#i love you


remind your friends how much you love them, how much they mean to you. just a simple ‘i love you’ ‘i care for you’ ‘you’re amazing’ can brighten up someone’s day so much, and you may not even know it.

it’s ok to not be ok. you don’t need to be happy 24/7, it’s ok to feel sad. but it’s not ok to always be sad, i know it can be hard but happiness can be found everywhere. in nature, in friendships, in books, in music. just by looking you can find happiness, and one day you won’t need to find it, because it will be a part of you.

i love you so much, even when you can’t love yourself i will. i’m always here for you, i’m never leaving.

i just want to always be there for you, i don’t want to be trapped behind a screen anymore

you are doing amazing, you may not realise that but you are. just by being here you are amazing. you may not think you are worth enough, that you don’t deserve love and happiness, but you have never been more wrong. you are so so beautiful and awesome and kind and sweet and caring and you deserve all of the best in life.


you are enough

never let anyone tell you differently, you may feel like you need to change, or be different to fit in but you, this person that you are is enough. you are enough and you are worthy of all the good in the world, don’t let yourself or others tell you something different. yes change is good, and discovering yourself is amazing and you should definitely do that, but don’t feel like without that discovery you aren’t enough. there is no certain level you have to ever meet to be ‘good enough’ you just are. you are worthy of love and happiness, and if you need help to find that then that’s ok. people are here to help you, they will always help you and fight for you, don’t let yourself forget that. you are beautiful and strong, and that is the truth. you are enough, remember that.

you are too good for this world, you’re an angel, pure and sweet, better than this cruel world. you are amazing, and so much more than we deserve. thank you for being you, that’s the best thing you could possibly be.

i’ve never wanted to hold someone as much as i want to hold you, i’ve never wanted to talk to someone as much as i want to talk to you. i’ve never wanted to spend time with someone as much as i want to spend time with you. i’ve never wanted someone as much as i want you.

i tell you that i love you a lot, and that is the truth. but the words ‘i love you’ can’t explain what i feel for you, it is so much more than those 3 simple words

whenever i wake up my first thought is of texting you, to see how you are. if you’re ok then i know my day will be well, if you are sad i’m there to fight away your troubles.

how do you do it? how do you make me happy when everything around me is trying to bring me down? how do you make me happy when even i can’t bring myself to try?

Thank you!!

I hit 700 followers recently! Oh my gosh thank you guys! I’ve never had this much support before and I appreciate it so much! I know I can’t upload as much as I want to but I appreciate all of you for being here and supporting me!!

I Iove you all!!

hi,all,I hope you not only appreciate my beauty,and also love my soul… Blackwhiteflirts.com s

hi,all,I hope you not only appreciate my beauty,and also love my soul…

Blackwhiteflirts.com see more…

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unlikely things I’d like to see anyway: Bill super excited that his BFF StanleyStanford The Author is back in town, and not having a grasp on complex human emotions such as “get the fuck away from me, demon creep, you ruined my life.”

Somewhat influenced by this

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