-all.

Shepard: yeah. just your typical, real sword!

Tali: just like a real… curse like, a nerf sword? did you wanna curse a nerf sword?

Shepard: no, just like a real fightin’ sword.

Tali: a real sword, urghh…

Shepard: do you know how to curse a nerf sword?

Tali: urgh, gosh, a real sword? ughh.. had to be real, didn’t it?


Garrus: couldn’t you just take your nerf sword curse and just use it on the sword?

Tali: which sword?

Garrus: the real sword.

Tali: a real sword? URRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH… ugh, ah gosh, aw crap…

Shepard: 3…2…1…Happy New Year!

shepard and garrus start making out

Miranda: It’s not even midnight yet. Can you two stop making out everytime the microwave goes off??

Shepard, walking into the room: What’s wrong with you guys? You all usually can’t keep your mouths closed.

Tali: *passes Shepard a note that reads “five way jinx”*

Shepard: Five way jinx? Really?

Garrus: *passes Shepard a note that reads “yes, really!”*

Shepard: Alright, fine. Zaeed, Tali, Joker, Garrus, Jack.

Everyone, shouting at once:Unjinxed!

Jack: *gasps for air*

Zaeed: You don’t have to hold your breath when you’re jinxed, Jack.

Jack: I play prison rules.

Joker: They play jinx in prison?

Grunt: Welcome to the ‘Fuck Garrus’ Club, where we all discuss how much we hate our least favorite turian. I’d like to welcome our newest member: Shepard!

Shepard, very sadly: I’m afraid I may have misunderstood.

Shepard: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?

Joker: Several traffic violations.

Jack: Three counts of resisting arrest.

Garrus: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.

Jack: Oh yeah, also, that’s not our ship

Shepard: All according to plan.

Garrus: …You really planned for all of this?

Shepard: You can’t prove that I didn’t.

I’ll Help You With It: Garrus Vakarian, Tali’Zorah, Kaidan Alenko, Liara T’Soni, Dr. Chakwas

Yeah, Sure: Steve Cortez, Joker Moreau, Greg Adams

Bold of You to Assume I Did the Homework: James Vega

LOL, Nope: Ashley Williams, EDI, Urdnot Wrex (too busy running things on Tuchanka)

Wait, We Had Homework: Samantha Traynor

Read at 5:55 P.M.: Udina, Citadel Council, David Anderson (can’t respond due to lack of internet on Earth)

Bonus Answer

It Is Not Too Late To Throw Your Homework Out the Airlock: Javik

I’ll Help You With It: Garrus Vakarian, Kelly Chambers, Tali’Zorah 

Yeah, Sure: Thane Krios, Grunt, Legion

Bold of You to Assume I Did the Homework: Joker Moreau, Kasumi Goto

LOL Nope: Miranda Lawson, Jack, Zaeed Massani

Wait, We Had Homework: Jacob Taylor

Read at 5:55 P.M.: The Illusive Man, Samara (she doesn’t understand messaging that well)

I’ll Help You With It: Liara T’Soni, Kaidan Alenko, Dr. Chakwas

Yeah, Sure: Tali’Zorah, David Anderson, Urdnot Wrex (but you have to pay him)

Bold of You to Assume I Did the Homework: Garrus Vakarian, Joker Moreau 

LOL Nope: Ashley Williams, Greg Adams

Wait We Had Homework: Charles Pressley, Jenkins

Read at 5:55 P.M.: Udina, Citadel Council
