#justice for johnny depp



(this comes after Heard couldn’t stop spreading a made up rumor about Kate being pushed down stairs by Johnny, rumor I am convinced Heard has herself made up)



exactly and it’s so disturbing watching millions of self-proclaimed progressives online help him do that

And the fact that he’s suing her for a piece where she didn’t even name him. Like if he wins that precedent is so scary. I have a piece of art online that’s pretty public about my abuser (that doesn’t name him) and the idea that he could sue me is so fucking scary. This case will scare off survivors not just from pressing charges but from speaking up in ANY capacity about their experiences

Yes, because her being REPEATEDLY found to be lying on the witness stand and MULTIPLE instances of her being the DV abuser (she was abusive to her ex-wife and straight-up got caught for it by a lesbian cop who recognized the patterns there) make her the victim (sarcasm).

As someone who’s survived abuse multiple times, please recognize that this woman is NOT a victim. She’s an abusive narcissist who is dressing herself up as a victim to avoid being held accountable.

I don’t want to offend anyone, and I’m sorry if I do, but I am so ready to see Amber Heard and her lawyers in a mental hospital.


I believe him, and I stand with him! My man is benefiting too because I have purchased him Dior Sauvage items to support the only company that kept supporting JD!

amber turd explaining the first time “johnny hit her” sounds like a really shitty 2013 wattpad monologue

I can’t believe this circus has gotten to the point that I feel the need to say something, but I’m gonna say it: I believe Amber Heard.

I believe the case that proved 12 out of 14 cases of Johnny’s abuse of Amber to the civil standard. I believe the ex-girlfriend who has adamantly denied accusations of Amber abusing her. I believe the makeup artist who covered her bruises. I believe the hotel staff that had to clean up the messes of his violent rampages. I believe Ellen Barkin, a former partner of Johnny, who has also testified about his volatility. I believe Amber’s sister, who witnessed some of the violence. I believe her good friend, who was brought to tears while describing the fear she had for Amber’s wellbeing. And I believe Amber herself, when she says she feared for her life at times in their relationship.

I so wanted to dismiss this case as celebrity drama and move on, but the cesspit of social media has not allowed me to do so. Everywhere I go, I see reaction videos and memes. It’s being consumed like a fandom war—to the point that people genuinely thought it was acceptable to use a description of sexual assault as a tiktok sound. I don’t care if they thought it was a lie; the content was horrifying and triggering and not amusing at all. And it was rape culture at its finest (“Amber honey, that sounds like fun. Why are you complaining?”).

YouTube recommends videos of this case like it’s the next influencer cancel-war, and the comments are full of the most vile, misogynistic sentiments I’ve ever seen. “Hystrionic Personality Disorder” is being treated like a legitimate diagnosis (but only for women, of course), rather than the 21st century version of hysteria—aka a diagnosis specifically designed to discount the authentic distress of women. (Ever read Yellow Wallpaper?)

I do believe that men can be, and are, victims of domestic abuse. They deserve unequivocal support. But beyond the ravings of fangirls, the proof is simply not on Johnny’s side. To be fair, I actually believe Johnny about many things—I believe the multiple times he told witnesses (and was recorded admitting) that he cut his own finger. I believe his texts admitting that he wanted to drown then burn Amber and then rape her corpse. I believe that Amber hurled horrible insults at him and struck him, as abuse victims often do when provoked by their abusers. I believe the many, many vile things he’s said about/called women.

And yeah, it’s a real disappointment. I understand the nostalgia surrounding Johnny Depp. In many ways, he defined the media of my generation. But when I say I don’t give a shit, I really mean it. I believe he abused his wife. And I stand with Amber.

If you’re going to come at me about the Polanski situation, and tell me to kill myself, maybe fucking pay ATTENTION to the video in question where the comment was made BEFORE spewing your bullshit???


Johnny literally sounded like he had (at THAT point in time) **NO IDEA** of the true nature of the situation, and therefore couldn’t provide a decent answer, he could only go by the information he DID know (again…..at THAT point in time). Its a 20-year difference between the assault and the film, and another 10 YEARS before Johnny is asked about it.

Do you think Johnny just goes up to people and asks them, “Hey did you do something immoral at some point in your life? Possibly 30-years ago?”

I mean who WOULD do that?

