#george weasley

“You haven’t got a letter on yours,“ George observed. "I suppose she thinks you don

“You haven’t got a letter on yours,“ George observed. "I suppose she thinks you don’t forget your name. But we’re not stupid - we know we’re called Gred and Forge.”

For the Character Design Challenge!

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「 bruised dummy 」

george weasley x reader

summary: you can tell that something’s wrong with george, yet he stubbornly won’t tell you what it is that’s bothering him.

requested: yes - as part of my inspo party

word count: 1.8k

warnings: friends to lovers, angst, fluff ending, mentions of wincing, arguing, mentions of physical fighting (punching, etc)

a/n: i must have been in an angsty mindset the day i wrote this, okay? i meant for this to be super fluffy & cute, but then this happened. i still tried to make it fluffy for all of you, but pls be aware there is some heavy angst beforehand. as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!

You can’t help but frown as you watch your best friend. Ever since you met up with him this evening he’s seemed off which worries you. He had detention, that you know, but he didn’t say what for. Regardless he seems more tired - more worn out - than he usually is.

“George…is everything okay?” You ask as he finally takes a seat beside you, resting an arm on the back of the couch.

“You seem off tonight.”

“Mhm, yeah. I’m fine, love. I promise.” He states, seemingly trying to convince you of the fact.

You don’t like that he’s hiding something, but you don’t want to push him either. You are only friends. Not to mention the fact that you’ve pushed too far before, creating an argument in which he made it very clear that you’re not his girlfriend and that you should “stop acting like you are.” 

“Alright. If you say so.” You sigh, knowing deep in your gut that everything is not fine with him.


A few minutes of silence pass after your question before George suggests watching a movie. Figuring that it’s probably the safest option, you agree, which is why you’re currently sitting on the common room couch watching ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.’

You’re about halfway through the movie - if not further - and George has yet to say a single thing. You haven’t missed the way he winces and gasps every now and then when he tries to readjust his position, though.

On a particularly loud grunt, you turn to him and pause the movie.

“George,what is wrong? Don’t act like you haven’t been wincing in pain every time you move. Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine, y/n. Let’s just watch the movie, yeah?”

“No. Not until I know you’re okay. You say you’re fine, but I’m not believing it in the slightest.” You state, not letting him brush this aside any more than he already has.

“I know I’m not your girlfriend, and you don’t like when I push you like this, but if you’re hurt I want to know. Please, George.”

“I’m just a little sore, that’s all.” He states, but you get the feeling that he’s still lying.


“Why? Why what?” He questions you back, surprised by your question.

“Why are you sore? What have you done?”

“I haven’t done anything. I just slept wrong, I think.”

At his reply all you can do is hum, not believing him at all. Especially not when he winces at simply trying to turn his torso to lay down.

“I swear, y/n. I’m fine. Can we just watch the movie?” George questions, finally getting comfortable, but not without plenty of screwed up faces and wincing.

“You can.” You state, tossing the remote at him as you go to get up.

“I’m going to head up to my dorm.”

What?Why?” He asks, taken back by your sudden want to leave.

“Y/n! What’s wrong? Why don’t you want to finish the movie?”

“Honestly, George, I don’t feel like hanging out with someone who can’t be honest with me. Especially when said person claims I’m their best friend.” You state, standing at the edge of the couch, exasperated. 

“Y/n…I am being honest. I’m fine. Don’t be like this. Please.”

“Don’t be like what, George? A caring person with enough dignity to not let someone continue to lie to their face?” 

“Or maybe like a nagging girlfriend - which you’ve so freely called me before? Trust me when I say I know I’m not your girlfriend, george.” You state, not being able to stop yourself from muttering the next few words out of your mouth.

“Merlin knows you’ve made that much clear.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asks, almost seeming hurt by your words.

“Exactly what it implies. Ever since I’ve met you, you’ve kept me at arm’s length. You can’t be honest with me about anything serious. It’s as if you don’t trust me, or can’t accept the fact that I truly care for you - have since we met.” You state, finally fed up with his obliviousness, or sheer lack of care for you - whichever it is.

“How can we be friends when you act like our entire friendship is a joke?” 

At your question, George goes speechless, opening and closing his mouth a few times as you can practically see the gears in his mind trying to work.

