#long distant couple


Love in Covid-19 times

I wonder if missing you has turned into physical pain. I feel a new pain every day. 

Yesterday, as I tried to sleep, my back ached. I missed having your arms around me and feeling that feeling of home that I only feel when your skin touches mine. 

I woke up with a horrible headache today. But this is not new for me. What I miss though is having you caressing my hair slowly and telling me everything will be ok. I miss the way you always massaged my temples trying to make it better and a minute later told me I should go see a doctor. How stubborn I am and how much longer would I wait to check this? That I couldn’t dare die on you. 

I don’t think the headache will kill me. Maybe the heartache will. 

I miss your smile, your voice, your smell. I miss the sound of your laugh and the sight of you covered in flour everytime you cook. I miss the happiness in your eyes whenever the pans are on the fire and that cute little dimple that your biggest smile brings out. I could spend hours just looking at the three little moles and touching your nose. Crazy, I know, but you know I love your nose and all those small things that make you, you. 

I try and tell myself that I still see your smile, that I still listen to your voice through video everyday. How privileged I am to live in a world that has the kind of technology that allows me to see you and talk to you everyday.  Two days ago I swore to myself all I wanted was to hold your hand. If I could just hold your hand for a few minutes things would feel less painful. This is something I try every few days, to convince myself I don’t want much. But missing you is making me greedy. I always get tired of the lies and scream back at myself that NO, I want a lot more than just holding your hand. I want to hold onto you until you get absolutely tired of me. God, I miss you!

It hurts. More and more everyday.

Love in Covid-19 times

I’ve sent him a text in the middle of the night telling him how I felt anxious

How I felt sad

How much I missed him and how I couldn’t take it anymore.

The next day I felt miserable

I called him

He said: “You can’t let the quarantine beat you. You need to own it. Go back to the begginin of it, when you had DIY projects and things to learn. It doesn’t have to be the same way but try to find the energy.

Today you and I are going to bake bread. ”

And just like that he brought me back.

And just like that I felt like somehow he was right by my side.

After being together for almost three years with my boyfriend. I came to understand what a relationship really is. You don’t have to have an intimacy bonding every single day just to be happy together and feel loved. You don’t have to have sex or make out evey single day just to be happy in a relationship. It is about loving and taking care of that person you love for who he/she is deep inside and not from the outer. It is about making each other happy, making jokes that doesn’t make sense and laugh till your stomach hurts. Being really comfortable with each other. Support each other physically and mentally in everyday life. I have withness an old couple myself who haven’t make love since their first child was born till they grow old but they are still happy being with each others presence. What’s their secret? It is not about sex and making out every single day. It is about making each other happy, enjoy their love ones presence around them, being grateful for having their love ones still alive in this world with them and never expecting too much from their love ones. Don’t expect too much from your love ones in your relationship because the more you expect, the more unsatisfied feeling you will feel when you did not get what you expected. If both of you ever got into a fight, do not completely ignored each other as it will only make a relationship worst. Sit down and discuss that matter calmly with your love ones. Try to understand and situation and forgive them based on the relevant of the situation.

Hey guys! My blog is open to submissions or questions if you do have one. I may take some time to reply as I am busy with school and studies. You can submit your long distance story. How you met your love ones or what you guys did when you first met, how it feels. ANYTHING. You can also submit a picture of you and your love omes with your own story. Its totally fine! If you have like a YouTube video of long distance relationship, you can share it too but please stated what that video is and the title. Keep it clean guys!!

My biggest respect to all the long distance relationships that can’t see each other because of the corona virus. You’re gonna get through this. Stay strong.

theangstybaker:It’s me and my BABYI love her so much you guys dam


It’s me and my BABY

I love her so much you guys dam

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Even a thousand miles

can’t keep us apart

Cause my heart is

wherever you are
