#grief quotes


Andrew Garfield traversing the lanes from the cutest muffin to the Daddy ‘o hot to the most intellectual, philosophical and sweetest human being.

Movies : The Amazing Spider-Man, Social Network, Never let me go, Under the silver Lake and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Interview

“And I think grief applies to more than just death. Grieving from failed relationships, from parental relationships, from the person you used to be a few years ago. It hits like a tidal wave, submerging and relentless, and before there’s any time to process—to breathe—the waves keep hiting, harder and harder. Grief can happen suddenly and effectively, and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever admitted to myself.”

—S.V//Grief//@sempiternal.poet on Instagram.

✨ song quote of the day ✨

“See grief it’s just like glitter/

It’s hard to brush away.”

— Glitter, Patrick Droney

All of your feelings are valid.

In this moment, I am thinking of you and for the first time I don’t feel sad. I feel as if you’re with me.

-Samantha Camargo

I don’t want to forget you, but I don’t know how to think about you without it hurting.

-Samantha Camargo

This was grief, she guessed. All these terrible things and thoughts rooting around in her head, trying to find a place to stay.

- The Changeling, Joy Williams.

Memory is the resurrection. The dead move among us the living in our memory and that is the resurrection.

-The Changeling, Joy Williams.

The world might not love the boy. The world might never be in love with him. But that was okay, because there was a secret, which nobody but Lilia could reveal to him: Let me tell you something that most people don’t know. They’ll expect you to always remember the sweetness of being your mother’s child or the bitterness of losing her. They’ll bring you replacements, thinking they’re doing you a favor. But trust me. The days after love are long and empty. It’s up to you and me to make them less so. Those others, they are of no use to us.

- Must I Go, Yiyun Li
