#im going to hell


I can’t wait to go to Hell and meet all my favourite fanfic authors

Detroit: become human summary

Connor: *licking blue blood off fingers*

Hank, softly, with tears in his eyes:don’t

Hits blunt

If people follow the “five second rule” with their food, do you think zombies would eat you if you lie down on the floor for more than five seconds?

I’m going to hell because I know the Ten Duel Commandments and not the Ten Holy Commandments.




anyone who says “the bible is clear” about an issue, is 100% of the time wrong. the bible wasnt clear once. the bible couldnt be clear about how to make a table if it came in an ikea box

Exodus 25:23-30

well ill be darned


Ok, but imagine Agent Whiskey doing a strip tease to Britney Spears’ Circus. With that W H I P. Boy is Lethal.

Credit to @boopthemanbooster for BEING A shit GREAT FRIEND AND PUTTING THIS IMAGE IN MY HEAD.

Summary: Caroline’s date with Officer Friendly takes the turn she hoped it would, with the added bonus of an unfortunate visit.

Warnings: NSWF 18+; contains soft dom/sub, hazing, and hints of emotional abuse and fat shaming.


Caroline had no idea this was what it was to date a cop. Isaac was a nice-looking man, a man of the law and with impeccable manners that would have her mother swooning at the prospect of her average-looking daughter having found herself such a catch of a man. Caroline’s excitement over her prospective date with Isaac deflated as her mother’s judgments swirled around her head.

‘You’ll be lucky to land anything at your weight level, darling.’

‘You’ll be lucky to find anyone with your looks, darling.’

‘You know, things would go better for you if you went on that diet Marcy was on. I heard she lost 30 pounds in 2 months or less!’

On and on they went like the tape in a cassette, each time her mother appeared more and more like Lady Tremaine than the woman in her father’s albums.

This was by no means her first date with Officer Isaac Friendly. This was their first dinner date in a long time, and Caroline was nervous. Anxious jitters ran through her as she waited with barely contained excitement for her date to knock on her door.

The tell tale knock at the door came, Caroline gave herself a final once over in her bathroom mirror and practically ran to her door. Giving the dress one final smooth down, she opened the door to find Officer Friendly at the door, a bouquet of her favorite flowers in hand.

“Good evening, Caroline,” he greeted, a kind smile on his face, “Don’t you look beautiful.”

“Good evening, Isaac,” Caroline responded, a blush warming her cheeks at his compliment.

“These are for you,” he offered, handing her the bouquet of red tulips.

Caroline smiled brightly at the sight of the flowers.

“Isaac, these are lovely,” she said, her smile brightening at the sight of the flowers, “Would you like to come in while I put these in some water?”

Isaac nodded and followed after her, closing the door as she made her way to the kitchen.

He looked around the living area, admiring the view from the L-shaped corner with floor-to-ceiling windows. The studio was not as small as others, affording his little one a good amount of light. She was his little artist, or so he’d discovered from their many lunch dates, so the windows made the room glow, which he thought made the fact that this was very clearly her space even more special to him.

Caroline breathed in the sweet scent of the flowers and worked on arranging them in a vase, when out of nowhere, it started raining. She turned to her windows and gave a disappointed sigh.

Isaac made his way to her at the sound wondering what had made her so suddenly sad.

“What’s wrong, little love?” He asked tenderly.

“It’s been weeks since we’ve had proper time together,” she said busying herself with arranging the flowers in the vase, “First, it’s work with the both of us being busy, then my mother, and now this. And…I’d been…”

“Yes?” He prodded.

“I really like you, Isaac,” she admitted quietly, “Really, really like you.”

Caroline felt long fingers slide on her waist and something warm meeting her back as Isaac pressed himself to her, careful not to scare her.

She pressed herself fully to his front, humming quietly as the feel of him encompassed her.

“I like you a lot too,” he whispered deeply in her ear.

“If it’s ok with you… I’d like to see where this goes,” she said, throwing herself in completely, she does indeed want him and might not even be too far away from loving him either.

Isaac grinned to himself and let his hands wander to her middle. He stopped when he felt her stiffen and pull away when she rested her hands on his.

“Sorry,” she said quietly, “I’m not used to…”

He turned her gently to face him and felt anger begin to boil just beneath the surface at what he found. His Caroline, his little one, looked like a rabbit ready to bolt. Eyes wide in fear and…expectation? What was she waiting for? He put his hand on her cheek running his thumb tenderly over it. Her sweet rounded face looked wrong with the forced grin and down turned eyes. How was he to remedy this? He leaned down, nearly bending, and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. This night was for her, and if he would spend it worshipping her till she saw what he saw, then so be it.

