#lgbtq equality


Stand up against “Don’t Say Gay” laws that several states within the USA are trying to push through- they’re insidious.

It’s way beyond LGBTQ erasure. It’s more than than isolating LGBTQ students, teachers, and other members of society and putting them at risk of discrimination, violence, suicide, and disenfranchisement to the fringes of society. “Don’t Say Gay” laws are designed not to protect children from “inappropriate material”, they’re actually a direct effort to prevent the educational process necessary to change society to end discrimination and violence, particularly Transgender discrimination. Only education at a young age can achieve this goal.

Something I said last year in a post about the racial hate that’s been flaring up here, discusses the process:

“Racism, just like homophobia, is going to take decades and decades to be reduced by education and creating new standards. We can’t flip a switch and make everyone’s deeply rooted beliefs change. It’s learned, passed down generation to the next, from family and community.(https://mysterioususerx.tumblr.com/post/646005364447428608/two-weeks-ago-i-answered-an-ask-about-why)

Eliminating LGBTQ history and other educational programs and content stops this process dead in its tracks at a key critical moment in our history. It’s an effort to stop Transgender rights from happening.

STAND UP AGAINST “DON’T SAY GAY”! Our future and survival are depending upon it! And this goes way beyond the United States: as one of the most influential countries on the planet, we’re setting global precident too. 

Oh oh ohhh this is so not cool. I can’t believe they’re going there. A jaw droppingly LGBTQ hate and racist kind of not cool.

Florida governor DeSantis is directly targeting Disney World for being conspicuously LGBTQ equality supportive, and throwing the weight of his office to take them down for it… and more than that, if you read his written statement to his supporters, it’s racist too.


The “Don’t Say Gay” laws that DeSantis is fighting dirty for are laws aimed at making it illegal to even mention the existence of LGBTQ people in schools, including giving guidance, protection from bullying, and emotional support to LGBTQ children, and erasing all LGBTQ history from being taught or discussed in schools. Beyond safe sex and inclusiveness- Pride and Stonewall civil rights history? It would be illegal to discuss. The very local Pulse massacre? Illegal history too. “Help- I’m gay and my dad is beating me…” pleas from children to teachers or guidance counselors? Illegal too.

