#glamour magic


Glamours are probably one of most used kind of spells when it comes to daily life.  The idea of a glamour was a spell that was used to change your appearance.  It was rarely meant for more than accenting what was already there, although in some stories could be cast as disguises.  These spells were always illusions, and could often be seen through with a magic implement, or looking close enough.

Glamours in modern magic focus a lot more on accenting or hiding different accents of yourself, in much the same way one would contour or grow a beard if they didn’t like the shape of their cheekbones.  Most glamour spells have a focus of either a mirror where you focus on what you want people to see, or something you put on that will work like talisman for your glamour.

Most of the glamour spells I see focus around make up, which for more masculine witches tends to just leave us confused on what to do.  When I do glamours I typically will do a garment with my intention (that one special tie enchanted to accent my confidence and leadership at business meetings), or my razor.  The very ritual act of shaving for me is a daily glamour I do with out really even meaning to.  Remember you’re all beautiful, handsome, what ever adjective helps you feel good about yourself, glamours are just to show the rest of the world what you already have.

That finishes up my ramble on Glamours.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!    


This is a simple glamour that can enhance your attractiveness in many ways, to many people! The purpose of this spell is to give you a boost of confidence in your physical appearance, your communication skills, your creative abilities and other qualities you possess that people find attractive. Think your nose is pretty cute? Think you’re funny? Smart? Do you have a creative talent? Like your thighs and your tummy? People will be drawn to these qualities and take more notice of them, as will you when assessing yourself! This is a self love glamour as much as it can affect others. 

- 1 ripe strawberry
- 1 small bowl or saucer
- 1 fork

Time of Day
Perform during a waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday or Friday if the calendar allows. Super effective every Thursday or Friday when the moon is in Libra.

Make sure you cleanse your tools and cast your circle to protect yourself. Do a cleansing bath and cleanse yourself of negative energies beforehand if you’ve been feeling especially down on yourself. 

Hold the strawberry as you visualize people looking twice at you, complimenting your appearance, approaching you to chat. They laugh at your jokes and are enchanted by your thoughts and opinions. They think you are alluring and intriguing and they want to know more. People are utterly charmed by you and if they don’t want your romantic love, they aspire to be in your close circle and be touched by your aura. Think of specific people if that is part of your goal with this glamour.

Put the stawberry in your bowl or on your saucer and plate and gently mash it with your fork. Anoint your lips with the stawberry juice, kiss the juice off your fingers. This should be a sensual act. Eat the mashed bits of stawberry, enjoying the sweetness of the juice rolling down your tounge as you suck on the pulp, seeds gently bursting between your teeth. 

As you do this, say aloud:

“The words I speak,
The smiles I smile,
Be made sweet,
As bee to flower,
As honey to fly,
I draw you nigh.”


this is a glamour/ devotional act to make you look and feel gorgeous and also attract love


  • container or bowl (i used my wine glass i have for the gods)
  • rose petals - love, protection, happiness
  • strawberry leaves - happiness, love, sweetness
  • rosemary - love, friendship, luck , protection
  • rose water - love
  • moon water - purification, protection, luck
  • cotton pads


  1. In the container add all the different leaves and herbs
  2. Then add an equal amount of rose water and moon water into the container
  3. Mix them together in a slow clockwards motion with your pointer finger and focus on your intention. This is also when i dedicated it to Aphrodite!
  4. When it feels ready, place your hands over it and pour your magic into it. Picture a soft light slowly rippling from the center of the container to the outside (i saw it as a light glowing pink)
  5. Place in there two cotton wool pads and let them soak for a few seconds.
  6. Take one out and wipe it all over your face whilst stating your intention either aloud or in your head
  7. Then wash your face and do your normal routine
  8. Take out the second one and rub it all over your arms and chest (over your veins and arteries and heart!)
  9. Bin the cotton pads but keep the water until the next day and the pour it out into soil

WARNING: please be careful if you have sensitive skin
