#incorrect lotr


*Merry and Pippin sitting in jail together*

Merry:So who should we call?

Pippin:I’d call Gandalf, but I feel safer in jail

Aragorn:Legolas, keep an eye on Gimli today. They’re going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.

Legolas:Sure, I’d love to see Gimli get punched.

Aragorn:Try again.

Legolas, sighing: I will stop Gimli from getting punched.

Legolas:I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place.

Aragorn:You people already know too much about me.

Gimli:I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.

Aragorn: you know, you don’t have to narrate my every movement

Legolas: his mouth would move but I would not listen

Aragon: *loses pippin in crowd*

Aragon, loudly: oh no, looks like we have no second breakfast

Pippin, from somewhere in the crowd: no second breakfast? What do you mean no second breakfast?

Aragon: Found him

I’m trying realistic anime style. WIP

Scroll down to see Glorfindel at Rivendell showing the Fellowship why he was the lord of the House lf the Sunflower in his previous life.

Shelob: *running through tunnels and killing orcs and eating them alive*

Me: you go, girlboss

Pippin: Frodo, have you ever wanted to eat fish tank pebbles?

Frodo: What? No, of course not!

Merry, shaking his head: There’s something very wrong with you.

Pippin: And you call yourself my cousin.

Merry: “when I first met you, I thought you were weird, and annoying.”

Pippin: ….

Pippin: “and?”

Merry: “and you are.”
