#lady dimitrescu

This is the cover artwork for the upcoming fan fiction “Song to the Moon” written by Lad

This is the cover artwork for the upcoming fan fiction “Song to the Moon” written by Lady Valentine (Tumbrl|Twitter(@1ady_valentine) | AO3(lady_valentine)).
Starting in March you can expect 10 chapters with an emotional & nerve-wrecking story about Miranda, Alcina & Alex Wesker with illustrations for every chapter. ❤️

Summary: “After Spencer’s death in 2006, Alex Wesker contacts Mother Miranda to make her an offer she can’t refuse. Driven by her desire to get her daughter Eva back, Miranda finds herself in a moral quandary and puts everything else alive that she holds dear at risk … First and foremost Alcina, with whom she has a troubled past. Is Miranda pinning her hopes on the right person, or will she lose everything in the end?”

Chapter 1 comes out on March 1!

For more info follow me here or on Twitter (@ZerOneSplashArt) and/or follow the author @1ady_valentine on Twitter.

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Seems like Alcina had a wonderful Valentine’s morning … Happy Valentine’s Day to

Seems like Alcina had a wonderful Valentine’s morning …

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone and especially our beloved lovebirds ❤️ ~

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The holidays are over and today is the last festivity the family traditionally spends together ❤️ As the New Year dawns, “something” blocks the view to the fireworks …

Have a good start into 2022!

Cass had told Dani many times, Santa isn’t real, but her little sister wouldn’t listen.

Cass had told Dani many times, Santa isn’t real, but her little sister wouldn’t listen. So she showed her…

Happy Holidays to all of you! ❤️ Have a wonderful time.

RE8 Xmas Series: Part 5  

Previous:Part 1 | Part 2  |   Part3  |   Part 4 

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commission of lady dimitrescu c:

commission of lady dimitrescu c:

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i think if you aren’t absolutely deranged about at least one (1) fictional woman you should go ahead and make that a personal project

Thank you Lady D for shaking me out of my art block (for now)

Thank you Lady D for shaking me out of my art block (for now)

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1-50         51-100

101. “Why are you so stubborn?”

102. “Look at all the fucks I do not give.”

103. “I’m here now.”

104. “You’re crazy.” “And so what if I am?”

105. “I have a plan.” “Do you, do you really?”

106. “Will you just give me a minute?”

107. “Please, do leave.”

108. “You seriously thought I would let you win.”

109. “I don’t belong to anyone else.”

110. “Kiss me like you mean it.”

111. Its easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.”

112. “I can’t help it when you’re all I think about.”

113. “I never said I wanted this.”

114. “I’m having a hard time processing all of this.”

115. “What have you done.”

116. “How did we end up here?”

117. “You don’t have to do this alone.”

118. “I wanna feel something.”

119. “What if I’m the one we need saving from?”

120. “You left!”

121. “Do you have any idea on what you’ve done?”

122. “It feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders and I don’t know what to do about it anymore.”

123. “The world could be burning and I still wouldn’t give a fuck.”

124. “All I ever wanted was to be happy, but it appears that’s too much to ask for.”

125. “I wish I could say there was a way to make this all better, but there’s not.”

126. “You took my heaven away and didn’t think that I wouldn’t go looking for revenge?”

127. “So, you kidnapped me.”

128. “Is that a threat?” “Its a promise.”

129. “I don’t think you want to give me a reason to go off the deep end.”

130. “If this is what love is, than I don’t want it.”

131. “I know you are awake.”

132. “Oh yeah, and what is it that you’re going to do to me exactly?”

133. “You’re going to be the death of me, you know that right?”

134. “I don’t think you realize just how tempting you are.”

135. “Do your worst.”

136. “Mind if I join you?”

137. “You should wear my clothes more often.”

138. “Not everyone is out to get you.”

139. “I’d like to see you try.”

140. “I don’t have time for this.”

141. “Make me.”

142. “That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”

143. “We’re not just friends and you know it.”

144. “Going somewhere?”

145. “Stay, please.”

146. “Will you just look at me?”

147. “Do you want me to leave?”

148. “Will you hold me?”

149. “Give me a chance.”