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want,” he stated with conviction, “But tonight, I plan to worship you, little girl. And prove just how special you really are.”

She was both shocked and turned on by this. No one had ever said that to her with such promise and as scared as she was of baring all to him, she wanted all he would give and more.

“Dinner out is ruined,” she commented quietly.

“We can always do something here,” he suggested going to her fridge, “Let’s see… we have fruit salad, some vegetables, and salmon. I know what to do, don’t you worry. Just relax and dinner will be ready soon.”

“Nope, not letting you make dinner alone,” she said putting the vase on her counter, “I’ll help how I can. It’s only fair you; are my guest.”

He grinned darkly, the promise of the night ahead present in the heat behind it and in his dark eyes.

“You will relax,” he said quietly, smiling wide, “Let me handle it. It is, after all, my prerogative to make sure you are well and eat well as my little one.”

She shivered mouth agape at this. She had half a mind to snap at him brattishly, but something in the back of her mind says she’d regret that so she left it alone…for now.

Caroline made her way to the small hallway containing her closet and put away her shoes and took out some clothes for later. On her way out, she passed the bathroom and put the clothes on the sink ready, and made herself busy by putting on some music to fill the space comfortably before settling on her reading nook to wait out the cooking time.

Meanwhile, Isaac made quick work of taking his jacket off and throwing it over the counter. He unbuttoned the cuffs, rolled up his sleeves and began taking the things he needed out, making note of the whipped cream for later.

Caroline padded barefoot to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of rosé and two glasses, ignoring the hard glare she was getting from the policeman making dinner. She served herself a glass and turned to him.

“What? I’m just pouring myself a drink and wondered if you wanted one too,” she replied sassily.

A sharp brow went up at her impertinence, but he let it slide, after all he did kick her out of her own kitchen.

“Besides, you need help knowing where I keep my meager cooking appliances,” she stated with a sweet giggle.

He chuckled and nodded agreeing to her observation.

And so the song and dance began, her telling him where things are and him preparing their meal as if they’d done so for a long time. From there, they spoke of their week, how things at work were, parents, siblings…the niceties. Caroline propped her chin on The night had been progressing well for the couple and much to Caroline’s surprise, he cooks really really good food. Dessert was fruit salad with cream as they sat at her kitchen island, the bottle of wine long gone as she laughed at a joke he’d made. The pair stopped short when they heard an impatient knock at her door.

“Are you expecting someone?” Isaac questioned curiously.

“No,” she said honestly, “And I have no idea who it could be at this hour of the night either.”

Isaac went into cop mode and went to stand just so the door kept him from view when opened.

When Caroline opened the door she couldn’t hide her surprise quick enough at who it was behind it.

“Mother,” she breathed, feigning happiness, and rather uncomfortably asking, “What are you doing here?” Caroline asked, caught off guard.

Caroline stood in her way before the older woman could shove herself into the studio. There was no way she’s letting her mother ruin what had been an enchanting night, or scare who had turned out to be the best thing in her life currently away.

“You do not just pass by anywhere, mother, especially since it is one, raining and two, near midnight,” Caroline said, voice hard, face serious, “What is it you really want, mother?”

Her mother sniffed snootily and said, “Well if you must know, my friend Gloria has this cousin that has a son that said he’d be fine with meeting you for dinner tomorrow night.”

“Huh,” Caroline said with a sarcastic nod, “And I will go because?”

“Oh don’t be stupid,” her mother said boorishly, “You know how it is with girls like you, who don’t particularly meet societal standards. You need help, and I’m hard-pressed to see you married if it’s the last thing I do.”

Caroline gasped at her mother astoundedly. Shame bubbled in her belly as her mother’s words cut her.

“You only want me married off soon because then you’d have something to gossip about,” Caroline said venomously.

“Well, what else is there to do? You won’t lose weight, you’re not going to get far in looks, and I know for a fact that no man would approach a woman that eats like a pig! And I refuse to stand outside like some simpleton! Move aside and let your mother in!”

Isaac stood there stunned, this was his darling’s mother? How can his flower have come from…that? He saw her spirit wilt before his eyes at her mother’s untruths and decided it was time to step in.

“Darling, who’s at the door?” Isaac “called” out, stepping by Caroline’s other side effectively blocking out her mother’s way in.

