#ice skating


Blades of Furry OC Profile: Ebony Falls

Name: Ebony Falls

Nicknames: Ebb (main one), Ebby (by Hana), Pouncy (by Emile), Meow-Meow (by Mimi)

Age: Early 20s

Sex: Intersex (she/he/they)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Black leopard

Appearance: Black fur, golden eyes, round spectacles, slightly pudgy, short hair gelled upward

Personality: Sensitive, kind, empathetic, loving, playful, guarded around others

Likes: Black coffee, double chocolate chip muffins, hazelnut latte, balls of yarn (just for fun), singing with her acoustic guitar

Dislikes: Bullies, ignorance

Occupation: Singer/songwriter (vocals – think a mix of Cherry from ‘Studio Killers’ and Gareth Daley)

Love Interest(s)❤️: Hana Kitsu and (platonically) Sal O’Sullivan

Story: Ebony was born to a middle-class home. Their parents were together out of convenience so their tastes differed immensely. This extended to Ebony being raised as both a boy and a girl; a girl by their mother and a boy by their father. Their parents were also avoidant about openly discussing their sex, sexual orientation and anything to do beyond the binary. This left Ebony lost and confused about their gender identity until she found a safe space in a bat-eared fox by the name of Hana Kitsu.

Ebb and Hana attended middle school and high school together. She had always had a bit of a thing for him and was more than happy to watch him and his sibling Mimi train in ice-skating under their parents’ strict tutelage. Together, they experienced the highs and lows of adolescence; boys, girls, more boys, dealing with bullies and first kisses at parties just to name a few. In fact, it was in one party during a game of ‘Spin the Bottle’ when Ebony had to spend ‘Seven Minutes in Heaven’ with Hana. Once in the closet, the both of them were nervous, Hana more so with his tail between his legs. Ebby just hugged him and let him pout in their arms, telling him they didn’t have to do anything but just say that they did. It worked somewhat; some classmates believed them, some didn’t. One night however, after Hana walked Ebony to her front door from skating practice, she worked up the courage to confess her feelings for him. Hana started tearing up before confessing something of his own: “Ebby, I think I’m gay.” Ebony was crushed and the two didn’t talk for a while after that.

Not long after, Hana met the softhearted greyhound, Sal O’Sullivan, and the two began training together and eventually started dating. Due to GBSF’s blur rules on skaters dating each other, the two kept their relationship on the down low. In the meantime, Ebony had found her own niche: singing and writing androgynous love songs. She posted them regularly on EweTube and got quite a following. On one of her breaks, Ebony missed Hana so terribly she texted him saying so. Though he felt awkward at first, Hana texted her back and the two agreed to catch up. Out of fear of Ebony possibly blabbing about his and Sal’s relationship, Hana told her that he was still single. Also, he wished they could talk again and that he wished he could have handled things differently that night. Ebony apologized too; she felt she should have encouraged Hana to be more open with her – that way, it wouldn’t have hurt as much. Hana countered, replying that it would’ve happened either way. Ebony still had feelings for the dark-furred fennec fox and she hated that she did, but she kept them to herself this time. That was until Mimi butted into the conversation the Mimi way, and by the Mimi way, I mean yelling questions like, “WHY THE DUCK DID YOU STAY AWAY FOR SO LONG?”

After Hana and Ebony relayed what happened that night, drifting apart with careers and all that, Mimi only had this to say: “Boy, you’re both idiots. The two of you were attached at the hip and you let one thing get between you! Now kiss and make up before I use the both of you to mop my sweaty floor! Understood?”

Hana and Ebony were both left stunned. After he gathered his bearings, Hana proposed they hang out like old times, which they did with much pleasure. For Ebony, all those feelings came flooding back to her, the feelings that fueled her songs for so long. She even sang some of them to him. However, the lyrics of unrequited love among other things touched Hana deeply and saddened him, too. This led him to confess to her that he already had a boyfriend and he begged Ebony not to tell anyone due to GBSF’s rules. Ebony, quashing their feelings again, promised not to and told him he’d love to meet Sal. Turned out they and Sal got along great. Together, they talked about Media Studies, myths and legends and general cute things like how to make Hana blush. Ebony tried to hide their feelings, they really did, but it all came pouring out in the end. While Sal and Hana comforted her, they confessed that they really wanted to forget about their feelings for Hana but they couldn’t. At all. Over time though, Ebby accepted that Hana deserved to be with Sal. She became their number one fan, even.