Not everyone is bound to be well-informed, and to criminalize a person for not knowing every single detail? Practically crucifying them? Says more about you than the other person.

You’re quick to judge but not quick to TEACH

I’m not apologizing for defending Johnny. I believe he, like me, was sideswiped by something neither of us fully understood, and that is NOT a crime.

I truly do not believe that Johnny is a rapist-apologist, I think he was just misinformed.



Guys, we are not out the weeds yet for Johnny, I’m afraid.

There’s another civil trial against Johnny in the Greg Brooks v. Johnny Depp, et al. in California happening in July. Brooks is suing Johnny for emotional distress, and assault & battery.

Luckily, Camille is also representing Johnny in that case. Poor Camille, she gets no breaks.

Also, there’s no cameras in that trial, so we have to rely on the media to tell us about it, as well.

Wait what happen?

This is the case in which Rocky Brooks allege that Johnny punched him several times in the stomach while screaming at him to take a couple hits at him for $100,000. This was all on the set of “City of Lies” which delayed the movie from being released.

Johnny responded that he did punch Brooks, but it was because Brooks was nasty to a homeless woman that was set. He does have collaborating statements from the script supervisor, Emma Danoff as well as the director Brad Furman.

Note, after this alleged incident, Johnny stated that it was quashed, they took a selfie together which is below. Brooks also texted some unknown person to confirm the photo, but he later deleted it.

Guys, we are not out the weeds yet for Johnny, I’m afraid.

There’s another civil trial against Johnny in the Greg Brooks v. Johnny Depp, et al. in California happening in July. Brooks is suing Johnny for emotional distress, and assault & battery.

Luckily, Camille is also representing Johnny in that case. Poor Camille, she gets no breaks.

Also, there’s no cameras in that trial, so we have to rely on the media to tell us about it, as well.


Rare footage of Ambuser telling the truth.

All I’m saying is that, this interview, was definitely foreshadowing what she would be like on the stand.

She has those same mannerisms in that video (which was universally hated while she was in a much better light) like she does when she was on the stand.


The only thing I’m a little shaky on is how JD’s team talks about how AH does not have PTSD. It’s possible she does have cPTSD from childhood abuse or otherwise. The recordings reflect hardcore abandonment trauma, which is a telltale borderline trait. If AH hadn’t taken her lies this far and caused so much harm, I would have more compassion for her bc she does need serious help.

Understandable. But that’s not what Amber, herself, is claiming. She claimed that she suffer from PTSD, not cPTSD. There’s actually a difference there, and not only that, she’s claiming that suffered this from the hands of Johnny, not her childhood at the hands of her father.

There’s a reason while she was on the stand, she talked very, and I do mean, very little about her childhood and the alleged abuse from her father. Even when Whitney on the stand, Elaine didn’t really ask about their childhood.

If Amber’s team would’ve dived in to it, it would contradict her earlier claims to suffering from PSTD from the relationship. That’s simply why she had an IME in the first place.

So yeah, it’s could very well be a possibility, but that’s not the issue that was brought forth by her. And to speculate otherwise, is kind of disrespectful to her imo.



The list on who’s on the final jury in the Depp v. Heard civil trial that is currently ongoing in Fairfax, Virginia.

(demonstrations from CourtTv & Rob from @Law & Lumber, one to show the full jury & the other to show the dimssed alternates)

The two alternates were Juror #2/B & Juror #8/H. Juror #2 is a Asian male, who is in the mid 20s. Juror #8 is a older White woman, who’s in her fifties. They were both assumed by lawyers and reporters, Ian (@.RunkleOfTheBailey), Larry @.DUI Guy), Rob (@.Law&Lumber), and James, (@JamesFromCourt) to be Pro-Johnny.

The remaining jury are these 7 individuals in total below.

1. Juror #1/A, a Asian male, assumed to be in his mid 20s to early 30s.

2. Juror #3/C, a Asian male, assumed to be in his mid 30s.

3. Juror #4/D, a Black woman, assumed to be in her mid 40s to early 50s.

4. Juror #5/E, a Asian woman, assumed to be in her early 30s.

5. Juror #6/F, a White man, assumed to be in his mid 60s.

6. Juror #7/G, a White man, assumed to be in his late 20s to early 30s.

7. Juror #9/I, a Asian man, assumed to be in his 40s. Interesting enough, this juror is assumed to be very Anti-Amber, to point of out right give her a scrawl when she was on the stand.

