#kpop requests

“A classic is a вooĸ that doesn’t have to be written again.” -W.E.B Du BoisRequested Moodboard: Book

“A classicis a вooĸthat doesn’t have to be written again.” -W.E.B Du Bois

Requested Moodboard: Books x Jungkook

@glasses_anonHello!! So this took forever and I hope you don’t mind me setting a filter over it… the color theme of the bottom right picture of Kookie didn’t sit well with the rest and it bothered me so much <.< Nevertheless, I’m so sorry for taking this long! My midterm exams aren’t over yet but I’ll be catching up with my 50 requests soon <3 please be patient~

Post link

DK: The8, wanna hear a joke?

The8: ?

DK: What do you call a fake noodle?

The8: Um… what?

DK: An impasta! ROFL


*many shrieks later*

News Reporter: Breaking news, a corpse was discovered this morning-

BTS MTL Likely to Like a Bookworm


Rap Monster








This is my personal opinion. It may or may not apply to real life.

Rap Monster andJungkookwould love to have a well-educated, witty and intelligent person as their romantic partner; they would be able to indulge themselves in the world of knowledge and fantasy and be able to converse with their s/o accordingly.

JinandJiminwouldn’t mind if their s/o was a bookworm, but it’s not a preference of theirs either. They would just crush on a sweet girl who takes care of them well and provides a home-like vibe.

VandJ-Hope would probably prefer a louder, more boisterous girl, however, if the person they like was a booklover, they wouldn’t stop liking them all of a sudden. And for V, if you’re a bookworm who selects comics to read for your own pleasure, guess what? He’s totally down for someone like that.

Sugawouldn’t care. He’s the one I see as the most flexible and versatile in all of BTS (with J-Hope coming in as a close second) and I can honestly tell that he would date all kinds of people, if they don’t annoy him. 

EVERYONE I totally forgot to work on my research for my journalism assignment and spent all my time on here

WITH THAT SAID are there any of my readers here that have an interesting/high-stake/unusual job or an activity that they did or is doing? It could even be as simple as an Amazon worker during the pandemic!


I need to cover a story on a person in action & I can’t believe I spent on my time here writing requests LMAO I can’t with myself agsgdkskd


Mafia!Zuho x Female Reader AU

SF9 Masterlist

Main Masterlist



(1/3 of the unpublished SF9 Mafia drafts)

Summary: Left alone by your mafia boyfriend who headed to a meeting with the Chinese mafia, you were in dire need of attention and entertainment. So you decided to leave the confines he had set up and venture out to find the perfect entertainment.

Genre:Dark? Slightly suggestive? 

Warnings: Sadistic themes, violence, blood, and death. Proceed only if you are comfortable with reading darker fictional pieces.

Word Count: 1.8k

A/N: This work is purely fictional. Events and details portrayed in it are also fictional and should not be taken seriously as they are violent and illegal. 


It was a late Friday night and you were left alone in the spacious penthouse. No drinks. No entertainment. No Zuho. You couldn’t bear the boredom anymore and took a cab to your favorite nightclub.

You stepped into the luxurious venue and felt a sense of freedom. For weeks now, Zuho has left you alone in his penthouse as he went off to do whatever business he had with the mafia. At first, you loved that you captured the heart of the deadly, sadistic mafia leader. But every now and then, you loved being the stubborn bitch that defied the mafia leader even more.

Unlike Zuho’s fellow gang members, you got away with whatever you did. If a gang member did as little as forget to properly greet Zuho, he will die in the blink of an eye. You, on the other hand, had an advantage. Even if you attacked the bodyguards he sent to protect you and headed to a nightclub for fun, Zuho wouldn’t dare hurt his precious lover.

You knew Zuho had the biggest soft spot for you and you always used that to your benefit. After all, what can get any more fun than teasing the most dangerous man on Earth? And deep down, you knew Zuho loved how sadistically stubborn you could get. It was as if he was staring at his own reflection. In all honesty, that was how you charmed the menacing man in the first place. So tonight, you will show Zuho just how charming you can get.

The nightclub was packed with people as usual and you made your way to the bar. “Miss y/n. I don’t see Zuho here tonight.” The handsome bartender commented as he started making your usual cocktail. He placed the drink on the marble countertop and chuckled to himself, “I guess it’ll be another night of trouble then.” You winked at him and grabbed the Moscow Mule before you spun around in the expensive barstool.

