#gay blog


Imagine, just imagine someone that is so in love with you is scared to lose you. Scared to lose what you have just as much as you. That desire, the fondness, the love that brings you back together. The type of love where you say, “let’s fix it together”, “I’ve got you like you got you” or “take my hand, let’s do this together”. The love where the eyes meet and you can’t stop gazing at one another even from across the room. To be so in love that you do not know anything else. The world disappears, becoming silent as your heartbeat syncs in with theirs. Just imagine, imagine a positive love filled with happiness, laughter and joy. I simply can not wait, just imagine

Enjoy with me this gay male erotic art scene.found at Adult Gay Cartoon Porn Pics

Enjoy with me this gay male erotic art scene.

found at Adult Gay Cartoon Porn Pics

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Enjoy with me this gay porn scene.found at Adult Gay Cartoon Porn Pics

Enjoy with me this gay porn scene.

found at Adult Gay Cartoon Porn Pics

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My friend told me that autumn is the state of mind, not just a season. As for recently, I couldn&rsqMy friend told me that autumn is the state of mind, not just a season. As for recently, I couldn&rsq

My friend told me that autumn is the state of mind, not just a season. As for recently, I couldn’t agree more. The last couple of weeks were filled with ups and downs (luckily more ups than downs). I’ve spent my days with my mom, my friends, and doing things that I love. The new academic year officially started. Even tho that now I live in Belgrade, last week I was constantly going between my hometown and my home now. Traveling by bus isn’t new to me. By this time I’ve gotten used to it. What’s new for me is the rush of reminiscence while traveling. I’m surrounded by other people, and yet my main focus is my head. I think about the past, my father, and how I miss him. I think about my childhood and my friends at home. Also, I can’t stop thinking about my mom. I’m so grateful to her. I’m so grateful for all people in my life that I can call family and friends. But then, there it is. Even with all of this, there is still a feeling of emptiness. That feeling is always here at this time of year. Maybe that’s me. Or maybe, it’s just autumn.

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others-jpg: Zdravo ljudi, Posmatrajući ljude iz svoje okoline primetio sam da često objašnjavamo oseothers-jpg: Zdravo ljudi, Posmatrajući ljude iz svoje okoline primetio sam da često objašnjavamo ose


Zdravo ljudi,

Posmatrajući ljude iz svoje okoline primetio sam da često objašnjavamo osećaj ili situaciju bez toga da upitamo sami sebe zašto se to dogodilo ili koje je posledice ostavilo na nas same. Zapisivao sam njihova pitanja koja su postavljali sami sebi. Zapisivao sam pitanja koja sam ja postavljao njima. Na kraju sam se odlučio da grupišem to u kartice koje se nalaze pred vama.

Pred vama se nalaze 30 kartica u formi GIF-a. Većinskim delom kartica sadrži jedno pitanje, malo njih je sa dva. Pitanja su raspoređena u 6 kategorija (uverenja, navike, odnosi sa ljudima, karakteristike, ljubavm i lično). Na pitanja odgovarate tako što screenshot-ujete gif i dobijete karticu.

Iskreno se nadam da ćete uživati u njima i da će vam pomoći, kao što su i meni i mojoj okolini.

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