“Y/n…love, th-that’s not…I-I don’t think our friendship is a joke. I-I know you care for me, a-and I do trust you. I trust you more than anything…more than anyone else.” He stutters, fighting against whatever pain he’s feeling to sit up.

“You don’t act like it.”

“Something is obviously wrong with you tonight, and yet you keep trying to brush it aside whenever I ask - and I’m asking because I care, because I don’t like seeing you in pain.” You state, crossing your arms in frustration and because you need something to center yourself with your emotions flying every which way.

“I’m sorry. Merlin, I’m sorry, y/n. Please…come here.” George nearly begs, voice softer than it had been all night.

Although you’re frustrated with him, you can’t help but give in and make your way over to him again. Once you’re within reaching distance, he grabs you around your waist, pulling you down into his lap.

At the motion, you can see him wince yet again, but you finally give up on asking him what’s causing it.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for brushing your concern away. I’m sorry for not being honest with you. I’m sorry for making it seem like I don’t trust you, for making you feel like our relationship is a joke, and for being such a terrible friend. Godric, I’m sorry.” 

As he apologizes, George can’t help but tuck a piece of hair behind your ear as a means to squash his rising anxiety. He can’t help but run a thumb over your cheek as he tries to build the confidence to admit to you everything he’s been feeling.

“I need more than just an apology, george. It’s been like this for years, and frankly, I’m over it.” You state, rather matter of factly.

“I know. I know, and I’m trying. I swear. I don’t want you to leave me.” He admits, tightening his grip around your waist.

“I know I’ve been treating you unfairly, and I’m so sorry. I…I’ve been really dumb, all because…”

“Because what, george?”

“B-because I really like you.” He sighs, his grip on you tightening ever so gently as he drops his head.

“You…like me?”

“I do. I like you so much, and I don’t want you to think badly of me. I don’t want you to think I’m weak or anything. I-I want you to like me too.” George rambles and you can’t help but shake your head at him with a smile.

“What? Why are you smiling? Why’re you shaking your head?” He questions, a pout on his lips that you can’t help but find adorable.

“You really are dumb, george.” You chuckle.


“I like you too, dummy. Why do you think I’m always trying to see if you’re okay? Why do you think I sometimes act like a ‘nagging girlfriend?” 

“Merlin, I’m sorry for ever calling you that, y/n. I know you were just trying to make sure I was okay. I never should have shouted at you like that.” He sighs, dropping his head in shame as he continues to hold you.

“Hey, it’s okay. Sure, it hurt me to be called that, but I shouldn’t have pushed you.” You try to comfort him, running a hand over his forehead to push some of his hair back.

No. No, you were fine. I was trying to be manly and instead of just telling you what was wrong I yelled at you when you didn’t deserve it.”

“I regretted the words as soon as they were out of my mouth. Especially seeing that look on your face. I hurt you and I’m sorry.”

“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?” You question, meeting his eyes as he looks up at you.

“I-I got in a fight with some slytherin kid today.” He sighs.

“I didn’t start it, but we got caught and that’s why I had detention this afternoon.”

“So you’re wincing in pain because…?”

At your question, George lets out a sigh before unwrapping his arms from you, reaching for the hem of his shirt. You watch as he pulls it over his head, drawing a gasp from your lips as you find all the bruises scattered across his torso.

“What did they do to you?! How did you get so many bruises?” You question in pure shock and concern.

“H-he kinda punched, kicked, and shoved me into the walls…” 

“George…No wonder you’re in pain. I wish you would’ve just told me earlier. Godric this looks awful…” you frown, tenderly tracing your fingers against the bruises. 

“Did you see Ms Pomfrey?” 


“George Fabien!” You can’t help but exclaim, disappointed, but not at all surprised with his actions.

“Come here.” You sigh, grabbing your wand from the table in front of you.

Casting a quick healing spell, you sigh as his bruises already start to look better.

“I’ll say it again, but George Weasley, you are a dummy.”

“I know…Thank you for caring though, and for fixing me up.” He blushes, smiling shyly up at you as you still sit in his lap.

“Of course. I hope from here on you’ll just tell me when something is wrong.” 

“I plan to, y/n. Before we do anything else, though, I want to make sure you know that I do really like you. I actually think I love you. I just, I don’t want to hide it anymore.”