You crossed one leg over the other, perfectly showcasing your bare leg through the slit of your sultry, silk dress. Your eyes scanned the venue for your prey before your peripheral vision caught the shadow of your boyfriend. You slightly tilted your head to the left and saw his cold, indifferent expression. You laughed to yourself. His quick appearance at the club only meant one thing: your beaten-up bodyguards have reported back to him about your whereabouts. Quite frankly, you expected him to arrive later since he just had a meeting with the Chinese mafia in Shanghai. 

Zuho nonchalantly walked to the VIP corner with his eight loyal members by his side. Your eyes followed your boyfriend as he took off his expensive coat and threw it on the velvet sofa. He sat manspread on the luxurious furniture, making eye contact with you, and tapped his lap. You smirked and stared back with a mischievous glint in your eyes. It was obvious what your boyfriend’s intentions were. His seated position served as a warning to you: Come sit on my lap and stay out of trouble. He wanted everyone in this club to know who you belonged to but you weren’t just going to give him the satisfaction, especially not after he had left you alone for more than a week in boredom. 

You broke the staring contest with him and scanned the crowd once more. Your eyes landed upon a decent-looking man with an aura of conceit and patriarchal pride. He was sitting at one of the tables for non-regulars, which caught your eye. You smiled to yourself knowing he probably had no clue who your boyfriend was. He was drinking with his friends and arrogantly talked down to the women around him. His eyes met yours as you smiled seductively and winked at him. You shall be my prey tonight. 

Just then a tall figure appeared by your side and ordered the bartender in a firm voice, “Bring the heaviest malt whiskey to the boss’s table.” The man turned his head towards you and continued to tell the bartender, “The boss is going to need something strong tonight.” Your eyes never left the prey who got up off his seat and started to make his way towards you. The tall man beside you chuckled, “Go easy on him y/n. We just got back from a long-ass flight. The next thing we need is a puddle of blood on our hands.”

You got up from your seat, ready to lure your prey into the trap. “Oh I’m sorry to hear that, Inseong.” You turned to the tall man and feigned sympathy, “Then I guess I’ll have to take him someplace more subtle.” You smirked at him and whispered, “Please relay that to your boss, thanks love.”

With a wink, you pounced on your prey with a confident stride and wrapped your arms around his neck. You dragged him to the dance floor and whispered into his ears while making eye contact with your boyfriend who sat in the corner with an amused expression, “Hey handsome. Let’s take this to the private room, shall we?”

The oblivious man agreed almost immediately and placed his hand on your lower waist, guiding you to the private lounge rooms. Before you disappeared into the room, you glanced back and saw Zuho with the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up as he emptied the glass of liquor in front of him. You chuckle to yourself and dragged your prey into the room.

Once the door shut, you lightly pushed the man onto the couch and smirked at him. “You look like you work out. Do you?”

He chuckled in response and arrogantly said, “Of course I do baby. How else does a handsome face like this have a body this amazing?” You laughed with him as he began stripping the clothing from his upper body. Slowly, you made your way toward him and scanned his body. You chuckled in approval and sat down beside him. The man looked at you with a sly grin, “What’s wrong baby? Shy?” 

You chuckled at his words and leaned into his ears to whisper to him. “Me? Shy? Never. Are you ready to play a game?” He nodded eagerly in response and you smiled, “Good!” You grabbed a wine bottle on the glass table and poured yourself a glass. You casually leaned back against the couch and gave him a heads up in amusement, “Start getting your muscles ready, big boy.” He looked at you in confusion before the door violently swung open.

The half-naked man flinched at the sudden barge in and yelled at the intruder, “Who the fuck are you? Get out! Can’t you see we’re busy?”

The intruder didn’t respond and you giggled, “How was Shanghai, Taeyang?” The man responded with an eye roll as the man beside you turned to you in confusion. Taeyang stepped aside and Zuho walked into the room with a hint of anger in his expression at the visual in front of him. “And who the fuck are you? That dude’s lover? Get another room!” The man beside you angrily spewed and this time you doubled over in laughter as he impulsively yelled at your boyfriend.

Your eyes followed Zuho as he turned to the entrance and spoke with Taeyang. “Watch the door,” he commanded in a deep, menacing voice. The man obeyed immediately as Zuho turned his attention back to the two of you and shut the door behind him in an eerily calm way.