150. “I’ve loved you for a thousand lifetimes and I will love you for a thousand more.”

If you are under the age of 18, DO NOT use any of these prompts for smut purposes, you will be blocked if I see it.

One more set of promts for a little variety!!!

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND IF YOU ASK FOR READER, I WRITE FTM READER (I am trying to make some of them as gender neutral as possible, but that’s what I write so )


1) “How could you do this to me?”
2) “If you want to leave then leave! Go on, I wont stop you!”
3) “I wont let you get away with this!”
4) “I can’t believe you trusted them!”
5) “Leave before I change my mind!”
6) “I swear to god if they die I’m going to kill you!”
7) “They trusted you! I trusted you!”
8) “You lost them? How do you lose a whole person!”
9) “You’ve been lying all this time?”
10) “I don’t ever want to see you again!”
11) “Because I’m still in love with you!”
12) “Was anything you said real?!”
13) “I’m nothing like you!”
14) “You can’t protect me forever!”
15) “I’ll never tell you where they are!”
16) “You’ve never cared about anyone but yourself!”
17) “They’ll find me and you’d better pray you’re not here when they do!”
18) “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to do this!”
19) “How could you be so reckless?”
20) “You took everything from me and now it’s my turn to do the same to you.”

1) “You’re so fucking gross, dude.”
2) “I hate spending time with you guys.”
3) “God I can’t fucking stand you.”
4) “Oh my god I think one just fucking touched me!”
5) “You two are the worst!”
6) “Oh please don’t eat that.”
7) “Ugh, you smell like my grandma.”
8) “Wash your hands!”
9) “Why are you like this?!”
10) “Please, for the love of god, do not explain any of what I’m seeing.”
11) “Oh wow, did not need to see that!”
12) “Holy shit, is that a tattoo?”
13) “Our father isn’t here so who exactly were you calling Daddy at two fifty-seven this morning?”
14) “I would rather eat glass for the rest of my life than eat whatever this is.”
15) “Oh my god, I think it just moved.”
16) “You smell like cheese.”
17) “You call this cooking?”
18) “Oh god I think it’s looking at me!”
19) “I don’t even want to know.”
20) “I can’t tell if I’m crying because I think this is sad or if the way you smell right now is just burning my eyes.”

1) “Are we going to die?”
2) “If we die just know I love you.”
3) “I don’t want to go, please don’t make me go.”
4) “Do not make a sound.”
5) “I think they’re here.”
6) “Stay very still, okay? They’ll see you if you move.”
7) “Don’t breathe, be very quiet.”
8) “They know we’re here.”
9) “Behind you.”
10) “Wake up, please wake up!”
11) “I’m scared.”
12) “I think there’s someone in the house.”
13) “If you’re there, then who’s downstairs?”
14) “Just stay on the phone with me, please?”
15) “Stay awake, okay, we’re going to get out of here. Just stay awake for me.”
16) “You can take me instead, just please don’t hurt them.”
17) “I know it hurts but you need to just keep your eyes on me and breathe, okay?”
18) “What do you mean they’re not there, I thought they were with you!?”
19) “Lock the door and no matter what you hear, no matter what you see, do not open the door.”
20) “I don’t think I can do this without you.”

1) “I’ve loved you since the day we met.”
2) “I missed you so much.”
3) “You did all of this for me?”
4) “You brought me food?”
5) “Hey, would you still love me if I looked like this?”
6) “I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you.”
7) “Hey! I may be a dumbass but I’m yourdumbass!”
8) “Run away with me.”
9) “Your mouth tastes really bad but I still love you.”
10) “Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
11) “I wouldn’t trade waking up next to you every morning for all the money in the world.”
12) “I hope our kid takes after you.”
13) “You even look beautiful when you’re about to kick my ass!”
14) “You’re dressed in a hot dog suit, but you still look like an angel.”
15) “I once listened to you absolutely destroy the bathroom of an Applebee’s and then greet every table you were serving with a smile and that was when I knew you were the strongest person I’d ever met.”
16) “You once watched me spill doritos on the floor, eat them, and you still came over and kissed me after you brushed your teeth. If that’s not love I don’t know what is.”
17) “I’d kill for you, not like a lot of people. Maybe like six or seven, but that’s definitely more than I would kill for myself!”
18) “I don’t think I’d ever give you a whole kidney or something, but you could definitely have part of my liver if you ever needed it because I heard those grow back.”
19) “I’ve never wanted to lick the buffalo hot wings sauce out of someone’s mouth but here we are.”
20) "I love you so much and I would do anything for you, but if you ever ask me to tell them to put pineapples on the pizza ever again we’re fucking done.“

