#incorrect newsies quotes



Jack: I hate businessmen. A whole army of gray-suited Brads and Chads trying to suck my soul and redeem it for frequent flier miles.

Spot: He wants to talk about his feelings … I’m not good at that


Race: I’m just feeling so hurt and shocked, and I don’t know how to react, and… are you climbing out of the window?

Spot [climbing out the window] : …..no

Davey: I’m not looking for trouble.

Spot: What a horrible way to live.

Jack: So, I’ve been thinking-

Katherine: A dangerous pastime

Jack: I know

Race: Spot freaked out ‘cause I told him I never drink water, so now he’s making me drink eight glasses a day. It’s like, there’s water in soda, there’s water in coffee, there’s little pools of water on pizza-

Davey: That’s grease, Race.

Race: Well, it’s wet, isn’t it?

Jack: Do you ever see something that changes your life?

Davey: I saw you

Jack: *blushes* Honestly that’s so sweet and it really makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of a cute dog dressed up as a bunny.

Spot: is there no way we can get rid of Jack

Race: Not without a cause

Spot: I have a cause

Spot: It is be-cause I hate him

Davey: Is Spot allergic to anything?

Race: Pollen

Race: And the full spectrum of human emotion

Davey: I relate to Belle because she loves books and is kind to people

Jack: I relate to tinker bell because she needs attention else she dies

Jack: I really love the whole ‘good cop bad cop’ thing you two have going on

Davey: It’s not really a thing, it’s more like I’m nice and Spot… isn’t.

Davey: Please, for me?

Jack: Don’t do that

Davey: Do what?

Jack: You think whenever you say: “Please? For me?” I’ll do whatever you want, well not this time.

Davey: Please, for me?

Jack: Ok fine

“Sex is cool but have you ever heard of death”

~Davey, probably

Jack: Are you in the mood for a quickie?

Davey: …what?

Jack: A quickie. You know, one of those egg things


Race: Tomorrow is garbage day

Spot: I can’t believe they have a whole day dedicated to you

Jack: Why do you think everyone hates you?

Davey: *Jazz hands* Anxiety

Jack: A guy should mess up your lipstick not your mascara

Katherine: Mess up my lipstick and people will watch your body get scooped out of a river on the news.

Jack: Shit!

Davey: Language

*Later that day*

Jack: Is no one gonna comment on how Davey just said ‘language’

Davey: I know. It just slipped out…

Crutchie: Once you hit rock bottom, there’s nowhere to go but up!

Jack: You underestimate me. I’ve brought my pickax and I’m ready to dig

Race: Why is it referred to as coming out of the closet?

Race: It could be coming out of anything, what wasted potential!

Race: Coming out of my cage and I’ve been doing just guys.

Davey: Jack, if we get out of this alive, I will kill you!

Jack: So what’s my incentive to live then?

Jack: Did you know that men who kiss their partners in the morning live five years longer then those who don’t?

Davey: Did you know that men who wake up their husbands at 3 in the morning for no reason die a lot sooner then those who don’t?