His sleeves were rolled up and you saw the veins that ran along the side of his arms. He clenched his fist at the sight of you sprawled on the couch and you winked at him in response, “Hey boss, what took you so long?” You teased him. He let out a deep chuckle, “His blood is on your hands, kitten.”

You amusingly gave him an “okay” gesture with your hand before the man beside you stiffened. Zuho pulled out a knife from the side of his belt and replied sarcastically, “I came in such a rush I forgot to bring a gun. But this will do right, kitten?” You chuckled and turned to the man next to you who was now profusely sweating, “Game on!”

The man held his hands out in defense and stuttered, “W-wait man! I d-didn’t know s-she was yours. Look, t-this was a mistake p-please let me go.”

Zuho smirked and replied darkly, “You should’ve thought twice when you decided to touch something that wasn’t yours.”

As your boyfriend pounced on the defenseless man, you sat on the couch with your arms crossed and scoffed, “I’m not yours. If I was, I would most certainly not be babysat by your boring bodyguards for almost two weeks with no entertainment.”

Zuho scoffed in disbelief as he swiftly slit the man’s arms and stabbed him in the leg. “Is this enough entertainment for you?” The man was now crawling on the floor and you looked down at him indifferently. You shrugged, “I guess.”

Your boyfriend let out a deep chuckle and sat down beside you, placing the knife coated in blood on the glass table and took the wine glass from you. He kissed your soft, liquor-coated lips and said in a deep, amused tone, “Sober up kitten. I’m too tired from the flight so you’re finishing the game.”

You rolled your eyes and grabbed the bloody knife on the table. Zuho stared at the sight in front of him, immensely turned on by his girlfriend nonchalantly harboring a weapon. You gazed into his dark, lustful eyes with a sly grin. “Since when did alcohol influence my aim?”

The man on the floor reached the entrance and started desperately pounding on the door. You turned to the scene and chuckled in amusement as Zuho pulled you closer to his body. His breath tickled your ears as he whispered huskily, “Finish the game, kitten.”

“As you wish.” You sent the knife flying across the room and onto the wailing man’s heart as the pounding and screams disappeared.

You felt your boyfriend’s bloody hand touch your cheek as he turned you to face him. His thumb caressed your soft skin as he praised, “Where did I find such a beautiful person like you?”

You smirked at him and in a flash, he pushed you onto his lips as your equally bloody hand reached for the back of his neck. You sighed into the kiss and mumbled, “I missed you so much, Zuho.”

He chuckled and grabbed your hand from behind his neck. He intertwined his fingers with yours, pulling you up off the couch. “Let’s go back to the penthouse shall we kitten?”

You eagerly nodded and headed out the entrance. On your way out, the both of you stepped over the lifeless figure and out the door. You turned to the man guarding the door and said amusingly, “Sorry for the mess, Taeyang. Have fun cleaning it up!”


Request: Yes I’ve been wanting to request for so long! Can I get a bts reaction where the reader has a crush on them but they like her best friend instead?

F/N= friend’s name


Before, you would have thought of Jimin as your best friend. And sometimes, you even thought he might have liked you back. But that was before you introduced him to F/N. It started slow, they started to text, and then call, and then hang out. Now you were shocked, sitting in the living room when Jimin announced to you and the other members that he was dating F/N. The members all cheered for him and started bombarding him with questions of when they’d gotten together. You were quiet, still in shock of what you had just heard. You asked Jimin if you could talk to him for a second, and he agreed. You stepped into the hallway, leaving the excited members in the other room.

“You never told me you liked her..”

“Sorry, I guess I just didn’t want you telling her.” He chuckled in a lighthearted tone, but your face didn’t show any hint of humor.

“It would have been nice to know.” You said rather curtly. You didn’t mean to sound so upset, but you truly were. He raised an eyebrow at your tone. “Why do you care so much?”

“Because i-” You stopped when you realized you had raised your voice, letting out a frustrated groan instead of finishing your sentence. You shouldn’t say this here, the walls were thin and you were sure the others would all hear you. “Nevermind. I have to go, I’ll talk to you later Jimin.” You shook your head and said one last thing before you left. “I am happy for you. Really. I hope you are too.”

You’d gotten home and cleaned up when you heard your phone vibrating from an incoming call from Jimin. You ignored it, and a few seconds later it buzzed with a message from him.

“Hey, it’s Jimin. Sorry I didn’t realize what was going on sooner but I talked to Jin hyung and he made me realize why you reacted that way. Call me back when you have the chance, I want to make sure you’re okay.”



“Three, two, one!”