“Isaac this is my mother Sandra Atwood-James,” Caroline said, voice void of emotion, “Mother, this is–”

“Officer Isaac Friendly ma’am,” he said with his wide smile, usually preserved for work.

Caroline knew that smile, that was what he wore when dealing with the more complicated assholes he dealt with both at work and during the job.

“You are with a police officer?” Her mother sputtered, clearly not expecting Caroline to have anyone, but managed to compose herself somewhat before continuing, “And why haven’t you told me?”

“You see, ma’am, we are still fairly new and needed some time to get to know each other better,” Isaac explained his sing-songy voice light, as if explaining it to a difficult child, “And we didn’t want a good evening to go to waste because of a little rain.”

Caroline bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing.

“Additionally to being here, Isn’t it a crime to enter a building without the proper authorization?” He asked, voice still light, tone still high and deliberately overtly friendly and steady…as if addressing a child.

Carolina saw her mother’s eye twitch and swore she’d bear Isaac’s children just for the fact that he in one sentence managed to do what she couldn’t in a year. Get her mother to stop breaking in.

“She’s my daughter,” Sandra sputtered face red, whether of indignation or not neither Caroline or Isaac knew, the ladder found it amusing nonetheless, “I’ve got a right to see her when I wish.”

“Not when I never gave you a key,” Caroline said voice still soft but with some force to it.

“There see! I’m so glad we came to an understanding,” Isaac said “sweetly”, “Now please exit the premises before you are arrested for trespassing.”

“But I am not! Caroline, tell him!” Her mother demanded.

“I’m sorry, mother, but you made sure I learned to not tell lies,” Caroline said, rubbing the inside of her arm subconsciously.

Isaac and Sandra noticed this. One looked on, complexion paling by the second, the other angry at realizing his little love’s insecurities came from this…harpy.

“I will not tell you again,” Isaac said, friendly demeanor gone.

Caroline did not wait for a reply; she just nudged Isaac aside before closing the door in her mother’s face without another word.

Isaac pulled Caroline close to his chest enveloping her in his long arms. He pressed his lips to the top of her head as she buried her face into his chest. He was so proud of her for standing her ground, needless to say, her mother just gave him the excuse to come around more than he’d planned to already.

Caroline knew she should feel raw, hurt, and confused, but she felt oddly grounded.

“She’s lying, you know,” she heard from above, and pulled away to look up at Isaac who had a soft grin on his face, “And I have made it my mission, to prove it.”

Isaac pulled into a tender kiss.

Caroline moaned softly into the kiss savoring the taste of the wine on his tongue. She felt his hands move to her waist and pull her close deepening their kiss.

Isaac knew he was done for the moment he tasted her. He will have great fun and it will be great fun to have it with her.

Isaac pulled away peppering tender kisses on her face.

“You are safe, loved, appreciated and most of all valued,” he whispered lovingly, “Her words are just that, words. They don’t make you who you are.”

Caroline leaned into his warmth tears falling from her eyes.

Isaac held her close, allowing her to absorb his words.

“We don’t have to do anything tonight,” Isaac reassured, “We can do whatever you want, I’m happy just being with you.”

Caroline looked at him confused, before realizing where he’d intended for the evening to go before they’d been so rudely interrupted. She’d believed for the fraction of a minute that he’d be turned off, she had not been expecting this to happen.

“I want this,” she said firmly, “You’re not taking advantage of me I promise.”

Isaac nodded at her consent and pulled her flush against him as he leaned to press butterfly kisses on her neck and ran his hands over her clothed body.

Caroline gave him access closing her eyes as she felt her body respond to his kisses and caresses.

“On the bed, on your knees, please,” he ordered firmly.

Caroline shivered hearing the rumble in his chest and obeyed. She thought about taking her dress off and went to take it off before hands stopped her.

“I said I’d worship you,” Isaac whispered in her ear, “I also said… On. Your. Knees.”

“‘Kay,” Caroline breathed, doing as he’d said.

She was nervous but excited; she’d been looking forward to being with him for weeks now. If she were asked, she’d admit that she had been growingrestless and frustrated with herself at how she still shies away from his touch.

Isaac noticed she’d gone off into her own world and left her to her thoughts as he prepared. He began by turning off the kitchen lights and turning on her bedside lamp. Next, he took the time to strip down to his undershirt and boxers, and finally went to kneel before her.

Caroline was pulled out of her thoughts by a gentle shake of her shoulder. She looked to find Isaac kneeling in front of her, dark eyes darker than she’d ever seen them.