1) “They’re good for me, better than you ever were.”
2) “Do you miss me like I miss you?”
3) “I’d give anything to take it all back.”
4) “I’m leaving.”
5) “Please, no, please just listen to me!”
6) “Do you hate me?”
7) “I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I feel like I can’t even breathe without you!”
8) “You can’t take back what you did.”
9) “You lied to me. I trusted you and you lied to me.”
10) “Were they worth it?”
11) “Please don’t go.”
12) “I know I shouldn’t still want you but I do, I want you so bad it hurts.”
13) “I need you, I can’t do this without you.”
14) “I think you and I should spend some time apart.”
15) “I always knew you’d break my heart, I just never imagined it’d be this way.”
16) “I can’t do this anymore.”
17) “I just want you to be happy, even if it’s not with me.”
18) “Promise me that if I don’t make it back that you’ll watch out for them.”
19) “Do me a favor, tell them I love them.”
20) “I love them, more than I ever loved you.”

1) “Jesus Christ, you scared the hell out of me!”
2) “You’re what?”
3) “What do you mean it broke?”
4) “Oh my god, it’s just what I wanted!”
5) “You got this for me?”
6) “You’re got what stuck in your WHAT?”
7) “The doctor called while you were out, why didn’t you tell me you went to the hospital?”
8) “Oh my god, your bleeding!”
9) “I know this is a really bad time but if I don’t blurt it out now I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell you. I think I’m in love with you!”
10) “Christ! What happened to your eye?”
11) “You’re seeing who now?”
12) “You weren’t supposed to be back for another three months.”
13) “How do you just find a baby?!”
14) “Why do you smell like a dumpster, and if you say you were dumpster diving I swear to god.”
15) “What the fuck is that? No, no, absolutely not, we’re not keeping it. No way, uh uh, not happening.”
16) “Oh my god is that a dog?! Did you get us a dog???!!”
17) “I thought you said you were never coming back?”
18) “Why didn’t you tell me it was contagious before I drank after you?!”
19) “What do you mean you got the bottles mixed up, they we’re very clearly labeled POISONandNOT POISON!! Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck, okay, here’s what I want you to do!”
20) “Honey, baby, sweetie, would you please tell me why you’re holding the biggest alligator I’ve ever seen in my fucking life in our living room?”

I’m having serious writer’s block for the AlcinaxTransReader stuff (I have one request I’m filling from asks, but I’m seriously blanking on the rest) so to try to get me back into writing, send me a prompt and which characters and I’ll do a lil one shot for it.


Hey, so y’all remember this post?

Yeah so … found out this is a thing today:

Excuse me while I put every one of her lines in all three of my fics into this thing.

Oh look at these two fun AlcinaxTransReader projects I can take my time on and enjoy!

*my gremlin brain*: what about a modern day human AU fic


I had a horrible head cannon and now I’m adding it to Little Dragon.

If I have to suffer, you all have to as well.

I’m like … really sad that I don’t have another chapter of The Dragon’s Den to write.

As I sit here writing this smut chapter my brain decided to fuck me over:

Brain: You know audio books, yeah?

Normal Me: Mhmm

Brain: What if you had to read this for an audio book …. with Maggie Robertson

Me: *deeply considers deleting the whole thing and burning my laptop*

Alcina Dimitrescu x Fem!Reader: don’t know where (don’t know when)

Summary: You find yourself somewhere impossible to imagine. A place you can’t really understand nor pinpoint. As you walk through the halls, things begin to make sense, but there is a detail you’ve latched onto–where is that singing coming from and why does it feel like home?

A/N: Again, I’m not back. But I posted this on AO3 a week or two ago and thought I should post it here too.

