#kaydel ko connix



based on an older Star Wars post of mine I saw the other day, involving humorous parentage theories

At first, Luke barely noticed when Rey and Finn brought armloads of datapads into the cabin, murmuring to each other. He’d long since learned to tune out that kind of distraction while meditating. When the Tico sisters showed up not long after, helping carry in what looked like a crate of something, it didget a little harder to concentrate, but Luke did not open his eyes. When Connix and the Dameron boy – good grief, he wasn’t a boy anymore, was he? That meant Luke had gotten old when he wasn’t looking! Oh no no, that wouldn’t do at all– came thumping in with his noisy little BB-8 unit at his heels, Luke gave up.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t tune them out, it was just that now he was too curious to.

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Finn spills the Black Book of Captain Phasma over drinks with the Resistance. (Ongoing)

  • Chapter 1: Wanna Hear a Story? Finn spills the Black Book of Captain Phasma over drinks with the Resistance.
  • Chapter 2: Inspection! Phasma inspects more than Finn’s weapons during a routine inspection

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  • Chapter 3: Phasma Fux Hux General Hux bites off more than he can chew when he orders Captain Phasma over to his private quarters for a pegging session
  • Chapter 4: Rewarding the Troops Phasma celebrates with her loyal stormtroopers following a First Order victory

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  • Chapter 5: Phasma’s Phantasy As Kylo Ren recovers from the Battle of Starkiller in the Supremacy’s medical bay, Phasma takes the opportunity to indulge in a sexual fantasy about the Master of the Knights of Ren

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  • Chapter 6: Dark Reign A tie-in chapter to the darkfic “Dark Reign”, General Phasma visits Empress Kira Ren, the former Rey of Jakku, at the Fortress Ren on Mustafar

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A “Rise of Skywalker” Fix-It Fic

Synopsis: In a race against time, Rey and the Resistance must prepare for the final battle against the First Order and the Phantom Emperor Palpatine…


In the months following the release of the very divisive The Rise of Skywalker, I had drafted Rise of the Order as a rewrite/fix-it. Eventually, despite the work I put into it, I got frustrated and abandoned it.

Recently, I decided to give it another go, and through some editing and the posting of a new chapter, I am proud to announce that Star Wars: Rise of The Order is back on track!

I would appreciate so very much if you gave it a chance, and if you found The Rise of Skywalker as dissatisfying as I did, hopefully my fic and it’s eventual conclusion can offer you something.

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The story so far…

Chapter 1: The Phantom Emperor Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and his Knights invade Mustafar in search for the source of his terrifying visions

Chapter 2: Space Chase Chewie, Finn, and Poe gather intel for the Resistance

Chapter 3: Connected Rey tries to forget her troubles with lightsaber training

Chapter 4: Preparing for Battle Armed with a First Order holodisk, the Resistance prepare their next move

Chapter 5: The Supreme Council Kylo Ren searches for the scavenger

Chapter 6: Pasaana The Resistance arrives on the desert planet to meet their mysterious contact

Chapter 7: Ochi’s Legacy The Resistance explore an underground cave

Chapter 8: Capture Rey confronts Kylo Ren

Chapter 9: Cracking the Code The Resistance arrives on Kimiji to decode the rest of their First Order holodisk

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Chapter 10: Rescue The Resistance infiltrates Kylo Ren’s Star Destroyer as the Supreme Leader ransacks Kimiji in his search for Rey

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Chapter 11: Revelations On the heels of their daring rescue, Rose Tico delivers troubling news to the Resistance; Rey’s tumultuous connection with Kylo Ren further alienates her from the rest of the group

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Chapter 12: Kef BirTheMillennium Falcon has a rocky landing; Rey and the Resistance meet a group of unlikely allies in their fight against the First Order

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Chapter 13: Wreckage of the Past Rey searches through the remains of the Second Death Star in search of the Emperor’s Wayfinder

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Chapter 14: Death Star Battle Rey and Kylo Ren duel as General Leia tries one last time to reach her son

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Chapter 15: The Prodigal Son Returns Kylo Ren atones for his past while Emperor Palpatine plots his next move with a secret ally

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Chapter 16: Darkest Before the DawnTheMillennium Falcon returns to Ajan Kloss as the Resistance reels from a terrible loss

Chapter 17: Ahch-To Rey prepares to exile herself on the planet of Ahch-To like Luke Skywalker before her

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Chapter 18: Last Stand of the Resistance The Resistance prepares their fleet to battle the Final Order while Finn addresses his fellow former stormtroopers

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Chapter 19: The Emperor’s Final Order Rey confronts Palpatine as the Resistance arrives on Exegol

Chapter 20: Desperate Measures Finn and his team of former stormtroopers must improvise their mission as Palpatine attempts to sway Rey to the Dark Side

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Chapter 21: Fire in the Sky The Resistance attempts to take out the Final Order’s communications signal for a desperate attack

Chapter 22: The Dyad Ben Solo fights to help Rey in time before she is sacrificed to Emperor Palpatine

Chapter 23: The Tables Turn The galaxy answers the call of the Resistance, but will it be enough to defeat the Final Order?

Chapter 24: Rise! Things look bleak for Rey, Ben, and the Resistance. Can they turn it around or will the Final Order reign?

Chapter 25: The Final Fall of the First OrderTheMillennium Falcon searches for Finn and Jannah amongst the confusion as the Resistance mounts one more desperate attack against the First Order

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Chapter 26: The Belonging You Seek Rey and Ben share a moment of intimacy and learn the true depth of their Dyad

Chapter 27: Celebration The victory at the Battle of Exegol is celebrated

Chapter 28: The Story Lives Forever Life goes on after the Battle of Exegol

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Finn spills the Black Book of Captain Phasma over drinks with the Resistance. (Ongoing)

  • Chapter 1: Wanna Hear a Story? Finn spills the Black Book of Captain Phasma over drinks with the Resistance.
  • Chapter 2: Inspection! Phasma inspects more than Finn’s weapons during a routine inspection

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  • Chapter 3: Phasma Fux Hux General Hux bites off more than he can chew when he orders Captain Phasma over to his private quarters for a pegging session
  • Chapter 4: Rewarding the Troops Phasma celebrates with her loyal stormtroopers following a First Order victory

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  • Chapter 5: Phasma’s Phantasy As Kylo Ren recovers from the Battle of Starkiller in the Supremacy’s medical bay, Phasma takes the opportunity to indulge in a sexual fantasy about the Master of the Knights of Ren

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  • Chapter 6: Dark Reign A tie-in chapter to the darkfic “Dark Reign”, General Phasma visits Empress Kira Ren, the former Rey of Jakku, at the Fortress Ren on Mustafar

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Rose Tico: A Star Wars StoryA long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…Directed by Rian JohnsoRose Tico: A Star Wars StoryA long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…Directed by Rian Johnso

Rose Tico: A Star Wars Story

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…

Directed by Rian Johnson

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