“I need you to be sure this is what you want,” he said seriously, taking her small hands in his larger ones, “You’ve known I have my…preferences.”

Caroline nodded eyes wide in wonder and said, “I want to. I really do, just…go slow?”

Isaac looked at her wide-eyed. None of his previous potential showed any interest in his appetites. He knew she was special.

“What is your safeword, again?” He asked lowly.

“Blue,” she said automatically.

“And what do you call me?” he asked, rising to his knees.

“Sir,” she replied quietly.

“Good girl,” he cooed, pulling her onto her knees and said, “I will be taking your dress off you now, then your bra and panties. After, we will see how you feel.”

Caroline nodded looking up at him expectantly, anxious excitement filling her as he let go of her hands.

“Close your eyes, little girl,” he said firmly.

She did as ordered and waited, her body nearly buzzing in excitement.

Isaac made it his prerogative to make his little one feel like a queen. And he did so with deliberate yet tender movements. He leaned in and began by running his hand up her thighs bunching up the skirt of her dress. He moved closer to her, humming in approval as he squeezed gently at the flesh beneath his hands. He let go of her thighs, unzipped her dress, and in one fluid motion divested her of the garment leaving her nothing but her underwear.

Caroline shivered at the sudden motion, goosebumps peppering her skin when she felt the chill of the room hit her now. She froze involuntarily when she felt his hands on her waist.

Isaac felt this and stopped his ministrations and asked, “Is this ok?”

Caroline, with still-closed eyes, took a moment to take a deep breath and nodded.

“We can stop anytime you want; tonight is about you,” Isaac reiterated, her comfort his utmost priority.

Caroline dared open her eyes and looked up at him, at the honesty behind his eyes.

“I want this,” she said with certainty, “I’m sure.”

She closed her eyes again and focused on his hands, their warmth against her chilled skin, how they seemed to cradle her ready to catch her should she fall and let herself do so.

Isaac grinned to himself at the sight of her nearly bare and eyes closed. He ran his hands over her thighs again this time, making his way up higher to her bum.

Caroline gasped when he gave her bum a firm squeeze and an approving hum.

“You are so beautiful,” he cooed, savoring the feel of her still covered ass.

Caroline let out a breathy sigh and went to reach for him.

“Arms down little one,” he ordered firmly, giving her left bum cheek a pinch in warning.

Caroline let out a yelp and nodded, resting her arms on her sides.

“These are coming off,” he said, running his hands over her ass again.

He moved his way up her backside reveling in the little sighs of pleasure that she was emitting. He slid his hands under the waistband of her black underwear and slid them down letting them fall to her knees.

Caroline shivered as she felt his fingers graze the crack of her ass.

“You ok?” He asked, whispering into her ear.

Caroline nodded but was stopped when he said, “I need verbal confirmation.”

“I’m ok,” she said breathily, if only from his close proximity and her current state of undress.

He hummed in approval and continued his explorations.

Isaac ran his hands over her lower back going up until he reached the back of her strapless bra, “This is coming off too,” he said, reveling in the gasp she made as he unhooked the garment with skilled fingers and relieved her of her last article of clothing.

Caroline shivered as the chilled air hit her nipples, goosebumps rising as he ran his thumbs grazed the underside of her breasts.

Isaac took the time to really admire what he had before him. How the light coming from the lamp made her skin glow and more tantalizing to him.

“I’m going to help you lay back,” he whispered in her ear.

He helped her lay down, removed her underwear, and ran a finger up her left leg causing it to shudder.

“Ok?” He asked.

“Yes,” Caroline breathed, breath calm despite her nerves.

“Good,” he said, continuing his teasing caresses.

Caroline was sure she would go insane. His touch was sending electric currents to her core without him even trying. She felt him place kisses on the inside of her thigh and kiss his way up to her core. Her breath hitched as he kissed past her core to her belly. She gasped loudly as he nipped and kissed her soft middle, eating her up like a starving man. She went to move but found he’d effectively pinned her down, wrists held down by firm hands.

“Louder,” he ordered, “I want to hear you.”

Isaac nipped his way to her the valley between her breasts, his body adjusting itself to keep her pinned down. The licks, nips, and kisses trailed to her left breast. He was a hair’s breadth away from her nipple when he pulled away.

“Sir!” Caroline cried out in frustration and struggled to push herself closer to him.

“What do you want?” He asked, blowing on her nipple.

She struggled again trying in vain to set herself free.

“I asked you a question,” he said, warning clear in his voice.

“Your mouth, Sir,” she said, her voice quivering.