The inspiration for this fic came from this Tiktok by euphxricedits:

If you’d like to hear what I did while writing and get into the same mood, google the solo & echoed version of Vera Lynn’s “We’ll Meet Again,” specifically the Far Cry 5 audio.

Please let me know what you all think

Tag List:@multifandomfix@ghostsunderstoodmysoul@escapetodreamworld

Warning(s): Blood Mention

Something was odd about the halls you roamed. A minor detail out of place, altered just so that it was hidden from your mind. It didn’t matter, not really. Your feet carried you where you needed to be regardless.

If you thought about it… where were you going?

An echo through the halls touched your ears. It bounced from the walls, still decorated in their ornate golden filigree, boasting violent splashes of color. You paid them no mind. The voice haunting the halls called to you. It wrapped around your wrist, a thin red thread drawing you forward.

Keep smiling through, just like you always do…” It called.

The husky timbre crooked a finger beneath your chin, leather on flesh. Your lips pulled up in a smile. Measured steps came to a halt, though your torso leant forward, chasing the warm feeling around you. It retreated and forced you back into action.

Your skirt brushed to and fro at your ankles. Bits of torn lace caught unpleasantly, you knew better than to let it stop you. How long had you been moving through these halls, following the calls of a familiar voice? You couldn’t remember where you’d begun.

Tell them I won’t be long…” Your siren’s crooning continued.

Is that how the song went? Surely there’d been a few lines before that—a beautiful collection of lyric and pitch you must have missed.

The halls dragged on before your eyes. Too long and yet, just as you remembered. That couldn’t be right… hadn’t you felt that something was off? A miniscule detail only you’d pinpoint? You shuddered like a chill passed through you, but you weren’t cold.

A draft always traversed the Castle, yet you felt only content. Not too hot or cold. The lack of consistency caused you to stop short, eyes darting around.

At your feet lay shattered porcelain. Lifting your left foot, a shard protruded from the arch. No blood decorated the would-be wound. Though there werered stains against the edge of your skirts. Pools of the same substance dotted the carpets, smeared against the walls. A limb lay discarded beneath a chest only a few feet away.

You should feel the icy grip of fear, a tense stirring in your limbs. It never came.

We’ll meet again. Don’t know where, don’t know when….”

Looking up from the shattered vase, a door stood closed a hundred feet before you. You didn’t remember it being there before. Despite that, you knew the owner of the honeyed tone lay beyond it. Your chest finally ached in want. You moved, unseemly surroundings forgotten.

The knob turned beneath your palm with ease. As it drifted open, the faint strum of strings grew in volume, a comforting light encasing your view. There she was. Your siren, the trilling goddess you’d searched for.

You stepped through the door and found yourself surrounded in color. Her eyes never left your own. Before they’d been dull, not quite the vibrant golden they were now. How long had you wandered alone, devoid of the warm color only her presence could bathe you in?


Her hand was outstretched, lips moving, though you couldn’t hear what they were saying. The porcelain skin of her palm beckoned you. She was a beacon of warmth, safety, love. Your most dear Alcina—your sun, casting you in an unbending glow.

Three forms sat with their backs to you before the stage where Alcina stood. You recognized their outlines, stopping only for the briefest of moments, running a gentle hand over their heads. Teeth glinted back from beneath dark hoods. Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela—safe.

Alcina’s finger crooked in your direction, her perfect crimson lips pulled into a smirk. Still they parted around words you couldn’t make out. It didn’t keep you from her as you rushed forward, nearly tripping over your own feet if not for the invisible force keeping you upright. Perhaps it was her gaze. Her strong, glowing eyes, so full of love. Did she see the same reflected in your own?

You placed your hand in her’s, her large fingers curling around your smaller ones. Wetness pooled in your eyes. She curled you into her soft frame, burying her nose in your hair. A single kiss was pressed to your temple.

She swayed you for only a moment before you heard it again; the gentle accompaniment of instruments. It still echoed in the large room, but it was warm this time. You had everything you had been searching for. Alcina’s lips parted at your ear and you could finally make out her words, the gentle vibrato lulling you into an eternity of peace, “…We’ll meet again, some sunny day.”
