#i love you


I think you should tell people how important they are to you not because they could leave at any moment, but because they’re here now, and it’s worth saying.

one thing i absolutely adore in songs is when the artist includes some sounds that is very personal to them like their lover’s laugh at the end, or like, the sound of a baby, or using the heartbeat of someone as the beat of the song, or a phrase that’s used by their special someone in their native language. it’s so beautiful how music can be used as an escape but also something that ties you right back down to that one person. And it’s like not only are they in your heart? but also in your art???????

Sending moon pictures to each other, calling each other just to say “omg go out and look at the moon she looks so pretty tonight” is a love language.

everytime i see someone binge-reading my works

i love you
i love you

I had a dream about meeting the perfect one in a bookshop… what a moment would that be, a true vision for the romantics that deep their noses into the books. What a moment, what a dream, what a possible future…


(my favorite) ways to say i love you

  • you’re really something, aren’t you
  • come here
  • sit next to me?
  • you’re my favorite
  • i was just thinking about you
  • i notice you all the time
  • here, i made this for you
  • this instrumental reminds me of you
  • if you do it, i’ll do it
  • i miss you so much
  • i wish i had known you sooner
  • you’re warm

Dream to people understand that love is much move that “ I love you”’s

hello to fanfic writers and fanfic writers only. 

you make my heart swing

“Wise men say only fools rush in

But I can’t help falling in love with you

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin

If I can’t help falling in love with you?”

(Elvis Presley - Can’t help falling love)

Ho sempre pensato che “il colpo di fulmine” succedesse solo tra due persone. Mi sbagliavo. E ne sono venuta a conoscenza quando Taison è entrato a far parte della mia vita.

i have never been upset at you, i have never been angry at you, i have never thought that you weren’t good enough. because i know how amazing you, how much you are worthy of love and all of the good things in this universe, and i know that you are such a beautiful person (both inside and out) and that i could never be mad at you, it would be like being angry at an angel. please remember this whenever the doubt creeps into your mind, just remember i said this to you, if you ever think we have fought remember this, but honestly i hope we don’t ever fight.