“That’s my good girl,” he purred, kissing around her nipple, “And what do you want me to do with my mouth?”

“Suck my nipple, Sir,” she quickly replied, desperate for his touch.

“Whatever my little one desires,” he said, going to town.

Caroline moaned loudly as the warmth of his mouth enveloped her nipple. The sweet torture as he pinned her firmly to the bed, combined with her lack of sight had her mind reeling, her heart racing, and her body singing.

Isaac pulled away letting her nipple go with a soft pop and ordered, “I love your responsiveness, how soft you are, and how strong you are.”

Caroline gasped as he took her other breast into her mouth.

Isaac paid the same level of attention to her other breast humming as he feasted on the fruits of her labor.

“Sir!” She called, gasping and moaning as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her leaving her a breathless wound-up mess.

“Good girl,” he praised, kissing his way down her body again, “So lovely for me. So warm and sweet.”

“Sir,” she pleaded.

“Hm?” he purred, licking the inside of her thigh.

“I need to touch you,” she gasped breathlessly.

“Not yet,” he replied, kissing her trimmed mound, “You need to cum first. Can you do that for me?”

She nodded, eyes shut tight.

“Answer me, little girl,” he ordered, “Can you cum for me?”

“Yes!” She gasped loudly.

He smirked satisfied and ran his tongue over her folds delighting in her wanton mewls as he got his first taste of her. Isaac pulled away from her and looked to find her skin covered with a sheen of perspiration and her chest heaving.

“I’m letting you go,” he said firmly, “You cannot touch me or yourself until you have cum.”

“Yes Sir,” she gasped.

“Good girl,” he purred, letting go of her wrists.

Isaac moved Caroline’s legs further apart and settled between them. He saw her stretch her arms wide on the bed, hands holding the bed sheet in twin tight grips as she waited.

Arms under her thighs, he pulled her closer until his left hand landed comfortably on her middle leaving his right with access to her core. He ran his thumb over her slit earning him a moan and searching thrust from her. He separated her lips gently and ran his thumb over her exposed clit.

She moaned and begged, “Please.”

This was confirmation enough, Isaac ran his tongue over her bud, relishing her sweet flavor. He sucked gently at her bud, his left hand holding her down as she moved her body instinctively searching for rhythm.

Caroline gasped as she felt him run his tongue over her entrance, dear god, she craved his touch.

Isaac pulled back, labored breathing showing that he was just as affected by this as she was, and asked, “Are you still doing alright?”

“Yes Sir,” she moaned.

He gently pushed one finger into her, nearly coming undone at the open-mouthed look on her face.

“You are perfect,” he purred, kissing her thighs, “My perfect girl with gorgeous eyes and tender heart. So warm and loving with a figure that makes my blood boil and body weak.”

Caroline had tears falling from her still-closed eyes.

“Your smile lights up a room,” he continued as he softly pumped his finger in and out of her.

Caroline moaned and mewled as he pumped into her gasping when he added another finger. Her back arched off the bed when he hit her g-spot only being held in place by his hand on her middle.

“My beautiful little one,” he purred before sucking on her clit. He felt her tighten around his fingers and heard her breathing becoming more and more erratic.

Caroline felt her body wind tighter and tighter as her pleasure built.

“That’s it!” He encouraged and ordered, “Cum for me my good girl, cum!”

She came with a silent scream. Her back arching from the mattress, blanket a mess of clumps in her grip as wave after wave of pleasure crashed onto her.

Isaac pumps into her a few more times letting her ride out her orgasm.

Caroline felt the pressure from his hand on her middle slacken allowing her to ride out her orgasm in conjunction with his pumping. She moaned when he removed his fingers and panted trying to catch her breath.

Isaac sucked his fingers clean humming at her taste and looked to where she lay arms spread chest heaving and muscles lose from their activities. She looked…stunning in the lamplight.

“You are stunning,” he said breathily.

Caroline looked at him and marveled at the pure adoration on his face and wondered how she got so lucky.

Isaac crawled up her body laying open-mouthed kisses over her belly, breasts and upper chest. He took special care of leaving as many love bites on her neck as he could relishing in the feel of her moans as he kissed and nipped her throat. Pulling away, mindful to not have his full weight on her, Isaac marveled at her.

“What do you want?” He asked softly.

“You,” she said, voice hoarse, “I want to feel you.”

“Touch me little love,” he whispered into her ear, “Feel me, and I will love you as you deserve.”