All different voices from different people, but the words are said at the same time. And then in one synced movement, all arms go up to raise their glasses full of sparkling champagne. “Happy New Years!”

You grin with excitement, the happiness of everyone in the room contagious. You spot other people in the party pulling their partners into a kiss, just as you feel an arm around your shoulder. You turned to see Namjoon standing there, he says something but you don’t hear him. Because when you turn around and look past Namjoon, you see Taehyung with his lips pressed to f/n’s. The happiness you’d felt moments before leaks out from your system, the room suddenly feels smaller.


You snap out of it and turn to look at Namjoon who looks worried. “Huh?”

“I asked if you’ve seen Taehyung.”

“Oh.. there.” You point a finger in his direction, Namjoon turns and whistles.

“So he finally did it huh? That’s my boy!” Namjoon is smiling when he turns to look at you but notices that you look miserable. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. I think I’m going to head out now. Thank you, and the rest of the guys for inviting me to the party. Happy New Years.” You gave him a small smile before brushing past him and the other people in the crowd, until you reached the door and left. Taehyung talked to you the next day, about how proud he was that he made a move and how this year would be amazing. You just smiled and nodded. All that mattered was that he was happy.

“You okay?” He asked when he noticed something was off.

“I‘m great, Taehyung. Happy for you and F/N as well.”

“Thank you. I can’t thank you enough for introducing me to F/N. She is truly amazing.”



You talked to Jungkook as he walked you home, showing him the concert tickets from his favorite artist you’d been up all night waiting for. Jungkook just gave you a half smile as you spoke. “It was kind of hard to get them, but it was worth it. And hey I know you love this artist too so I thought, let me get two and we can go together!” You smiled up at him, but upon seeing his lips pulled into a frown and a worried look in his eyes, your smile faded. “What’s wrong?”

“I am very thankful that you got those tickets for me, really. Thank you Y/N.” Jungkook said as you both stopped in front of your door. “But.. I kind of already got tickets to go with F/N. I’m sorry, I wish I would’ve told you sooner..” He said while scratching the back of his neck. You deflated, trying not to show the extent of your sadness on your face as you looked down.

“I should have told you some things sooner too.” You muttered, not realizing what you had said until you said it. Your eyes widened as Jungkook gave you a perplexed expression. “Like what?”

“Uhm.. nothing. I hope you have fun with F/N, maybe I’ll.. ask one of the members to come with me.” You smiled a bit sadly at him as you opened your door. He only gave you a wave before you disappeared inside. Jungkook did a lot of thinking about what you said, and you received a call from him later that night.

“Y/N, I need you to be honest with me.” He said. “Did you uhm.. ever have feelings for me?”

Your eyes widened. “If you want my honest answer, I still do Jungkook.”

“I wish you would have let me know before.”

“You’re in love with F/N, aren’t you?”

“… I am.”

“I hope everything works out between you two. Between you and me, I think she really likes you too.” It went quiet for a while, and then you sighed “I have to go to bed now, I have work. Goodnight Jungkook.” You hung up before he could say anything. Jungkook sighed as he set his phone down, smiling at the thought that F/N might like him. But his smile faded the more he thought about you. He felt guilty that he hadn’t returned your feelings sooner, but he couldn’t deny how much he wanted to be with F/N. Perhaps some things just aren’t meant to be.


Request: Yes I’ve been wanting to request for so long! Can I get a bts reaction where the reader has a crush on them but they like her best friend instead?

a/n I felt this

F/N= friend’s name


Your birthday fell on the same day as your best friend’s, something you’d never had a problem with. In fact, you loved it. You’d both celebrate together and have a grand time, celebrating both equally. But that day, you had work. So you called her early morning to tell each other your happy birthday’s and wish each other a good day.

You got out of of work earlier than expected and called Jin to see if he wanted to come celebrate with you for a while. He didn’t answer any of your calls, or your text. You figured he might be in practice still. Just then Taehyung called you, and you picked up.

“Hey Y/N! I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!”

“Thank you Taehyung. Is practice going well?”

“Practice? We didn’t have any.” He said. Your heart dropped.


“Yeah! I got to rest. I would invite you over to the dorms so we could celebrate but I’m sure you already have plans. And Jin is out celebrating F/N’s birthday, so we won’t even be able to go out and buy a cake! That would be so unfair.” Taehyung moped. You couldn’t say anything. Jin was celebrating F/N’s birthday, he hadn’t even sent you a message..

