
whoop! i actually revised today! (only because this is homework due in tomorrow) this is C3 flash ca

whoop! i actually revised today! (only because this is homework due in tomorrow)
this is C3 flash cards on alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters. i have yet to decorate them with my mildliners ☄️

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I’m trying to do homework, SamI’m trying to do homework, Sam

I’m trying to do homework, Sam

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Corvus et Vulpes

stellarxelar:△ here is my full finished piece for the @daftzine​ ! △ it was so amazing being a par


△ here is my full finished piece for the @daftzine​ ! △

it was so amazing being a part of this and seeing people come together for something they love

a second round of preorders has just begun if you missed out on round one! last chance for a copy, don’t miss out!

i still love this and this project so much. some of my favorite work

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Homework. The struggle is real.. . . . . . . #photography #familyphotographer #family #blackandwhi

Homework. The struggle is real.
#photography #familyphotographer #family #blackandwhite #bw #homework #life

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I’ve never been an A+ student. The highest GPA I’ve ever gotten in a year is 3.7, both semesters. I’ve never been someone to sit down and study really hard for hours on end, but now that I’m in college, those habits need to change.

My goal this quarter is to get a 3.8 GPA. Like I said, I have literally never had grades that good before, but I’m hoping that my incredible interest in my classes and change of habits will get me there. I know a 3.8 is really, really hard to get, especially in college, but I’d rather aim high than low.

So, here I am, avoiding homework by cleaning my dorm and blogging about college. Here’s to another 9 weeks!


Matemáticas, Química, Lengua, Filosofía…

¿Y ahora qué toca? *Anto mira la agenda* Ah, los bajos cifrados de Armonía…

Y luego Biología. Y Piano Complementario. Y Trompa. Y…

*Suspira cansada y abre la libreta de armonía*
*Comienza a hacer el bajo*
No puedo hacer esto porque hago octavas paralelas en voces extremas por movimiento directo… Bien, pues pongo a la soprano un mi y todo solucionado… Ah, no, que separo contraalto y soprano más de una octava… Bueno, pues un do… Parece que no hay nada. Bien. Seguimos… *Un compás más tarde* Oh, shit, o pongo al tenor haciendo de “ambulancia” o hago unas “preciosas y frondosas” octavas paralelas… Aunque también puedo poner a la contraalto un la… sí, es eso, creo. ¡No! Hago quintas por movimiento directo que no entran en las excepciones. ¡Cachis! Pues va a ser el fa… *sigue con el ejercicio, conduciendo las voces a trompicones* ¡BIEN! Lo he acabado. ¡Voy a repasarlo! Veamos… *Anto revisa el bajo cifrado* Serie de sextas bien hecha… no me he salido de la tesitura de ninguna voz… no me he cargado ninguna norma de octavas y quintas resultantes ni he duplicado el bajo en la primera inversión… Bueno, bueno, la cosa marcha…
Pero ahí.
En “tol’ medio”.
El cuarto compás. Antes de la serie de sextas.
Hay una sensible que no va a tónica…
*Anto coje aire*

Make sure to follow us on There’s An App For That for more app recommendations and reviews! Li

Make sure to follow us on There’s An App For That for more app recommendations and reviews!

List Making, Time Management & Reminders

Studying / Flashcards


Educational Distraction / Brain Training

Health / Concentration


* = favourite

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Yawning. Its 8 am and I’m up doing last minute homework. literally. Its due in 28 minutes.

Yawning. Its 8 am and I’m up doing last minute homework. literally. Its due in 28 minutes.

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