Caroline didn’t need to be told twice. To his surprise, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him flush against her. Her hands swept over his shirt-clad back and took a gamble, he’d said to touch but not how far or even if she was free to divest him of his remaining clothes. She decided it was a worthy punishment so she slipped her hand under his shirt.

Isaac pulled away slightly to look at her as he felt her hands under his shirt. He leaned down and gave her a languid kiss.

The couple savored the feel of their lips on each other’s only separating when Caroline pulled up the shirt further asking the silent question. He shifted enough for her to remove it before pressing his lips to hers once again. Isaac, having had enough of not truly having her reached down and pushed his boxers down allowing her to help push them further down with her feet to his knees. It took some doing, but he managed to kick them off…finally.

Caroline pulled away gasping for breath she ran her hands over his now bareback and ass. She loved how firm they are and made a mental note to ask if he could be her model. Her mind returned to the present at the feel of him flush against her, her skin pressed to his and his ever-present erection pressing against her lower belly.

Isaac was pleasantly surprised when she pulled away from him, gasping for breath. She looked up at him sweetly, before he wrapped his arms around her and flipped them over.

Caroline gasped in surprise at the new position and used her knees and hands to regain her balance.

“Sit up,” he ordered.

She did as he asked and settled on his thighs.

The couple spent a moment just staring at one another. Caroline took her time running her hands over his middle and to his chest, savoring the feel of his chest hair and treasure trail. Savoring the muscle beneath her hands and the rise and fall of his chest as he breaths.

Isaac had his hands still on her thighs. He, ever the gentleman, wouldn’t do anything unless she says it’s ok. In this case though…he needn’t have worried.

Caroline scooted her ass up a little, lining up her center with his a sigh escaping her at the feel of his member on her lips. She ran her hands over his where they lay on her thighs, taking them and running them over her body until they were cupping her breasts.

Caroline moaned and arched her back at the feel of his hands tenderly massaging her breasts, and running his thumbs over her nipples. She leaned back, her hands falling to his thighs as she pressed searched for balance and fought to keep his hands to her breasts. Instinctually, her hips moved back and forth rubbing his erect member seeking friction.

Isaac gave a guttural moan and abrubtly sat up, his hand letting go of her bosom to wrap around her again.

“You my little one are a tease,” he growled, lifting her up.

Caroline gasped when she felt him enter her. He was careful first, as to not hurt her, but as soon as the head was in he let gravity do the work and buried himself in her to the hilt.

The pair moaned in unison, Isaac in the realization that he wasn’t going to last long and Caroline at how big he was.

Isaac held himself still, letting her get used to him.

Caroline found her footing and wth one last cheeky grin and firm hold of his shoulders started bouncing on his member.

Isaac through his head back a deep grunt escaping him as she fucked herself on his cock.

“You feel so good, and gorgeous as you ride me,” he grunted, and flipped them over again earning him a squeal from his love, “But tonight… I. Am. Fucking. You.”

Caroline moaned and panted with every thrust.

Isaac thrust into her with no mercy and the hunger of a dying man.

“This alright?” He asked through gritted teeth.

“Fuck me,” she ordered desperately.

“Yes ma’am,” he breathed, and thrusted into her.

His thrusts though measure, were rough and he could feel his control slipping.

“Harder,” she begged, “Please.”

He growled at her plea and and slammed into her.

She moaned loudly, lifting her hips meeting him thrust for thrust as she held onto his shoulders for dear life. She felt pressure build…

“I…Isaac,” she moaned in his ear, “I’m close.”

He grunted deeply, picked up the pase feeling his own pleasure build. Isaac pulled away slightly needing to see her as he came.

“You are so beautiful,” he panted, “So beautiful and all mine. Mine to pleasure, to touch, to fuck, to love.”

Caroline’s pants increased matching Isaac’s own as they both drew closer to ther completion.

“I’m cumming,” she gasped, an extatic scream taking over her as she fell over the precipise.

Isaac went to pull out and let his cum coat her middle when he felt her legs wrap themselves around him pulling him deeper. His thrusts grew erratic as he came with guttural moans and gasps as he filled her with his seed.

Caroline ran her fingers through his sweat soaked tendrils and kissed lay kisses on the side of his face from his temple to his shoulder. Breaths coming in pants as she held him to her.

Isaac panted into her shoulder forearms barely holding him as he fought to keep his entire weight from falling onto her. He went to move away but was held close by Caroline.

“Stay,” she whispered, “Feel good.”

“I’m heavy,” he stated quietly.