“I love you too, George.”

As the words leave your lips, a smile grows on both of your faces. With the new lightness of the air, you go to stretch out on the couch alongside George whereas he begins to lean in towards you.

“Ah-ah. Don’t go hurting yourself. You’ll still be sore for a day or so.”

“Whatever pain I might get by giving you a kiss is worth it, love. I’ve dreamed about kissing you for far too long. If I have to wait any longer I think I might just die.”

You can’t help but chuckle at his theatrics, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his lips just to appease him.

Pulling away, you can hear him whine and all you can do is chuckle.

“You need my lips that bad?” 

“Y/n, I want to kiss you for the rest of my life, I swear. I’ve already missed out on a few years of them.”

“How about we finish the movie and then I can give you some more?”

“You promise?” He questions, to which you simply nod and chuckle at.

You never would have thought that it’d take some bruises and a small fight between the two of you for your feelings to come out. Now that they are though, you plan to kiss any and all of his injuries better from here on out.

hp taglist: @eunoia-kth@omghufflepuff@impulse-anchor@d22malfoys@jrj2@luvshack@oliverwoodmarrymepls@chewymoustachio@axen-gers@pineapplesandpinas@mollysolo@hpotterwhore@teenwolfbitches28@justmesadgirl@jackys-stuff-blog@inglourious-imagines@perfectlysane24@pandaxnienke@celestialmage23 @accio-remus-lupin

george weasley/weasley twins taglist: @darthwheezely@horrorxweasley

George Weasely has been acting strange for weeks, and his friend is determined to get to the bottom of it. What she doesn’t expect, is what he has been feeling for far longer than she ever could have known.

“What?” I grabbed him by the shoulders, and he still avoided my eyes. “George, please! You’re scaring me”.

“You and him! He says your name and your face lights up like the sun. He kisses you and the whole universe dissolves around you. And you look at him like he’s the only thing in the world that matters. You love him. I can’t see you with him because..” He was looking at me now, and for the first time, I wish I didn’t know him as well as I did, because I could see in his eyes that his heart was breaking into a thousand pieces. “Because I wish it was me instead.”

“George..” I whispered, his name catching in my throat. He was in agony, and only now I could see it. “How long?” His shoulders slumped, and I could see him fighting with himself as he choked- “forever.”

I barely saw him sink to the floor through my own tears. My best friend, the one person I trusted more than anyone. How many times had we laughed together, cried together, talked until the sun came up and then fallen asleep on each other’s shoulders? And all the while, I’d been tearing him apart.

“I’m sorry.” The words were barely there, forced over a mountain of guilt that sat squarely on my chest. It might not ever move.

Hi everyone! This blog has been inactive for a while as a lot of life has gotten in the way, but I’m back now and god, I’ve missed it! Please reblog if you love Harry Potter content, shitposty and otherwise. I post my own content as well, so if you like it please follow for more! Share with all your hp friends and let’s get this little community back!


HP Fic Recommendations for… Mail

This week’s recommendations all have the theme of “mail”. Please enjoy these and give the authors love (note: I’m not a total hypocrite. I did my searching on my phone this week, which for productivity reasons is not logged onto AO3 so I have not commented on all of these. But I will give all of them love this weekend!

Next week’s theme? Parties! Please share your recommendations in my asks.

Gilderoy Lockhart: Dabbling with Dark Lords by Math_and_Lunacy The closed ward doesn’t keep Gilderoy from having fantastic adventures.

Lost In Translation by@cheesyficwriterI love this story of Ron and Hermione falling in love… twice.

Ron Weasley and His Adoring Fansby@kehwie Because in this Tumblr, Weasley is our king and in this story, he has the fan mail to prove it.

my baby, she wrote me a letter by sarahxxxlovey This is just a lovely exchange of letters between Ron and Hermione the fall after DH

Everybody Loved You (So Why Did You Die?) by miss sonder Do you enjoy misery in your fics? Then read these letters from George to his twin after DH.

Honored to be on your list of recs @edie-k Lost in Translation will always hold a special place in my writing heart ❤

George Weasley - Honeymoon

Slowly peeling my eyes open, I smiled and snuggled further into the soft confines of the small villas sheets. The sun was peaking over the surrounding town houses and cast a soft orange glow over the bedroom. I turned to see George, whose messy hair was splayed across the pillow, long limbs tangled in the sheets.

