#kylo fanfic

 “Sympathy for the Devil” Chapter 4The Force feels no guilt. The Force has no mercy. The “Sympathy for the Devil” Chapter 4The Force feels no guilt. The Force has no mercy. The

“Sympathy for the Devil” Chapter 4

The Force feels no guilt. The Force has no mercy. The Earth has been drowned.

And Kylo Ren is born.


 Art by me.

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Short Shorts

Kylo Ren x reader

Kylo Ren x fem!reader

word count: 1.4k

warnings:possessiveness, kylo ren can be a bitcontrolling, jealousy, reader and kylo are married, small violence, sexual enticement, angst with fluff at the end

a/nlmao i barely get any notes on kylo ren fics but i absolutely love writing them. dont hate on me i have a cut out in my bedroom. everything in italics (on a single line most of the time) are inner thoughts that kylo can read. just to clarify :) [in adidas, with some short shorts]

summaryKylo and Y/N get in a fight after Kylo has a long day at work


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read time: 5 mins 7 seconds

After hours on the finalizer… your time to wind down. 

Taking off the corsets, the heavy rings, the elegant headpieces, heavy dresses, the excessive amount of makeup and turning into your old self again. You yearned for the end of the day to just be comfortable again. Soft, cotton shirts. Soft socks. Your favorite pair of shorts. 

Sure, they were a few years old. Sure, you’ve grown a substantial amount since you had bought them in…

Your second year of pilot school? Nearly 8 years ago?

You could definitely call them more than a few years old. But you didn’t care. They fit you perfectly. Held all your curves perfectly and accentuated your favorite feature about yourself. Kylo certainly didn’t mind them. 

He was so obsessed with everything about your being. He was lucky to have you. He loved when you showed off yourself, but only for him. You knew if you ever stepped foot out of his quarters in those shorts, you would be promptly dragged back in within the second. 

It’s probably why he had asked your designer to dress you more conservatively. All the long sleeves, turtleneck dresses, the long ones especially. You had appearances to keep up with. You were his Queen after all. He didn’t control your fashion, he didn’t dare. He knew you were too strong headed to ever let him do that, and he wanted you to be your own. But, you were also his. The flowy dresses were to only be worn on your private vacations to Naboo. You loved a good leg slit in your dress. You also had a beautiful neckline you liked to decorate with fancy necklaces and brooches. But the Empire seeing their Queen in booty shorts? You would be the talk amongst everyone for months. 

It was the least to say that Kylo had a love/hate relationship with those shorts.

And you sure put him to the test.

Kylo had come home in a particularly bad mood that night. You could tell when his demeanor was off. He ate dinner silently. Didn’t change out of his work clothes until the second he started getting ready for bed. No synopsis of his busy day to you like he always did. 

You were sitting on the bed removing your rings when you heard a large smash from the bathroom. “Kylo?” you yelled, rushing in to find your toothbrush holder smashed into pieces. 

“What the hell!” you yelled, grabbing his hands immediately. You inspected them, there was no cuts. “What is the matter with you? Hm?” you asked, now scraping the bits of what was left of the holder off the counter. 

“Your…was in my…” he muttered. “What?” you asked, looking at him with a strange look. “You toothbrush,” he sighed. “What about it?” you questioned back, hands on your hips. “Your toothbrush was in my hole!” he yelled. “Your hole? This is what your mad about?” you yelled at him. He stormed out of the bathroom. 

“You do NOT just get to walk away!” you yelled, following him. “You do not need to take out your bad day on me.” 

Kylo was pacing the kitchen, hands on his head. You were taken back by his sudden demeanor. His breathe was increasing and you could see the hair clasped between his fingers. 

“Hey, Kylo, stop.” you said calmly, wrapping an arm around him. You placed your head and another hand on his chest. His heart was beating rapidly. 

He was accepting to the affection at first, but then clicked. He pushed you away, and headed back into the bedroom. You chased him only to be met with a locked door. 