She shook her head, the feel of him ontop of her cementing in her mind that he was real. That this is real and not some messed up dream her depraved mind and touch starved heart built up to cope.

“Feel good,” she insisted, and effectively pulled him down fully.

Isaac pressed his forehead to her temple, his nose nusling her cheek softly. If its reassurance she needed he would give it. However, he also knew he needed to get them cleaned up before actually going to bed.

Caroline sighed as he pulled her hands from around him giving a quiet hiss as he gently pulled out.

Isaac stood, made his way to the bathroom in search of a small towel and the sink. He took a moment to clean himself up, and came back to find his girl laying on her back a satisfied smile on her face. He grinned to himself knowing that he did that. He knelt by her side, gently cleaned her up and threw the towel in the hamper. Laying beside her, Isaac shifted onto his side and pulled her close.

Caroline snuggled into his neck, wrapping her arms around him as much as she could and intertwining their legs together.

“I love you,” she whispered into his neck.

Isaac’s hold on her tighten at the words and said, “I adore, cherish and love you.”

The pair lay there in each other’s arms basking in their love and the warmth they’ve attained in their little bubble. Peace has been attained, and a new door has opened. This one holding much more promise than what either of them had expected.


me writing my paracosm



*before episode 13*


- bughead: highschool lovers

- bughead: secret admiration

- bughead: love triangle

- bughead: meeting the family

- bughead: modern romeo & juliet

- bughead: the cheerleader & the nerd

- bughead: the happily ever after

- bughead: marriage & family

*after episode 13*



- bughead: SEX ON THE FLOOR

- bughead: SEX ON THE ROOF








- bughead: SEX IN-

I’m so guilty.

handsome strangers and unwise deals

word count: +1.4k

summary: marinette gave the man sitting before her - jason todd, he said his name was, and then looked at her as if she was supposed to know who he was - an unimpressed look as she sipped on her sixth coffee of the day.

a/n: i wrote all of this for one line at the end. i need help with jason.


part 2

Jason liked to think of himself as a mentally stable, dependable person. 

Sure, he had died a few months ago, and sure, he was probably going to go insane from the Lazarus Pits, but, Jason was absolutely certain that he was still all of the things stated above.

Oh, and one more thing to add — he also liked to be positive and optimistic. 

Quite like Dick actually.

He absolutely had that quality now — not like dying made him a tad bit negative, or, you know, jaded.

Yep, those were the qualities that defined Jason Todd.

Marinette looked at Jason with more than a little bit of worry and horror. 

Kwami, what had this man been through?

Honestly, if he was a nutcase and Marinette had wasted her time by picking him up from the side of the road, she was going to throw a temper tantrum. 

In her opinion, it was completely justified too. 

She had had a terrible day, with Audrey yelling at her as soon as she walked into the office and with Hawkmoth deciding to akumatize her, with Marinette as her subject of anger. 

It had been quite a feat if Marinette could say so herself, that she managed to escape from the akumatized version of Audrey.

Not without a few broken ribs, but you had to make a few sacrifices for the ‘greater good' right?

At least, that’s what Fu told her, each and every time she went to see him for advice.

It was beginning to get a bit annoying, especially when Marinette was nearing a time when she would probably have to move out of Paris if she was going to live the rest of her life. 

Hawkmoth needed to be done with before that, otherwise, Marinette would be stuck in Paris, fighting a stupid villain who couldn’t get over his stupid obsession.

Marinette had promised herself to smack the man around as much as she could if she found out who he was.

Scratch that.

Making it when

That’s right, in case you didn’t know, being positive was most definitely Marinette’s best skill in life. 

Or call it false hope. 

Whatever worked. 

But, back to the point, if the man Marinette had spontaneously decided — certainly not with a lot of cajoling and maybe a little guilt-tripping from Tikki — to pick up from the side of the road, turned out to be someone who needed to be checked into an insane asylum, that was it.

Marinette was going to quit her job, quit her superhero duties and turn into a reclusive hermit.

Synonyms, she knows, but it just made her all the more dramatic, which was what she was going for right now.

“You need help.”

Marinette gave the man sitting before her — Jason Todd, he said his name was, and then looked at her as if she was supposed to know who he was — an unimpressed look as she sipped on her sixth coffee of the day.

She was probably going to regret it, especially this late in the night, but she couldn’t particularly bring herself to care.

Jason laughed — it sounded slightly hysterical — and leaned forward. “Oh, absolutely. I don’t deny that. But, you asked me who I was, and I explained.”

The silent message was clear: it was up to her whether she believed him or not.

