#incorrect lord of the rings quotes


*Merry and Pippin sitting in jail together*

Merry:So who should we call?

Pippin:I’d call Gandalf, but I feel safer in jail

Aragorn:Legolas, keep an eye on Gimli today. They’re going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.

Legolas:Sure, I’d love to see Gimli get punched.

Aragorn:Try again.

Legolas, sighing: I will stop Gimli from getting punched.

Legolas:I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place.

Aragorn:You people already know too much about me.

Gimli:I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.

Aragorn: Uh. What are those?

Legolas: The Necromancers specially trained

hunters, bred and twisted beyond recognition to even Eru himself.

Aragorn: Can you fight them?

Legolas: Maybe, but not with you here. The danger would be too great.

Aragorn, already turning away: Then I guess we run!


Aragorn, shouting because he’s already 17 feet away: Mortals do it all the time!

Gandalf: He’s still angry with me?

Gandalf: Well then I’ll just sneak off to Valinor without seeing him, a few centuries ought to dampen even his anger.

*Meanwhile, elsewhere in Middle Earth*


Galion: What happened to Celeborn being your favorite cousin?

Thranduil: You know, I’m fairly certain that he’s the only cousin who made it out of the Second Age.

Aragorn: you know, you don’t have to narrate my every movement

Legolas: his mouth would move but I would not listen

Sam: It sure is dark in here…


Sam: I’m not scared or anything, though.


Sam: I mean come on, who’s scared of the dark these days? I’m not a baby, no sir.


Sam: It’s okay to be scared- but I’m not. Just, if you are…


Frodo: Do you want me to hold your hand?

Sam: Yₑₛ ₚₗₑₐₛₑ


Gandalf: We have food at home.



Aragorn: *pulls into the drive through*


Aragorn: One black coffee.

Thorin: Some people hate the Elves. I don’t; they’re just wankers!

Smeagol: Hello, Sam.

Sam: Last time we saw you, you were trying to kill us. What are you up to these days?

Smeagol: It varies from moment to moment

Aragon: *loses pippin in crowd*

Aragon, loudly: oh no, looks like we have no second breakfast

Pippin, from somewhere in the crowd: no second breakfast? What do you mean no second breakfast?

Aragon: Found him

Y/N, gossiping with fellow elves: “I swear, it’s like he has a crush on one of the dwarves! Thranduil is so obsessed!”

Thranduil, in the distance: “I heard that, Y/N!”

Y/N: “Whattttt?! Pffft, you heard nothing but my utmost respect for you, my dear king!”

Y/N: *staring blankly at thranduil* How much longer will you be sitting there?

Thranduil: Y/N, I have only been on my throne for the past three hours!

Y/N: *exasperated sigh*
