#ldr love

ldr loveldr love

Our Long Distance Love

Though I may cry and though I may weep;
I know you may be far but in my heart I shall keep.

Thoughts of you have made my days bright;
I wish to kiss your lips and hold you tight.

I know, at times, I can be hard to understand;
With all of the wonderful things I know is at hand..

Why should I let tears fall from my face?
Why not a smile to wear in their place?

Because I need you here and in my arms;
Because I know in your love, I shall never no harm.

Because as I lie in bed these countless nights;
I wish and I pray that I could take flight.

Over the miles that come between;
Over the fields and across every stream.

That I could rest soundly within your space;
Gaze into your eyes and caress your face.

Whisper my love into your ear;
Tell you all of the words I’ve wanted you to hear.

But then I awake, alone in my bed;
Thoughts, all of you, running through my head.

I know that someday my dreams will come true;
I wish and I pray that “someday” will be soon.

You are my one and only, love
This is the one thing I couldn’t be more sure of.

I’ve waited my entire life for you;
What’s a little more time, for something so true?

But I cannot promise that I never shall cry;
On those nights, to you, that I wish I could fly.

After being together for almost three years with my boyfriend. I came to understand what a relationship really is. You don’t have to have an intimacy bonding every single day just to be happy together and feel loved. You don’t have to have sex or make out evey single day just to be happy in a relationship. It is about loving and taking care of that person you love for who he/she is deep inside and not from the outer. It is about making each other happy, making jokes that doesn’t make sense and laugh till your stomach hurts. Being really comfortable with each other. Support each other physically and mentally in everyday life. I have withness an old couple myself who haven’t make love since their first child was born till they grow old but they are still happy being with each others presence. What’s their secret? It is not about sex and making out every single day. It is about making each other happy, enjoy their love ones presence around them, being grateful for having their love ones still alive in this world with them and never expecting too much from their love ones. Don’t expect too much from your love ones in your relationship because the more you expect, the more unsatisfied feeling you will feel when you did not get what you expected. If both of you ever got into a fight, do not completely ignored each other as it will only make a relationship worst. Sit down and discuss that matter calmly with your love ones. Try to understand and situation and forgive them based on the relevant of the situation.

Hey guys! My blog is open to submissions or questions if you do have one. I may take some time to reply as I am busy with school and studies. You can submit your long distance story. How you met your love ones or what you guys did when you first met, how it feels. ANYTHING. You can also submit a picture of you and your love omes with your own story. Its totally fine! If you have like a YouTube video of long distance relationship, you can share it too but please stated what that video is and the title. Keep it clean guys!!

You know its really hard especially when it comes to time difference in a ldr. My boyfriend and I were 6 hours difference and to me thats already sorta hard for me. I can’t be able to imagine those strong couples out there with more than 6 hours difference because it would be so much harder. You have to find the right time to talk in a day you know? I think mostly of the ldr usses text more than Skype. Maybe because some of you are busy with work or school? But when the time comes where you’ll be able to skype, you’ll have this feeling of pure joy inside you. “I’LL FINALLY BE ABLE TO SEE AND LISTEN TO MY BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND’S VOICE”, screams by your heart. You know. I don’t care if its just a few minutes or an hour a week, but being able to see you and listen to your voice is the happiest feeling ever.

I knew I loved him.

My boyfriend and I got into a small argument a few days ago. I was needing reassurance and I have trust issues. I broke down, sobbing and absolutely manic over something so small. I didn’t want to lose him. I love him so much. Finally, I looked him in the eyes and apologized. I loved him before, but I knew I loved him when he did this:

It was late and I was exhausted so I went to sleep in our bed. He thought it was best for him to sleep on the couch. Before he left, he covered me up with the blankets, kissed my forehead and said “i love you”. Later on I woke up and found him sleeping next to me. I knew I loved him before we had an argument and I knew I loved him after. One single “fight” could of blown out of proportion and lead to us potentially breaking up. In a relationship, shit gets hard. It’s not always sex, cuddling and lovey shit. Sometimes you have to be an adult and apologize. You have to move on. You have to push past it.

Tonight just confirmed why I love you so much. You allowed me to be upset and to get angry. But then you helped me to focus on the good that happened today. You refocused me and grounded me. I went from being upset on the verge of tears to smiling all in one conversation. This is why you are my person and why I hope to marry you one day. Because no one else can calm me the way that you do. Hold me the way you do. You are 9,000 miles away and you still ground me and fill my love tank. You are absolutely amazing and the one for me. Thank you for being my person.


I just wish I could delete the distance between us..


Covid has kept me from my love for 7, almost 8 months. There’s no end in sight and my heart is breaking.