Marinette decided two could play this game and leaned forward too until she was inches away from Jason’s face.

If she moved just a little closer, they would be kissing, but, there would be another time for that. 

Adrien hadn’t been particularly satisfying while they were dating and often, Marinette had been subjected to help herself — if you catch her drift. After their break-up, there simply wasn’t enough time to 'help herself’ or just, you know, date someone.

If what Jason said about himself was true, then he, too, had been stuck in a dry spell like her. 

What was the TikTok again?

Two best friends in a room…they might kiss or something like that.

Change the 'best friends’ to 'strangers’ and you’d basically be describing the two of them at that moment. 

Pushing aside those thoughts, for now, Marinette looked challengingly into Jason’s jaded blue eyes and said, “Well, would you believe me if I said was the one and only Ladybug, superheroine of Paris?”

Jason leaned even closer until there was barely an inch in between the two of them. 

“I would.”

Each word hit her hard until Marinette was staring at him dizzily, hunger evident in her eyes. 

So maybe she was a little insane too, thinking about things with a complete stranger she had picked up off the road. 

What would her mother say?

Marinette could already sense Tikki’s disapproving eyes on her back, but at that moment, she didn’t particularly care especially when Jason’s soft-looking lips crashed onto hers.

That night, Marinette learned three things: one, Jason had a lot of stamina for whatever reasons, two, he was very enhanced in certain departments and three, her bed was one resilient thing.

The next morning, Marinette awoke to be wrapped in Jason’s arms to an almost suffocating degree and yet the man himself was still deeply asleep. 

As she attempted to wriggle from underneath his iron band-like arms, Marinette called Jason a few choice words, none of which convinced the still asleep man to let go of her.

Eventually, Marinette was forced to stop fighting and stay in her current position, which, was admittedly quite comfortable.

That didn’t mean she had to be happy about it. 

“You know you could have just woken me up, right?” Jason's deliciously sleep-ridden voice murmured in her ear.

Some parts of Marinette heated up, but mustering up all the dignity she had after last night, all Marinette said was, “I know.”

It was silent for a few moments before she spoke again. “But haven’t you heard it’s impolite to wake your hook-up before they actually do wake up?”

The breath was knocked out of her lungs when Jason flipped her onto her back, blue eyes alight with something Marinette had acquainted herself with last night. 

It was quite a satisfying morning.

A few weeks later, Marinette and Jason were subtly getting off a plane to Gotham, Marinette scrolling through her phone while Jason got their suitcases. 

You might be wondering — how did that happen?

Simple, really.

Jason claimed he knew people from his past life that could help Marinette and her Hawkmoth situation, but in return, he wanted her to accompany him while he reacquainted himself with his family. 

After much consideration with Tikki and the other Kwamis, Marinette accepted his offer.

Having some semblance of trust in him now, Marinette waited patiently as Jason got their suitcases, rechecking that the miraculous box was with her. 

She didn’t trust Jason that much to let him know of its existence. 

How would she even bring it up?

Hey Jason, I forgot to mention this earlier — certainly not because I didn’t trust you — but, basically, I turn into Ladybug because of these flying creatures

Jason’s arrival snapped her out of her thoughts. 

“So,” Marinette said, as she called for a taxi. “Where exactly are you dragging me?”

“Oh, you’ll see,” Jason said, smirking. 

He proceeded to direct the taxi to a location that left the driver so gobsmacked, Marinette was afraid that he was accidentally going to kill them.

“I swear to god Todd,” she muttered, looking at the now-slightly green driver. “If I die because of you, I’ll haunt you for the rest of your miserable little life.”

Jason shrugged, looking outside with something like nostalagia. “Sure. It’ll be nice to have some constant company anyway.”

Marinette rolled her eyes, turning to look outside as well. 

When they arrived at the house — or mansion, would be a more apt definition, Jason paid the driver with Marinette's money — tipping him too! — and pulled a protesting Marinette out of the car.

She wasn’t an endless pocket of money like Gabriel Agreste.

Walking into the gates and the heavily-technology-guarded door, Jason walked in dramatically, with Marinette flanking him from behind. 

Jason barely gave Marinette time to marvel over their surroundings before he was dragging her to a set of double-doors, slamming the door open with a loud bang

The occupants of the room, varying in ages, stared at Jason like they had seen a ghost. 

Which, Marinette thought dryly, wasn’t too far off.

“Surprise!,” Jason yelled loudly, hands flailing about dramatically. “I’m back from the dead! Isn’t that exciting?" 