“Oh! I have to go. Jungkook is stealing my snacks. Goodbye Y/N, happy birthday!!” Taehyung hung up. You put down your phone and let out a shaky breath. That was okay, good for her. At least one of you was having a good birthday. You were still awake late at night, staring at your ceiling after spending your birthday alone. When all of a sudden you got a call from Jin.


“Hey Y/N! Sorry I’m late, I knew you were at work. Happy Birthday!” Came Jin’s happy voice. You didn’t say anything.


You don’t know if it was the exhaustion, or sadness, or both that caused you to say what you said next. “I’m in love with you, Jin.”

The other line fell silent for a long time “.. I asked F/N out today.”

“Oh. What did she say?”

“She said yes.”

“That’s good. I’m happy for you.”



“Well.. I have practice tomorrow. And I think you have work. You should get some rest, goodnight Y/N. Happy Birthday.” Jin waited to see if you’d say something, but when you didn’t, he hung up the phone. You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh,

“Yeah, Happy Birthday to me.”



You knew from the moment you introduced them, that you had messed up. Because you saw the way Namjoon’s eyes had lit up when he saw her, and the way he blushed when she shook his hand. But it was too late, you knew the moment he laid eyes on F/N that you had lost him. He started to ask you to hang out a lot, but, he didn’t just ask for you. He asked for F/N to come with. And when you made excuses and said she couldn’t come that day, he would reschedule. Even if you said that you could still come, he would aim for a day when you both could. Eventually, you asked him if he liked her. He fessed up and admitted to you, that he did indeed have a crush on her. So you did what any best friend would do to see her friends happy, you set them up.

You had come with her to the dorms when Namjoon decided to confess, as moral support in case something went wrong. But on the car ride there, F/N confessed to you her own feelings for Namjoon. Now your hopes really were crushed. When you finally got there, they got to talking and it wasn’t long before Namjoon asked if he could talk to her privately. Yoongi found you sitting on the living room couch, staring at the ground.

“Everything aright?” He asked. You jumped in surprise and looked up at him. “Huh? Yeah I uh.. I was just leaving.” You stood up.

“Didn’t you come here with F/N?”

“I can walk home, it’s not that far. Tell them where I went, please.” You smiled at him but he stopped you with his next words.

“.. you wanted it to be you right?”

Your eyes widened, wondering how he knew about Namjoon and F/N. But then you remembered they’re all very close and joon had probably talked about it before. You looked down and shrugged a shoulder. “Yeah. I did. But I’m glad he’s happy. That’s what matters.”

“You’re a good friend.”

“Thank you. I should get going now. Goodnight Yoongi.” You went home after that. Namjoon texted you later asking if you’d gotten home safely.

“Yep. How did everything go with F/N?”

“Well.. let’s just say, I’m no longer single :)”

“Yes! I’m so happy to hear everything went well!”

“I’m happy too. Thank you so much for introducing us, I owe you one.”

Little did he know how much you wished you never had.



“Wow.” You said as you finished reading the lyrics that Yoongi had handed you. He looked up to see what your reaction would be, a faint hint of red blushed over his pale cheeks. “What?”

“These lyrics are amazing.” You said breathlessly. “Like seriously, this is lyrical poetry. The way you talk about the person in these lyrics.. gosh. It’s amazing. Really, I have no other words. You really outdid yourself Yoongi.” You said. Yoongi’s lips parted, exposing his gummy smile at your words.

“But.. there is one question I’m itching to ask.” You told him.

“What is it?”

“Who are these lyrics about?” You dared not to get your hopes up when you saw his flustered reaction. There’s no way these romantic lyrics were about you right? But oh, how you wished they were.

“That’s a secret.” He said.

You don’t know where it came from, but you suddenly got a surge of confidence. “I have a secret too. If I tell you mine, will you tell me yours?” You asked. He considered this for a second, then smiled and sat so he was facing you. “Okay Y/N. What’s your secret?”

“I like you.” You couldn’t believe you had just said that, and immediately regret it. You wished you could stop time and rewind, just by a couple seconds. A couple seconds and you could have saved yourself. The expression on his face changed to surprise, but not what you would consider pleasant surprise. It was a nervous surprise, the kind where your brain can’t think of an excuse fast enough. His mouth opened, but he didn’t say anything for a long time until he looked at the ground.

“Those uhm.. those lyrics are about F/N.” He said before clearing his throat. It went deadly silent.