5 men, 2 women.

All of these 7 jurors must come to an unanimous decision to reach a verdict in this case.

I suspect the juror’s identities are gonna be a source of a lot of Op-Eds if they rule unfavorably for Heard, particularly the ratio of male to female. Since most of them are non-white I suspect some racist commentary under the guise of feminism might be smuggled in too. 

I see what you’re saying, but I don’t think it will work out to well for her on the PR move on either of your proposed fronts.

The issue on complaining about the gender ratio on jury will be, her team picked and agreed on the jury. So, that will literally go nowhere, and will actually reflect really badly on her team.

The racism angle will be really weird and also backfire horribly on her. Amber has a history on being seen as “racist”, so this will probably add to it if they try to conjure up the angle. Also I wonder how that racial angle will go? Amber is a cis-white woman obviously; so let’s disregard her past a moment. If they push too hard, it could also backfire in which “POC abused women are never heard, and we only care about white women who’s abused”.

But I definitely think they are going down that radical feminist route. Sprinkle in how the trial shouldn’t be televised, people leaking things on Twitter, memes on her appearance and behavior in court, and you got a pretty dumb PR stunt. Also tie in some biphobia, cause why not?

The list on who’s on the final jury in the Depp v. Heard civil trial that is currently ongoing in Fairfax, Virginia.

(demonstrations from CourtTv & Rob from @Law & Lumber, one to show the full jury & the other to show the dimssed alternates)

The two alternates were Juror #2/B & Juror #8/H. Juror #2 is a Asian male, who is in the mid 20s. Juror #8 is a older White woman, who’s in her fifties. They were both assumed by lawyers and reporters, Ian (@.RunkleOfTheBailey), Larry @.DUI Guy), Rob (@.Law&Lumber), and James, (@JamesFromCourt) to be Pro-Johnny.

The remaining jury are these 7 individuals in total below.

1. Juror #1/A, a Asian male, assumed to be in his mid 20s to early 30s.

2. Juror #3/C, a Asian male, assumed to be in his mid 30s.

3. Juror #4/D, a Black woman, assumed to be in her mid 40s to early 50s.

4. Juror #5/E, a Asian woman, assumed to be in her early 30s.

5. Juror #6/F, a White man, assumed to be in his mid 60s.

6. Juror #7/G, a White man, assumed to be in his late 20s to early 30s.

7. Juror #9/I, a Asian man, assumed to be in his 40s. Interesting enough, this juror is assumed to be very Anti-Amber, to point of out right give her a scrawl when she was on the stand.

5 men, 2 women.

All of these 7 jurors must come to an unanimous decision to reach a verdict in this case.




I just wanted to bring out that whatever negative speculation we have about AH’s lawyers: that they are the worst attorneys, that they must have this hate towards JD and his lawyers. We should remember that they are for the most part just doing their jobs. Yes they come off like they have a disdain towards the opposing side but they are trying to argue for their client. And a lot of lawyers have had times where they’ve done a bad job or took on a bad client or is just fighting a case where the evidence is not on their side. I’ve legit heard a lawyer who represented someone who is clearly guilty of murder, say on closing that “Just ignore the evidence; my client couldn’t have killed this person because he came from a good family”.

Yes to of this 100%. It’s actually being reported that after closing, Chew & Bredehoft was seen shaking hands and being very friendly with each other. As well as the same with Rottenborn.

It must be said, time and time again. While Elaine is terrible, and I do mean, terrible at trial, I have no doubt she’s worth every bit of that $600/h she’s getting paid. The realest MVP is Ben Rottenborn for them, and while the arguments are shit, he’s a damn good attorney. Honestly, if he was on Johnny’s team, we’ve would be saying he’s the best damn attorney in the world. Not only that, he’s getting paid peanuts compared to everyone else in this case. Literally, everyone else. He’s getting paid $325/h. He’s definitely worth more, at least $800/h honestly.

So again, don’t ever say that anyone on Amber’s team are bad “lawyers”. They are not, they are just working with bad “facts”.

And I still stand by my assertions that Rottenborn doesn’t like Amber one bit.

It’s not just that they are working with bad facts, they are working with a bad client who refuses to do her job.

Fuckin’ yes. A lot of decisions in this case was clearly made by Amber, and Amber alone. Like keeping the counterclaim.