It wasn’t until their mid-20s that Hana, Sal and Ebony had another talk, this time about the unresolved emotions between them. Hana and Sal, as happy as they were together, said they wanted to try having an open relationship and wanted to see how things went. Because by that time, Hana had developed feelings for Ebony and was afraid it would ruin things with Sal. But Sal, ever the understanding type, told him it was okay. Ebony happily cried at this and asked how Hana had come to like her back. It was because they had been Hana’s rock all that time since they were children and he didn’t want them to grow apart again. Ebb’s response: leap over the table and hug Hana tight. They were nervous—heck, even Sal was—to start a polyamorous relationship, but they’ve been taking it slow and have been happy ever since.




What I love about this is seeing that he’s clearly a hockey skater. Now, I don’t know shit about fuck when it comes to cold slippy antics, but what I notice is different between hockey skaters and nearly all other skaters is that hockey skaters essentially run on the ice. Any other skater is trying to glide, perform, or be otherwise smooth. Create a new type of mobility, but on ice. But hockey skaters? The floor is slippery but that’s why they’ve got knives on their feet, so it’s running time. Run run run run.

So this is like playing tag on ice, except the one guy you’re trying to get is magically not on ice. And I think that’s pretty neat.

He’s also making really good use of the stoppers on the front of his skates. You can clearly see several times that when he starts juking and running he’s not actually running with the wheels in contact with the ground – he’s tipped forward to run on the rubber stoppers, which will give him more traction on the slippery surface. He can change direction faster because none of his kinetic energy is going into countering the inertia of spinning wheels.

I don’t know if the picks on the front of ice skates are used similarly (because ice hockey is not so much of a national pastime in Australia) but I wouldn’t be surprised. But I spent a bit of time with a roller derby team, and I recognised that particular stopper run :)

Finally got around to drawing my ex-figure skating oc. He’d like to get back to figure skating now that his injury is healed, the nerve damage isn’t going to make it easy u_u


I can’t help but think about the Cullens being amazing ice skaters

I think Rosie and Emmett would love to just skate round and round, with the occasional twirl and trick. I think it would be an activity that really shows how graceful Emmett is capable of being. It’s just very sweet and gentle to think about

Oooh part two baby ‍♀️✨

Jazz and Alice are perfect and in sync - doin the craziest tricks you’ve ever seen in your gosh dang life. We saw them dancing!! We know what they’re capable of ! The image of these two being so graceful on the ice is really cute to me

Alfred Eisenstaedt. Austrian ice skating champion Melitta Brunner rehearsing in St. Moritz. Switzerl

Alfred Eisenstaedt. Austrian ice skating champion Melitta Brunner rehearsing in St. Moritz. Switzerland, 1932.

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Cool off while watching this fun video of Eleanor Roosevelt and close friend Marion Dickerman ice skating. This film was donated to the FDR Library by the family of Marguerite LeHand.


Sims 4 Ice Skating Couple Animation

This dance is shorter than usual, but I polished through this a lot so am pretty happy with the result.

There are quite many lovely photo moments and if paused at the right time, their lips do touch! (For a fleeting second. Good luck capturing it.)

Featured and Highly recommended CCs/Builds:
CC: Unisex Ice/Roller Skatesby@inabadromance
CC: Flame Ballet Dress by sweetcranberry
Build:Spring Roller Skate Park by ElliandraYT
Build: Ice Skating Competitive Arenaby@roxxysims
Build: Ice Cave by me


December 19, 1968 Four lakes opened for skating Wednesday and city youngsters immediately took advantages of the opportunity at Loring Park. Skating is now permitted at Powderhorn, Loring, Nokomis and Lake of the Isles. Lakes Harriet and Calhoun are still closed to skating, but should be open within a few days, park board officials said. Craig Borck, Minneapolis Star Tribune

The scarce decorative advertising broadside from the 1860s is currently on loan from the George Glaz

The scarce decorative advertising broadside from the 1860s is currently on loan from the George Glazer Gallery to a temporary exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York. New York on Ice — currently on view until April 15th — is an entertaining look at the history of ice skating in the city (lower right in the installation photo). The print is featured in a section on the skating craze in the mid 19th century, when the Central Park Lake drew huge crowds of New Yorkers of all ages and social classes. The broadside advertises skating equipment sold by a Lower Manhattan sporting goods store in a playful composition that is over three feet wide. Also available after the exhibition closes at a special sale price –
email us at [email protected] if you’re interested! More info about the exhibition is at http://bit.ly/mcnyice

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