#high vibration


PILE 1 (left)

two of pentacles

  • you may be feeling overwhelmed from having a lot of tasks or responsibilities and it’s draining your energy as well as taking up a lot of your time. focus on balancing the different areas of your life and managing them in a way that creates more flow, and less stress and chaos.

PILE 2 (middle)

the tower

  • some kind of significant disruption or change is needed in your life in order for you to reach a place where you are able to raise your vibration to its true potential. change may feel uncomfortable or scary, but sometimes when we are at standstill, the universe shakes everything up so we can get back on track.

PILE 3 (right)

four of pentacles

  • be protective of your energy - don’t allow anyone or anything to bring you down to their lower vibration. hold on to things that are important to you, and the will to go after your desires. you will be successful and rise to a higher frequency. however for some, you may already be holding onto to what you have so tightly that you are blocking yourself from gaining any new positive energy.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! please like or reblog if anything resonated <3

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