#jeff bezos




Bezos has pledged to donate $1 billion to his charity. Although this might seem good at face value, “billionaire philanthropy” itself is created by the problems it purports to solve.

As pointed out in thesearticles:

There has been an unprecedented transfer of wealth to billionaires during the pandemic -  their fortunes grew to a record high of $10.2 trillion while millions of workers sunk into poverty. 

These two phenomena – surging wealth inequality alongside the increased social role of “charitable” handouts from the super-rich – are closely intertwined.  Without extreme levels of social inequality, it wouldn’t be necessary to rely on the alms of billionaires “donating” the funds back to society just to meet critical social needs.

Now, some of these billionaires have decided to donate a small fraction of the wealth they gained during the past two years. It’s important to note the sources of this increase in wealth: 

  • The fact that the pandemic has accelerated the process of monopolisation and concentration of capital.
  • Trillion-dollar corporate bailouts like the CARES Act, which placed vast financial resources at the disposal of the ultra-rich (conversely, the debt this incurred will largely have to be paid off by the working class)
  • Capitalists refusing to halt non-essential production, sacrificing workers’ health and lives in the pursuit of profits.

It is from this sort of immoral shit that billionaires have accumulated the fortunes from which they now dispense their “moral” donations.

To top it all off: Billionaire philanthropy allows the ultra-rich to exert great influence over non-profit organisations and public policy discussions. Often, so-called philanthropic organisations function as little more than vehicles to promote the interests of their wealthy donors. In any case, they will never challenge their interests. Bezos’s foundation calls for “market-based” solutions to climate change and will fund lobbyists to promote “market reforms” rather than government regulation. Convenient. 

Tl;dr In order to combat climate change, fight infectious disease and cure other societal ills, we cannot rely on the scraps donated by the ultra-rich, to be used as the ultra-rich dictate according to their own individual whims and interests.  Particularly when this money was obtained by contributing to these problems in the first place + will not be used to challenge such problems on any fundamental level, but instead be used to sustain the status quo that allowed them to become billionaires in the first place. 








Boss Baby Bezos is at it again! Amazon opened a union busting website for people to report workers unions, so lets do the world a favor and waste Jeff’s time, money, and life energy (I hope) by spamming his website with bogus reports.

Eat shit, Jeff.



update: did you guys know all of les mis is online for free

did you know it takes roughly 5-10 dedicated minutes of clicking and holding to copypaste the entire thing

take a wild guess what i sent our old pal jeff 

UPDATE update:

That’s all fun and good but I guarentee their systems are filtering out spam.

According to what other people have suggested, include keywords which will make sure your submission gets through, and avoid keywords that might filter it.

Expletives are probably filtered, as well as major meme keywords like “Shrek”, “meme”, “Script”, “Bee”, “Furry”, “Fanfiction”, “Gay”, also “Bezos” is probably filtered too I bet.

Keywords that are hypothetically more likely to get your post noticed: “Pamphlets”, “Unions” and “Unionization”, “Capitalism”, “Wages”, “Profit”, “Labor”, “Workers”, “Emails”, “Rights”, etc. Things that would be mentioned in union emails or pamphlets. Also, use keywords that identify you as an actual employee: “Warehouse”, “Company”, “Employee”, “Coworker”, “Shift”, “On Break”, etc.

So, sentences like these will help increase legidimacy: “Another employee in the warehouse has been handing out pamphlets on unionization and talking about workers rights.” or “I’m getting emails from someone in the warehouse about labor laws and criticizing the company’s wages.”

Use things like U(state letters)(number) in the tagline and at the start. Make the name and email seem legit. Flood their systems with useless info.

So say you get past filters. Someone’s gonna read your submission, and you want to get them going. Have a strong, in-character intro and conclusion, since those will be skimmed first. Include your misleading content in the body of your submission, and try to hide it well. For instance:

yes, again, your memes and jokes arent going to be as helpful. please actually waste THEIR time. not YOUR time.

If you still want to copy paste something, I wouldn’t be surprised if you could source unionisation pamphlets from the industrial revolution and just copy paste them? Probably have a lot of the keywords you need in them.

I still very much plan on submitting better ones, but I really just wanted to let out some steam. Amazon literally let a family friend of mine die in front of everyone working and when another friend, who witnessed the first get her skull crushed, had a panic attack and stress fall which cracked a vertebrae, they fired her.

Jeff Bezos is a cunt.

im social credit farming




Bezos owns Business Insider also.

He’s a real life Lex Luthor!

Para tener en cuenta.


*sits down*

dont you think its weird. dont you think its weird that the space race last time was two of the biggest powers in the world. and now its a handful of rich men. dont you think its weird they can afford that. dont you think its bad that rich men can afford the same things as the government.

dont you think its weird that while the world is suffering and poverty is everywhere, where there’s wars and climate change and human pain and homelessness. the same month I’ve watched people die on the news from unbearable heat and unprecedented flooding. that a rich handful of men are going to space, causing more carbon emissions. dont you think its weird that instead of putting their vast amount of money to use for good they’re using it to find a way off the planet theyre destroying.

dont you think its really fucking weird.

Let that sink in



if i saw jeff bezos in public i would lift my titty up and smash it down on his bald head and burst it like a melon



If you see that Amazon is a great place to work, you know it was an article paid for by Amazon.

1,000 per 10,000 is 10%

10% of their employees are injured at any one time

i always think about how jeff bezos just fucking died one day lmao… the capitalism days were not the greatest let me tell you 


Billionaires are some of the most important political figures in the country, but they are unelected, which means the public has no direct way of holding them accountable. Furthermore, their activities are often clandestine and difficult to trace, which means that even if we could easily take them to task, we wouldn’t always know what for.

 Oh wow, they made an entire Star Trek spinoff about the Ferengi?

Oh wow, they made an entire Star Trek spinoff about the Ferengi?

Post link

Jeff Bezos, founder of “something called Amazon-dot-com,” on The Computer Chronicles, 1996: “If our catalog were printed on paper, it would be the size of seven New York City phone books.”

A visual representation of billionaires hoarding resources and creating scarcity