“Let me in!” you yelled, pounding on the door. You could hear more noise coming from the room. You just prayed he left the room mostly salvageable. You didn’t feel like having to get maintenance over here again to build you a whole new wall. That hope failed when you heard the buzz of the saber. You decided to step away from the door and sit against the wall adjacent. 

You cringed at the noises coming from the room. After minutes of listening to his tantrum, you were fed up. 

“I’m fucking leaving!” you yelled, smacking your feet on the cold floor. You heard the ruckus stop, but that didn’t stop you. You slammed the door shut and waltzed your way down the hallway. You got about to where the hallway joined with the main one when you heard a door slam down the hallway. 

Unfazed, you turned down the main hallway. You found a patrol of Storm Troopers passing. They all were shocked to find you, and gave each other odd looks before one addressed you as “Your Majesty.”

They all took their mandatory bows once they realized it was you, waiting for you to pass by them. 

You chuckled to yourself at their confusion. They had no clue who you were. Your makeup and clothes were so much of an altercation to confuse the very people you ruled over. 

You listened to their feet stomping on the floor in unison. About thirty seconds later, the faint footsteps stopped. 

“Supreme Leader,” you heard them faintly say. 


You picked up your speed, eager to make it to the mess hall to find something to eat. That hadn’t been your destination this whole time, but seemed like a good place to go that he wouldn’t suspect. 

Turning corners, rushing past night workers and more Storm Troopers patrolling. 

You finally saw the signs for the mess hall. You sighed in relief, craving an apple or maybe a glass of juice. When you turned into the large doors, you ran right into a large chest. 

One you recognized all too well. 

He promptly picked you up and swung you over your shoulder. You kicked and resisted, but he was too strong. 

Passing Storm Troopers ignored the Supreme Leader as he walked down the hallway back to your quarters. 

How did he know where I was going? you thought to yourself, now more annoyed he was holding you in such a way. 

“You forget,” he reminded you. 

You sighed. God fucking dammit.

Once you reached your quarters once again, he threw you down on the bed.  The room was in pieces, leaving the bed only untouched.

“You-” he yelled, pointing his finger down at you. His face was red with anger. “How dare you leave our quarters in such… fashion.” 

What, you didn’t want the Storm Troopers seeing my ass? Grow up.

“I am grown!” he yelled. “You are NOT to ever do that again. You are mine. Only mine. Nobody else should be able to see you as such. Only ME!” he yelled. You scoffed.

You sound like a fucking child.

“I’m the child? I am protecting my slut wife from the eyes of these people! Who don’t deserve to see their Queen as such.” Kylo spit. He was blinded by anger.

“Don’t call me a slut.” 

Kylo then realized he had crossed a line. “Get the fuck out.” you said calmly. He was at a loss for words, staring down at you. “Get the fuck out! Now!” you yelled, pushing yourself off the bed. You started pushing him back, punching on his hard chest and crying. 

“No, no.” he whispered in regret. “I… stop.” he said, grabbing you with his arms and holding you close to him. “I went too far… I am sorry.” 

You finally stopped hitting him. Your sobs increased. You then reluctantly wrapped your hands around his large waist. “Forgive me. Please, love.” he begged. You looked up at him. His anger was gone, and it was turned into regret. “You are everything but a slut. I-I am just jealous. I hate the thought of those Storm Troopers looking at you. Knowing how beautiful you are. They saw what was mine. Only mine,”

You sighed. You both knew damn well you were walking down those hallways purposely swinging your hips. Making him jealous. 

“I really am sorry,” Kylo sighed, taking your head into his hands. They seemed small compared to his size. 

He then look like he remembered something. He let go of your face and reached back into his robes. He then took your hand and placed an apple in it. 

“Like you wanted,” he said, walking around the bed to his side. You set the apple down on your nightstand and joined him in bed. 

“I’m sorry.” you whispered, curling up into embrace. “I am only yours.”


tag list: @slut-for-matt-murdock@dani5216@uwiuwi@alohastyles-x@samanthacookieone@maddieinnit0