I shuffled to press kisses along his back, hot skin pressing against my own as the tall man was roused from sleep. He moaned a little, arm reaching back to circle around my waist and tug me into his side.

I giggled in his ear as I gently nibbled the lobe. “Morning, Mr. Weasley.”

He peeped one eye open with a small smile. “Goodmorning, Mrs. Weasley.” His voice was gravelly with sleep. “How did you sleep?”

“Good, yourself?” I stroked my fingers through the knots in his hair.

“Beautifully next to my wife.” He sponged a kiss to my lips.

“My husband, with me, on our honeymoon.” I hummed back. “Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it?”

“I am an utter catch, you’re very lucky.” He winked back as he eased me onto my back and peered down at me. “You look wonderful in the mornings.”

I blushed and covered my eyes. “Morning breath and all?” I teased back.

“Lemme get my camera.” George quickly hopped out of bed, jumping as I quickly slapped his bare behind as he rummaged through out luggage.

Whilst he was there, he pulled on a pair of boxers and clambered onto the bed, standing over me. He angled the camera down to me where I posed: arms above, hair wild, lips pouted and eyes pinched closed. What was meant to be one photo ended up being a whole roll, George directing me into different silly poses before settling down with me and snapping a few cheesy shots of our lips pressed together.

“I’m starved.” I groaned as I slipped in my underwear and looked at the array of dresses Ginny had packed for me.

“That one,” George recommend as he pulled his trousers up his legs. The dress was a mid length, cream, tiered dress with thin straps; perfect for the hot Italian summer we found ourselves in. “There’s a coffee shop down the road, could walk there and then into town?”

“Perfect.” Hair and make up done, we set off down the street, hand in hand as we talked mindlessly about the day ahead.

George had made the joke When In Rome nearly fifty times by the time we were done with breakfast, and I had to bribe him with ice cream to get him to stop. Walking into town, we weaved up and down the many allyways lined with small shops, dipping into each one. George bought me a beautiful bracelet and I bought him a book he’d been longing for, along the way he snapped candid and posed photos of me.

We sat outside, sipping cool coffee and sharing a punnet of strawberries and George mindlessly fiddled with my wedding ring.

“Look good?” I asked.

“Looks perfect.” He replied back, pressing a kiss to the metal.

I gazed around the busy square, catching the eye of a busker who was playing the guitar. He gestured to George and I, a small smile spreading on my lips as I nodded. Tugging George from off the bench, he stared confused down at me as the guitarist began playing an upbeat tune.

“What are you doing?” He asked as I began to move to the music, his nervous eyes flitting around as more people began to stare at us.

“Dancing! Come on.” I tugged him closer to me and began childishly prancing around with him.

George soon let loose and began dancing as well, the guitarist laughing loudly. A small crowd of adoring eyes watched us and the love we displayed as we both became breathless. The song came to a close as the crowd clapped us.

“Take a bow, my lovely wife.” George teased.

I bowed next to him, George tugging me into a kiss as the crowd began to disperse. Offering the player some money, we began to aimlessly walk around the city again.

Many sights, bars, parks and shops later we found ourselves in a small restaurant near our villa. We were tucked away at the back of the restaurants garden, belly’s as full as our hearts as George continued to play with my wedding ring, a habit I wondered would last all our marriage.

“What did you think of me when you first met me?” George asked.

We’d had this conversation many times before. “I didn’t like you.” I laughed. “I thought you were loud and boisterous.”

“Still am.” He winked back.

“What did you think of me?”

He pondered for a moment. “I thought what a lovely wife you’d make.”

“You did not!” I giggled.

“I did, cross my heart!” He laughed back. “I thought you were the most beautiful creature I’d ever laid eyes on. I told Freddie I’d make you my wife one day.”

The mood dipped a little at the painful mention of Fred. “He’d be very proud you kept your word then.” I soothed, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

George sadly nodded. “He would.”

“What are we doing tomorrow?” I quickly changed the topic.

“I’m more concerned with tonight.” George winked as he pressed kisses down my neck.

“You dog,” I giggled. “You aren’t beat from last night?”

“I could never overindulge on you.” He smiled back. “Besides, we’ve got a family to build.”