“I’m sure she’ll love it.” You whispered, so quiet you weren’t even sure if he’d heard you. “Its beautiful. This will make her very happy, I know it will. She’s a very, very lucky g-girl.” Your voice cracked and you felt the first hints of tears, cursing silently at yourself. You couldn’t cry right now, this was not the time or place. “I’m sorry I have to get home. I have to be up early.” You handed him back the lyrics and ran for the door before you could embarrass yourself more than you just had. “Wow. Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong.” You thought to yourself as you headed towards the door, running smack into someone as you tried to exit the building.

“Whoa- oh! Sorry Y/N.” Your friend smiled at you. “I was just going to go see Yoongi. But since you’re leaving it must mean he’s busy or going to rest? I can come back tomorrow..” She said but you smiled and shook your head.

“No, go in. He’ll be so happy to see you.” You watched as her face lit up, then watched as she ran into the building. You waited until she was out of sight to finally let your tears come. She was a lucky girl indeed.



“This is a secret you can never, ever tell anybody. Okay?” Your best friend Hoseok whispered, the bonfire illuminating his face.“Okay.” You smiled, looking over at the other members and F/N who were sitting at the fire and too busy chatting to hear.

Hoseok glanced back at them briefly, then cupped his hands over his mouth. 

“I like F/N.”

Your smile disappeared, but only for a second before you faked it back into existence. “ You know what? It’s kind of obvious that you like her.” You said, then laughed at the fearful expression on his face.

“Am I really that bad at hiding it?” He asked. 

You nodded. And it was true, he really was. It was so painfully obvious he liked her, more so painful to you. The moment his crush started, was the same moment that your own hopes were crushed. You had liked Hoseok for ages, and he had fallen the second he was introduced to your friend. You would be lying if you said that you didn’t regret introducing them to each other. You saw the way that you became replaced in his life, he looked at her in a way he had never looked at you. But what could you do? You wanted them to be happy.

“But I don’t think that should be a secret.” You smiled, his eyes widening at what you were implying. “You should tell her. “

“Should I ask her out?” He asked you. And you told him to go for it. “Do you think she’d say yes?” And you told him she would. You watched the way he blushed, watched the look of determination that formed on his face as he stood up to go talk to her. He turned and started to walk towards her, you sighed.

“I would say yes too.” You said in a hushed tone, but he was already asking her.


Hey Everybody,

I was completely overwhelmed with the number of requests and type of requests that I was getting so as of now I have deleted all of my previously received requests. However, not every request is completely gone, I have a request for Niki, Treasure’s Doyoung, and Yuta that I am not giving up on just yet, I just haven’t been able to properly brainstorm for those. Requests will be different.

1. Requests are open for every group but I will only be accepting a certain number of requests for each group. If you want a request for a group that is not on my master list check out my bias list, those are groups/soloists that I am comfortable with writing about.

2. Smut requests will not be accepted if they are anon. With this, I will not be posting the ask as to keep whoever sent it private, this is so if any part of the ask is confusing or conflicting I can easily just message you and check with you about it.

3. Asks need to have a member, and a slight plan. Requests such as ‘Yuta having sex with ex’ will be deleted. I love that you trust me to give you something good with such little information but less information that I have for the request the harder it is for me to write.

4. My usual request rules still go, and if you have any questions or concerns about what I will or will not write check out my Kink and Angst link as those have my hard stops and what I am okay with them.

Thank you for being patient with me guys, so sorry for the wait and my hiatus I just needed to get my thoughts together and this is the next step for my page. Thanks for sticking with me

//  Hii could you please do a BTS reaction to their child looking just like them and nothing like their s/o ? Thank you // 

Kim Seokjin


Jin would absolutely adore that his child would look like him and never once try to hide his excitment from you. Day to day he’d slightly tease you with the fact that your child got all the ‘good genes’ 

“He’s already got my looks. Do you think he’ll have my luck with the ladies, too?” 
“So non basically?” 
*exhales* boii.

Min Yoongi


Yoongi would secretly admire the fact that your child would look a lot like him but would never tell you because he knows how upsetting it must be for you. He’d only ever tell you how lucky he is about it whenever you two have a heated argument and he needs to silence you.

“He’s got the pretty looks from me. So will he get the temper from you?” 

Kim Namjoon

Of course he’d find it exciting to see your son grow up and resembling him more & more every day but he’d find it sad that he got absolutely nothing from his mother. Knowing how sad it’s making you, he’d try and lift up your spirit,

“Maybe we should try for a babygirl. Maybe she’ll look like mommy.”

Jung Hoseok

Hoseok would always try and ignore the fact that his baby resembled his father alot and not pay much attention to the fact. You wouldn’t mind because you know that he’d grow up to become a handsome devil like his father. One day, when you catch your son’s first smile, you’d turn to him and he’d finally admit to it,

“Look, now we’ve both got our own little sunshine!”

Park Jimin

He’d be so excited about the fact that his little munchkin resembled him a lot and always wake up wondering if he’ll one day look exactly like his father. He’d never admit it to you to not let his ego show but whenever the two are alone, he’d whisper to his champion how proud he is,

“You’re so handsome little man, just like your daddy.”

Kim Taehyung

He’d never hide how proud he is of his little champion and would always remind you that your son looks a lot like his daddy, leaving you quite annoyed every time. When you tell him that you’re pregnant with a baby girl he’d just say,

“Maybe she’ll look like me too.” 
“Oh the poor girl…”

Jeon Jungkook

He’d get so excited once he actually realizes that his son looks nothing like you, making you regret your decision of telling him in the first place. He’d instantly compare his baby photos with his and get himself more excited by seeing the pictures,

“He already looks like me. Maybe…” 
“He’s got your ego too?” 


Requests open!

Hi loves! My requests are open for the following:

-Blurbs/Drabble game







Please send in your requests thanks!!



  • JinWoo is kinky as all hell;
  •      I mean, his type is someone with a face like a “puppy”;
  •           I’m sorry but if this doesn’t scream kinky then what truly does?;
  • He’d love to make you cry when making love to you;
  • You should absolutely expect hair pulling, biting, scratching and teasing;
  •      basically in that order, perfectly;
  • However, in reality, this information would be a big surprise for you;
  • In his every day life, JinWoo would be the cutest, calmest little thing;
  • You two would seem like high-schoolers in love, all innocence and bashfulness;
  • Even before you’d discover JinWoo’s “final form”, you’d see a bed full of rose petals, some sexy music in the background and scented candles to set the mood;
  •      he’d even ask you, all innocently, if he’s not over-doing things, which would make you feel empowered initially, as you thought that he was much more innocent and sensitive than yourself;
  •           however, you were very much wrong;
  • He’d slide your clothes off quickly, almost to the point where you’d be confused as to how that happened;
  • He’d sit you on his lap, just at the edge of the bed, as he’d kiss you, and then you’d know that what you’ve known of JinWoo was barely one side of the coin, and in fact, the empowerment from before would slowly slip away;
  • His fingers, all too confidently, slip into your hair, getting a loose grip so as not to hurt you, and pulled your head back, so that your neck would be exposed to his lips, or rather teeth and he’d bite and nibble, only leaving marks where he could see them;
  • While his lips and teeth admired your torso and neck and lips, one of his hands slid between your legs, caressing your folds, making you jump in surprise, gripping his shoulders tighter;
  • He’d push his fingers into you slowly, picking up his pace along with the movement of your hips;
  • When he’d be done, he’d bring his fingers to your lips, silently expecting you to lick them off, staring at you with eyes full of fire, a blush on his face and a bulge in his pants;
  • After that everything would be a blur;
  • He’d get rid of his clothes just as fast as he did of yours, and you were almost certain that he ripped off a button of his shirt in his disheveled hurry;
  • You’d expected him to be much more patient, yet there was none at all;
  • Apart from the fingers he inserted into you earlier, there was no more foreplay, and he simply pushed into you with one thrust;
  • It hurt like hell, and your nails would draw blood from his shoulder blades, yet he seemed to enjoy it, biting into the space between your shoulder and your neck;
  • Your first time with JinWoo would end up being a big, desperate mess that was all hissing and striving for control, although you were losing that battle miserably;
  • Even as you were riding him, your hands on his pale chest, pushing him down into the bed, it was clear that he had the upper-hand, his palms on your waist, guiding your hips to his own rhythm, leaving bruises with his hard grip;
  • As he noticed how your thighs were shaking from the strain of too much excitement, he’d flipped you over,driving into you with no pauses;
  • He’d cum first, but the sensation of that final thrust would send you over the edge just seconds after him;
  • Fair to say, the morning after that was just a little difficult to manage, and the teasing texts from your boyfriend while you sat squirming at work were definitely not helping.